v13 Chapter 96: The great cause of the founding of the PRC (second)

"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang ..."

Three big ships, tens of thousands of mutants cheered loudly.

Everyone in the world can't imagine all this happening. In just a few minutes, this man named Wu Yang created an island, a huge island.

"Impossible, how did this guy do it?"

"It's hard to imagine. It must be dreaming."

"Is this guy God?"

The world is talking about this incredible miracle.

Wu Yang opened his hands and said loudly: "This island belongs to our mutants. This is the home of our mutants. Its name is 'Mutual Island of the Mutants'."

"Oh oh oh oh……"

Bai Hou shook his head and smiled, "It's so bad to name him."

"For many years, our mutants have been displaced and not recognized. All we get is discrimination and killing. We don't get the right to be a person." Wu Yang impassionedly said.

"Yes, that's right ..." Variants echoed.

"But from this moment on, all this will change." Wu Yang spread his hands and shouted.

Bai Hou smiled, all three ships broke down, tens of thousands of mutants levitated, and flew behind Wu Yang.

Wu Yang glanced at all the mutants behind him and said with enthusiasm: "Today, we mutants are gathered together to change all this unfairness."

"Oh oh ..."

"I, Wu Yang, announce here that the 'Mutual United States' is here!" Wu Yang raised his hands high.

All the mutants behind Wu Yang stumbled. The mutants are the United States? They mutate the country? !!

But just for a moment, all the mutants cheered, almost shouting, "Oh oh ..."

With tears in her eyes, the stormy woman said with excitement, "It's finally done."

"Wu Yang, you succeeded," said the Demon Wonder Woman, as well.

Professor X smiled: "Wu Yang, you have taken a step in history."

Bang bang bang bang ...

A huge burst of fireworks exploded in the sky, making a deafening noise. Of course, all this is done after nothing.

The heartbeat of all the people in the world has stopped for a moment, and the mutants found the country! !! !! The mutants found a country! !! !! God, God, God ...

The hiding mutants of all countries are completely moved. The mutant countries, they have established the country. Does this country need anyone?

Wu Yang shouted, "The United States of Mutants is a country that belongs to every mutant in the world. We welcome every mutant here."

"We mutants are never weak, but we have always been slaughtered by people. Why? Because we are not united, we are too scattered. To change all this, I Wu Yang cannot do it alone, and I need all of you."

"Come, come to the United States of Mutants, and build this country with me, Wu Yang." Wu Yang growled.


The mutants of various countries have excited expressions and hopes in their eyes. They must go to the United States of Mutants.

Wu Yang turned around: "Mother brothers, are you willing to become citizens of the United States of Mutants?"


"Very good! Are you willing to defend this country, protect this country, and love this country?"

"This is our mutant country. I am willing to fight for her, live and die!"

"If anyone dares to move our mutant country, I will fight with him."

"Our mutants have worked so hard to finally have a country, and I will swear to defend her."

"Desire to defend, swear to defend, swear to defend ..."

The mutants were shouting with arms raised, leaving tears of excitement and joy, tears in their eyes.

Wu Yang's hands squeezed. "Very well, I saw your beliefs and let us work together to create a better future for mutants."

Oh oh oh oh……

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Leaders of all countries, I know you are watching all this. I don't care what you think, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize this country or threaten by force, I don't care about Wu Yang."

"If someone comes to invade / offend us, I Wu Yang will let him know what is the disaster and what is the destruction."

In the White House in the United States, the president kicked a chair beside him: "Fuck, this crazy Wu Yang, I must destroy him, the mutant United States."

The Prime Minister of Japan: "It's crazy, but such a large island is very valuable."

Russian President: "Interesting, send the fleet quickly, this big island cannot let the United States take the lead."

"Chairman" of the Heavenly Kingdom: "Suddenly, such a large island emerged, and the whole world wanted to share a piece of it. Mutants or whatever, join the nations to destroy it."

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom: "Wu Yang is crazy, your country, a nuclear / bomb can be solved."

French President: "..."

Prime Minister of India: "..."

South Africa, Brazil, Argentina ...


Wu Yang raised a brow: "So I have to say so much, okay, now let's take a look at the construction of our mutant United States. I will let this live broadcast continue. Okay, please have our chief The scientist is white. "

"Hello everyone, my name is Bai Hou, and I am the chief scientist of the Mutant United States." Bai Hou flew to Wu Yang.

"The area of ​​the island underneath is not small. It has about 150,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to five times as many as the island facing Taiwan." Bai Hou introduced.

Bai Hou continued: "I believe everyone must be very curious. How can we live in such a large place without hair? Well, that's like everyone showing the technology of our mutant United States."

"Expand your eyes, and it's time to witness the miracle." With a wave of Bai Bai's hand, a large machine appeared in the air with hundreds of them.


Hundreds of large machines were scattered, flying fast on the island, and sprinkled a large amount of green light. ..