v13 Chapter 142: Use life in picking up girls (one more)

"Brother." Blinking endured the pain below and ran towards the front.

"Sister." Shine's brother welcomed Shine excitedly.

The two of them came together, and a flashing hand kept "touching" her brother's head, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Sister, I'm sorry for you, letting you pay so much for me, Brother Wu Yang, he, he ..." Brother Blink looked up and looked at Wu Yang in the air, sad.

Blink also looked at Wu Yang in the air, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes. As long as you come back alive, Wu Yang promises you whatever you want, you must defeat that guy.

In the air, Bai Hou smiled at Wu Yang and said, "You really are picking up girls with your life."

Wu Yang said indifferently: "It's just an arm, you know, it can grow out at any time for me. But with an arm that can grow back at any time, for a woman's heart, isn't it worth it?"

"It's worth it, after all, you got into the house and don't pay anything." Bai Hou smiled.

The sentry smiled and said, "Wu Yang, you are really a man of great affection, but does it make any sense?"

"For a silly" force "like you, of course, it doesn't make sense." Wu Yang disdain.

"I don't need to know such a meaning. I only know that you have one less arm and paid the price, and you only exchanged one waste, hahaha." The sentry laughed.

"Wu Yang, I thought you were so good at first, but now it looks like a fool." The sentry cried loudly.

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "Okay, no matter how much you say, you should know a few who are silly."

"That's right, let you see it." The sentry burst into a drink, his hands widening towards the rear.


A flood of white light erupted towards the surroundings, forming a huge white light group that swallowed up the surroundings.

The white light slowly dissipated, Wu Yang was still floating in place, and White was already ten meters away behind Wu Yang.

"It's really strong." Bai Hou said in shock.

"Hahaha, Wu Yang, did you see that? This is just the beginning, there are more exciting."

Bai Hou's eyes widened: "Wu, no, you are a sentry."

Not everyone on the island who stared at the real-time projection widened his eyes, and said in shock: "Why? How come there is another Lord Wu Yang?"

"That's not Lord Wu Yang, it must have been that guy's change. Damn, it turned into Lord Wu Yang."

"Abominable robot, this is blaspheming Lord Wu Yang."

The Storm Woman frowned and said, "It turned out to be Wu Yang, exactly the same."

"It is exactly the same without any problems. Whether it is" character "or expression, they can clearly distinguish the two, and I will not admit it." Xiao Naughty affirmed.

Katie nodded. "Me too."

Wu Yang looked at the sentinel who had become exactly the same as himself, and said, "How did you look like me? Do you think you are too ugly?"

auzw.com The sentry looked at himself, and smiled, "Because your body template is the most suitable for exerting the power of the three-ball cell, turning into your appearance, you can better exert your power. I don't like being like others, but as long as you disappear, I'm unique. "

"No, no, it's you who should disappear, and the battle has begun." Wu Yang sneered.

Wu Yang disappeared in an instant, appeared in front of the sentry, and punched his right fist towards the sentry.

"Wu Yang, it's useless." The sentry roared, and a layer of white light blocked the mask, and Wu Yang's fist bumped on the mask.


A bang sounded, but the mask was not broken in the slightest.

"I said, only I can release the true power of the three-ball cell. Wu Yang, let you die under the power of the three-ball cell." The sentry yelled, and a punch was shot suddenly.


In the sound of the blast, Wu Yang flew out like a shell, and flew for thousands of kilometers before stopping.

"Hahaha, isn't this ironic? It comes from your strength, but it will destroy you." The sentry laughed wildly.

Bai Hou shook his head and said, "It's really amazing, but you look down on Wu Yang. Utilizing the power of cells, it has not been Wu Yang's means for a long time. The three-ball cell is very good, but for Wu Yang out. "

"What a joke? That's because you can't use the true power of the three-ball cell." The sentry shouted angrily. "Now, I'm going to use this power to break you all into residues."

The sentry rushed towards Wu Anyang, "Wu Yang, die."

Bai Hu spread his hands and said, "Why don't you believe what I say?"

Wu Yang looked at the sentinel rushing at a rapid speed, and sang loudly. A layer of mask was formed, covering all around.

"Broken!" The sentry flew over and punched the mask.


The white light flashed, the glass-like crackling sound continued, and the mask burst.

Wu Yang's figure flickered and appeared behind the sentinel. The sentinel's fist was emptied.

"Wu Yang, when can you hide?" The sentry sneered.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Sentinel, you are really a little dangling. The power of the three-ball cell is more than five times that of me. In this case, I am really vulnerable in front of you."

"Do you know why I can achieve this level? Ordinary sentry robots can duplicate the ability of a mutant to double this ability." The sentry smiled.

Wu Yang asked: "You are the leader of the sentry, how many times have you strengthened?"

"And I can increase it 100 times." The sentry contented.

"That's really bullish."

"But this three-ball cell, I only strengthened 5 times, it really disappointed me. But there is no problem in dealing with you." The sentry dismissed with a slight disdain.

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "Oh my god, I've been underestimated. But you got it wrong. The power of the three-ball cell is really low for me. The real battle is now on."

The sentry yelled, "I will let you die now." ..