v13 Chapter 150: Feed the steak (one more)

At night, flashing home.

"Sister, will Brother Wu Yang really be here?" Flashing brother's expression of joy and expectation.

Blinking nodded and said, "He will come, he said so."

Ling Ling Ling ...

The doorbell's voice came and his brother flashed with excitement: "Brother Wu Yang must be here. I'll open the door."

Brother Blink opened his dream and said happily, "Brother Wu Yang, it's great that you are here."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "I'm glad to see you so happy."

"Wu Yang." Blink came over.

"Hello flashing."

"come in."

Wu Yang blinked and said, "It's really an honor to invite me to dinner."

"You saved my brother, this is what it should be." Flashed a small voice.

"Brother Wu Yang, thank you so much, I don't know how to repay you. As long as you can use me, my life is always willing to pay for Brother Wu Yang." Brother Xing patted Xiong mouth, one Vice excited look.

Wu Yang sweated secretly: "Dandingha, it should be, it should be."

"Brother Wu Yang, you are so selfless. I think everyone should learn your selfless qualities and fearless spirit." Blinking his brother's face worship.

Blink opened his mouth, but said nothing? Wu Yang is selfless? What a stupid brother, blinded by illusions.

Wu Yang said solemnly: "I'm selfless and selfless. I don't know. I'm just trying to do myself well. It's that simple."

Brother Blink's head nodded nonstop: "Well, Brother Wu Yang said so well, no wonder so many mutants admire you."

"When are you going to praise him, brother?"

Brother Flasher immediately countered: "Sister, where is this compliment to Brother Wu Yang, what qualifications do I have to compliment? I am just stating a fact, a fact."

"Ok, ok, then come in for dinner." Blink walked inside.

"Brother Wu Yang, you go first."

Wu Yang walked towards the front and smiled. "It's so fragrant, the taste of steak."

On a small table, three carefully prepared steaks were placed.

The blinking seemed a bit nervous. Would it be too dull to ask Wu Yang to eat only steak? And this steak did not know that Fu was not in the taste of Wu Yang.

"Brother Wu Yang, my sister's steak is delicious."

"Don't talk nonsense." She blinked at her brother.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Is that so? I'll give it a try."

Wu Yang sat on the chair, picked up the knife and fork, cut the beef, dipped it in fresh sauce, and put it in his mouth.

Blinking looked at Wu Yang with some anticipation, and some nervousness.

"Brother Wu Yang, how?"

Wu Yang chewed and said slowly: "Fat and uniform, fleshy, delicious and juicy, the oil blossoms are evenly distributed in the meat. It tastes tender and has no grassy smell, but you can also feel the smell of butter. it is good!"

The flashing nervous look disappeared, and smiled, "How can you say so well."

Blinking thought for a while and whispered, "If you like, you can come here for dinner at any time."


"Yeah, yeah." Flasher brother followed.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Is this really okay?"

"Yes." Flashed a small voice.

"Haha, then I'm welcome." Wu Yang raised a brow.

Blinking brother's eyes turned a bit, a look suddenly remembered: "Sister, Brother Wu Yang, I almost forgot, a friend I met here asked me to go to his house, I'm going now."


Brother Xingxiang ran outside: "I'm gone, my sister greets Brother Wu Yang."

"Brother ..." Blink extended a hand forward.

Wu Yang said with a hint of evil: "A really sensible brother, blink, you have a good brother."

"I feel like you have something to say."

"No, you think too much. Come, you make the steak, you eat it too, come and do it next to me." Wu Yang patted the chair next to him.

Blink slowly walked to Wu Yang's side and sat down on the chair.

"Come, I'll feed you, you've worked hard to cook." Wu Yang forks up a steak and sends it to his flashing mouth.

Flashing trembled and waved, "No, it's not necessary ..."

"It is necessary, open your mouth." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Blinking head dodging backwards: "Wu Yang, you can eat it yourself, I'll do it myself."

"Open your mouth," Wu Yang said undeniably.


The flicker was still open.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "That's right."

The flicker ate the steak from Wu Yangcha, and almost did not feel the taste, so he swallowed.

"Oh, my hand hurts a bit." Wu Yang's right hand rested on his left shoulder.

Flashing immediately nervous: "What's wrong with you?"

"Presumably because the arm was chopped before, and although it is now restored, it is still a bit uncomfortable." Wu Yang looked 'painful'.

"Then go and get some treatment."

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "It's okay, just a moment later. It's just a pity that such a good steak cannot be eaten."

Flashing a little bit of crying and laughing, this shameless **** originally wanted her to feed him, can you just say no?

"I'll feed you."

Wu Yang looked embarrassed: "How sorry is this? No, I am a reserved person."

Blink took a deep breath, holding back the urge to slap Wu Yang, and still hold on? Obviously so shameless, she was given to her, and now she said she was reserved?

"Then do you want me to feed you?" Blink pressed angrily.

Wu Yang thought for a while and thought, "Since you said so, how can I let you down? Come on, feed me."

Blink picked up the knife and fork, cut off a steak, and fed it to Wu Yang's mouth, his hands trembled.

Wu Yang opened his mouth and ate into his mouth, and said, "It's really delicious, very delicious, great, very great." ..