v13 Chapter 100: Steel Lux (three)

The Storm Woman and Devil Shaped Woman rushed out, and the Storm Woman shouted, "Well, you mutants, why did you assassinate Wu Yang?"

"Because he is destroying world peace, he has broken the stability of mutants and humans. He **** it."

The witch-shaped woman shook her head and said, "It seems that you really like to be dogs for human beings. You are simply not worthy of being mutants."

"Less nonsense. Wu Yang, today is your death, let's die."

One rushed to Wu Yang, pushing his hands toward Wu Yang, and a wave of cosmic radiation "shot" hit Wu Yang.

"Wu Yang ..." the storm woman called.

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, you just look at it. Such garbage can't hurt me."

Cosmic radiation "shot" waves hit Wu Yang's body.

"Wu Yang, you are dead."

"Dead? This is your ability? So disappointing." Wu Yang shook his head. "Go to death."

"Ah ..." A scream came out, and one exploded.

"Wu Yang, eat me a sun fire." A man with a flame on his body was heading for Wu Yang, and the temperature of his whole body soared to 6000 degrees.

The man hugged Wu Yang, "I will let you die under the sun, melt it."

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "Are you funny? 6000 degrees. If you want to melt me, let you see what is really high temperature."

The temperature of Wu Yang's body soared to 60,000 degrees in an instant, holding the mutant Sun Yang of Wu Yang, and called out in pain in an instant.

"How can this happen, ah ..."

In a blaze of flames, the mutant Sun Wu, who was holding Wu Yang, turned into an ashes.

Wu Yang patted the dust on his body and said with a smile, "Who else, come together."

"Let's go together."

The remaining seven mutants rushed towards Wu Yang together.

"You guys really make me uninterested. Let's die together."

The storm woman cried, "Wu Yang, leave one person alone, don't kill them all."


Wu Yang's figure flickered, six screams were made, and six people fell to the ground, blood flowing from his throat.

The mutants in the square shouted, "Master Wu Yang, kill them. They are not worthy of being mutants. They are just a dog."

The remaining one trembled and looked at Wu Yang. "Hate ..."

Wu Yang walked towards this person: "Don't struggle, you are not my opponent, obediently take off the veil on your face, and not rob."

"I fight with you." The man yelled, his body made a steel-like crisp sound, the whole upper body's clothes were stretched out, and "exposed" steel and "color" clothes.

Wu Yang frowned. "Ganglishi."

"Ah ..." Gang Lishi shouted, rushed towards Wu Yang, and punched Wu Yang.

Wu Yang grabbed this steel fist and clenched.


The storm woman cried, "Wu Yang, don't kill him."

With a push of Wu Yang's hand, Ganglisi flew out and hit a pillar, crushing it.

Steel Lux did not hurt, after all, it was all steel.

The Stormwoman ran over and asked, "Ganglishi, how could it be you? At the beginning, you should ..."

"Teacher Storm ..." Gang Lishi tore off the black "color" scarf on his face.

"It's you, why did you come to assassinate Wu Yang?"

"I can't help it, and I don't want to do it." Gang Lishi shook his head constantly.

Wu Yang walked over and smiled and said, "Do you still need to say this? It must be threatened."

"Wu Yang, I can't kill you, you kill me." Ganglishi lifted the iron and turned back to normal human skin.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "It's easy to kill you, but I'm curious enough to kill you like that, it's boring, let's say, who asked you to kill me?"

"I won't say." Ganglishi shook his head.

Stormwind persuaded, "Ganglishi, what's your problem, you can say it, we will help you."

"You can't help me, really can't help me ..." Gang Lishi's hands grabbed his hair.

"Specially, you are really in trouble." Wu Yang put a hand around Gang Lishi's neck and raised Gang Lishi, "looking at Lao Tzu's eyes."

A flash of light flashed into Wu Yang's eyes and entered Gangli's eyes.

A few seconds later, Wu Yang threw Gang Lishi aside, and said lightly, "I see."

Some Gangsters who were dropped on the ground stared at Wu Yang, "what did you do to me?"

Storm Girl asked, "Wu Yang, what do you know?"

"When the mutant school was bombed, in addition to us escaping, one person survived, and that was Ganges."

Gang Lishi smiled bitterly, "You all seem to know. Yes, I survived the bombing by using steelization, but I was also seriously injured and was arrested by Stryker and others and taken to the hospital."

"When I wake up, everything has changed. I'm really glad to see you founding the state on TV. But those people from the" government "let me mix here to assassinate you." Gang Lishi Shook his head.

Stormgirl frowned: "You agree?"

"Of course I don't agree, but I can't help it. They arrested my parents. If I don't assassinate Wu Yang, they will kill my parents." Gang Lishi cried helplessly, "I have no choice, I have no choice what……"

Stormwind sighed: "This is not to blame you."

"I failed to assassinate you. They will surely kill my parents." Gang Lishi smiled bitterly.

"Wu Yang ..." Storm Girl looked at Wu Yang.

"Master Wu Yang, help him." The mutants in the square were shouting.

Wu Yang didn't want to be so troublesome, but if so many people refused, the glorious image built would be ruined, so annoying.

"Everyone can rest assured. The parents of the mutants are innocent, and I will definitely help them." Wu Yangyi said eloquently.

"Master Wu Yang, you are the greatest, Master Wu Yang ..."

Among the cheering crowd, a woman "showed" a smile, "Wu Yang!" ..