v13 Chapter 85: Kill Wu Yang (second more)

Wu Yang's "Lu" smiled: "Then destroy their source, so that they can't make the so-called shit‘ solution ’.”

"What are you going to do?" Storm Girl asked.

"How to do it, this is very simple. This small island is called Alcatraz Island, right, then we will destroy it." Wu Yang's face stunned.

Xiao mischievous nodded and said, "It should be like this, otherwise we thought we were bullying."

"Um." Stormwind nodded.

Professor X smiled and said, "Since you have already decided to do so, then do it. I am not going to blend in."

"It's noisy outside." Katie frowned.

Indeed, there were noises from outside, seeming to be whispering something.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "It seems that we all want to see their queen queen, let's go out and see."

Wu Yang went out and saw five or six thousand people gathered outside, his head moving. All the mutants here are happy, all of them look angry and want to go desperately.

"Who are you? How do you stay in the adult's home?" Some mutants called.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "I'm Bai Hou's good friend. What do you have?"

"We want to see the lord Hou Bai, we can't stand it anymore." The mutants cried.

After the white Queen and the Devil Girl came out, all the mutants shouted excitedly when they saw Bai Hou: "Master Bai Hou, Master Bai Hou will lead us to level humans, Master Hou ...

Bai Hou shouted, "Noisy, please quiet me down."

All the mutants were silent, and their eyes were staring at the white back.

"What happened? Are you so excited?" Baihou asked.

"Master Bai, humans have invented an injection that can suppress the mutation of human genes, which can make mutants become ordinary people, and prepare to force all mutants to accept injection" shot ".

Stormwind whispered, "I already know."

"There are projections everywhere, I know it's normal." The Demonic Woman whispered.

After hearing this news, Baihou said faintly: "I thought it was you. I wasted my expression and disturbed me to study the Phoenix Egg."

"Master White, lead us to a decisive battle with humanity."

"We will swear to follow Lord Bai Hou."

"Master Bai Hou ..."

Baihou looked at all of this, secretly boring in his heart, and yawned, "I know everything, I know, be quiet."

Storm Girl, Little Naughty, and Katie are silently looking at Bai, this guy does not seem to be attentive at all, the whole attitude is perfunctory.

Bai Hou waved his hands and said, "Now that you are all here, I want to announce something now."

"Master White, are you ready to lead us to attack humans?"

"It must be so, Master Bai Bai is wise."

Bai Hou shouted, "Shut up, dute! Could you let me say it?"


"Yes, yes, sir Baihou, you said, you said ..." All the mutants were scared, all bowed their heads.

Bai Hou came to Wu Yang's side, and pushed Wu Yang forward a few steps, loudly: "Now introduce you to a person, he is called Wu Yang, and he will lead everyone from now on."

"What ?!" All variants froze, and then opposed them.

"Master Bai Hou, what a joke? We don't even know what Wu Yang is. How can he lead everyone?"

"That is, we only need the leadership of adults."

"Master Bai Hou, don't abandon us."

Bai Hou shouted, "Be quiet, be quiet, let me tell you the truth. I'm only working for Wu Yang. He is the leader behind him."

"Master Bai Hou, whether it's business or not, we just listen to you."

"Master Bai Hou killed this Wu Yang. Only you are the best leader."

"Kill Wu Yang, kill Wu Yang, kill Wu Yang ..."

There was a burst of noise, and all the mutants had the expression of wanting to make Wu Yang a thousand swords.

Bai Hou smiled slyly: "Wu Yang, I can't do anything about it. I will solve it by myself. I will study the Phoenix Eggs. You will subdue them or kill them all."

After speaking, Baihou went into the house irresponsibly.

"Kill Wu Yang, kill Wu Yang, kill Wu Yang ..."

The Stormwind woman walked to Wu Yang and frowned. "What do you do now? They don't recognize you."

"If you really don't obey, then kill them all." Wu Yang 『Lu』 has a cruel smile.

"Don't do this, otherwise everything will be in vain."

Wu Yang smiled, "Just a joke, let them be obedient now."

An overwhelming and powerful momentum was released from Wu Yang's body, covering all the mutants in an instant, so that each mutant only felt his body sinking, as if pressed by the mountain, and caused a burst of fear in the spirit.

The sound of ‘kill Wu Yang’ disappeared all of an instant. All the mutants were trembling, their legs were bent, and they could kneel at any time.

Wu Yang shouted, "My name is Wu Yang. From now on, I will be your boss."

With the last word of Wu Yang falling, the momentum suddenly increased. All the mutants who were struggling to resist the oppression of the momentum had their legs softened and all kneeled on the ground.

Storm Girl, Little Naughty, and Katie all looked at them in shock. Wu Yang even made everyone kneel, which is an exaggeration!

Wu Yang took back the momentum, and all the mutants oppressed by the momentum were relieved, one by one, paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog, and less than a hundred people who could stand up.

Wu Yang said loudly: "I know you must be dissatisfied with me, that's okay, I like to convince people with reason, and I give you a chance. Come on, challenge me, whoever wins me will be the boss.

A few people standing said, "You talk?"

"Forget it, absolutely forget it."

"Okay, this is what you said. If we beat you, you'll leave here and let the white Queen lead us." One shouted.

Wu Yang nodded and said, "No problem, so who of you come first? Or, come together."

"I don't look down on people, Wu Yang, let me meet you." A very strong man, wearing steel armor with exposed meat, rushed towards Wu Yang like a rhino. ..