v13 Chapter 152: Collection of bad habits of beauties (three)

"Can it be shot well?" Bai Hou said to Wu Yang who came.

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "A girl, how vulgar such a speech is, I really feel ashamed."

Bai Hou despised: "What do you pretend in front of me? Are you serious?"

"Well, I pretended to be" forced. "Wu Yang" touched "his nose with his hand." Yes, where is the piano? "

"Seeing you stealing / love, she went away annoyed and said she never wanted to see you again." The white girl rolled her eyes.

"Oh, is that so? Baihou." Wu Yang walked in front of Baihou, pinching Baihou's face with one hand.

"Let ’s go, you are molesting a teenage girl."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Hurry up and tell me the truth. Otherwise, I'll smash your fart today."

"Hum, you know how to bully me. To tell you the truth, Qin is back and going to kill Wan Magnetic King." Baihou said.

Wu Yang froze, "What are you talking about? She's gone back."

"Yeah, but she just transferred her abilities and consciousness to her past body. Her current body is still here."

"Take me to see."

Bai Hou brought Wu Yang to the top floor, Wu Yang saw the piano sitting on the ground with her eyes closed, motionless.

"She just returned her consciousness and ability to her past body?" Wu Yang asked.

"Yeah, it's incredible, but Qin decades ago was just a little girl."

Wu Yang frowned: "Is this okay?"

"Qin herself said that there is no problem. The power of Phoenix can exist on any timeline, so even if consciousness goes back to the past, she is still as powerful as she is now."

Wu Yang said unpleasantly, "This woman did so without telling me. When she comes back, she must punish her well."

Bai Hou sighed: "Qin has a lot of powerful abilities, material decomposition, rebirth of fire, flame of the Phoenix, immortality, interstellar travel, time" **** "work. The most amazing thing is to count time" **** "work, she You can modify the time so that the power of Phoenix appears on any timeline. "

"Ziu Niu's" laozi "is also a woman of Lao Tzu, who was pressed down by Lao Tzu." Wu Yang was proud of his face.

"Yes, yes, you are the best."

Wu Yang looked at Bai Hou: "Is there anything wrong with this?"

"No problem, but if you do n’t solve your mental problems, it ’s hard for you to go any further. Because of your mental problems, you ca n’t even open the eyes of the sky punishment, so you ca n’t reach the World Extinction 1.5, let alone say Destroyed Dragon Pattern 3. "

"Oh, dragon pattern 3, that's really invincible power." Wu Yang smiled.

"Although I haven't seen that scene, I can defeat the villains of the villain. This power is really terrifying." Baihou nodded. According to the speculation of Baihou, it is not a problem to play ten pianos with the extinct dragon pattern 3.

Bai Hou continued: "The mental problems are properly solved, and only in this way can we protect everyone."

Wu Yang patted his shoulder with one hand, "I feel a great responsibility."

"Since you have enjoyed the blessing of being together, naturally you have to pay your responsibility."

"That makes sense, maybe I shouldn't make so many women." Wu Yang's face was filled with emotion.


Bai Hou despised: "Can you?"

"No, I always want to get them when I see beautiful women. Some people like to collect stamps, some people like antique calligraphy and painting, and I want to collect the world's beautiful women." Wu Yang loudly.

Bai Hou smiled and said, "This is a bad habit."

"But I can't stop it." Wu Yang spread his hands. "Oh, by the way, what about the sentinel mouse?"

Bai Hou smiled and said: "The sentry can definitely further enhance our strength, but on your basis, he has exerted the three-ball cell a hundred times stronger."

"That really surprised me, would you make him a" medicine "pill?"

"I haven't figured out how to deal with it yet, but I will never waste such Ganoderma treasures." Baihou smiled strangely.

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Then you continue to study, I still have something to do. In addition, Qin awoke and notified me as soon as possible."

"Why, want to pick up girls again?"

"Please don't break through me." Wu Yang disappeared instantly.

Baihou "Lu" gave a gloomy gaze: "This idiot."

In the office building of the Investigation Department, Wu Yang is walking here. Everyone who sees Wu Yang is full of respect and calls out 'Master Wu Yang'. Some female "sexual" mutants see Wu Yang, all excited. There was no way to add it, his eyes could not wait to eat Wu Yang.

"Long handsome is a kind of trouble." Wu Yang sighed. "Why do you only notice my appearance and not see my connotation?"

With a hint of wren, Wu Yang walked into an office and looked at the witch-shaped woman who was working on the desk.

"Ruiwen, really hard work." Wu Yang smiled.

The witch-shaped woman raised her head and immediately "showed" a smile: "Wu Yang, why are you here?"

"Come and see you." Wu Yang walked towards the demon-shaped woman.

The witch-shaped woman stood up and said, "This is not your style. Which beauty shouldn't be with you now?"

"That said, isn't it the beauty I'm with now?" Wu Yang looked at the Devil Girl.

The witch-shaped woman smiled and said, "Wu Yang, you are still the same as before."

"I'm consistent."

Wu Yang looked at the documents on the table: "There should be no spies or anything on the island now. Countries no longer exist."

There was a hint of coldness in the Witch's eyes: "I don't intend to let those who come in, just leave it."

"Don't be too tired at work." One hand of Wu Yang rested on the shoulder of the Devil Girl.

The witch-shaped woman looked at Wu Yang's hand and said, "No way, I'm working for you."

"Then my boss will take a day off from you today, what?"

"I don't think I have a reason to refuse."

The white light flashed, and the two disappeared.

X-Men has another chapter, and it will be over tomorrow. Many brothers are already bored. Tomorrow, start a new chapter, it's time to change the taste and write a movie of the dynasty. ..