v13 Chapter 104: Robot Logan (one more)

Wu Yang was walking in the hot magma, carrying the flashes of faintness and faintness. Everywhere he passed, the magma was frozen.

In the monitoring room, several people in military uniforms were staring blankly at the screen.

"Damn, is this guy human? Doesn't anything work for him?"

"This is the best opportunity. He must be eliminated here at all costs."

Wu Yang walked to the door made of Edelman alloy, smiled, and a white light flashed in his eyes.


The extremely thick Edman alloy door burst instantly, and the debris was flying everywhere.

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "I said, ah, can you make me happy, then I will be disappointed."

Wu Yang put the flash on her back to the front, and she had already inhaled the poison gas, and the situation was not optimistic.

"It's really helpless, who made me a kind person." Wu Yang's big mouth moved towards the flashing mouth.

That ’s right, what Wu Yang has to do is to **** out the poisonous gas that flickers. He was only trying to save people, not trying to take advantage of other girls, it was never the case.

Wu Yang kissed his flickering mouth and immediately started sucking, his face flushed.

Blinking eyes slowly opened, and found that Wu Yang was kissing her, with a force in both hands, he pushed Wu Yang apart, "What are you doing?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm helping you. You have inhaled the poisonous gas, and I can help you **** it out. This method can only be used." Wu Yang said helplessly.

The flashing face was "red" a little red: "I misunderstood you."

"It's okay, help others."

Blinking saw the broken Edman alloy door in front, his eyes widened: "Did you break this door?"


"Wu Yang, you are really amazing." Blink sighed.

Rumble ...

The ground was quivering, and three large iron **** full of spines rolled quickly from the front.

"Stand behind me." Wu Yang said lightly.

"Can you?" Blinking walked behind Wu Yang.

Wu Yang blinked, "There is nothing wrong with a man."

"Ha!" Wu Yang stepped forward and punched out.


The powerful force instantly exploded the first big iron ball, and the remaining boxing power destroyed the second and third.

After three large iron **** burst, three rockets blasted towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's brow frowned: "You are so annoying."

The three rockets reversed back, following the trajectory when they came, bombing back.

"Let's go." Wu Yang smiled at the flashing daze.

"Wu Yang, do you want to move on?"

"why not?"

"There are too many traps in this basement."

auzw.com Wu Yang said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, these things can't hurt me. Now that I've arrived, it's not my style to return empty-handed."

"Okay." There was a hint of complexity in his blinking eyes.

The two continued to walk a long distance and came to an empty place.

哐, 哐, 哐 ...

There was a sound of metal touching the ground.

Wu Yanghe blinked and looked at it. An alloy robot up to five meters in height appeared, holding a long Japanese samurai sword in his hand.

"So big robot." Flashed.

Wu Yang "Lu" smiled and said, "It's really a blood loss, and it's made of Edelman alloy."

"Wu Yang." A dark voice came out of the robot.

The metal shell on the robot's head opened, and it turned out to be a human head.

Wu Yang frowned. "Logan, it's you. You look really unsightly now."

"Wu Yang, do you know him? How is he on a robot?" Blink asked.

Wu Yang nodded and said, "He is Wolverine Logan. I didn't expect it to happen again. Logan, you have become a robot."

"I became what I am now, it's all you." Rogan screamed angrily.


"It's you. When you were on the dam, you just left like that. I didn't expect that I still existed, I'm not dead yet." Logan cried.

One hand of Wu Yang "touched" and "touched" the back of his head: "I'm so sorry, I thought that such a strong explosion happened, and I thought you were dead."

"Do you think I'm dead? You simply ignored my existence." Rogan growled loudly.

Blink shouted, "Who do you think you are? Wu Yang is not that kind of person."

Wu Yang said secretly in his heart: No, Lao Tzu is the kind of person.

Wu Yang did not care about Logan's life or death at the time. To be correct, Logan was dead or alive. It was a matter of concern, but I wasn't expected to be remembered now.

"Who are you? Is there a place for you to speak? Go to death, silly" force "a woman."

Rogan yelled, and a ruby ​​at the xiong mouth of the machine sent out a thick laser beam, "shot" towards the flash.

"Oh, Logan, when did you like to kill women?" Wu Yang grabbed the blink and jumped aside.


The ground blasted a large pit for the laser.

"Thank you ..." blinked at Wu Yang.

Logan looked at Wu Yang: "What about you who killed you? Wu Yang, you mean man."

"Why am I mean again?" Wu Yang "touched" and "touched" his nose with his hands.

"Wu Yang, what's the matter with my Yang committee? You made it, you made it." Rogan yelled, with strong shame in his eyes.

The blinking expression was strange: "Yang committee?"

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "Not me."

"Not you? How could it not be you? Other than you, no one else can do it. I was fine, jb was very good, it was you, it was you who restored the memory for me, and then withered, you said it was not you? How could it be! "

Wu Yang spread his hands and said, "It really isn't me. How could I do that kind of thing, and what good would it be for me to make you a Yang committee?"

"You're afraid I'll grab a woman with you. You know I like the piano, so my jb is wasted." Logan's eyes were red. ..