v13 Chapter 155: Handling of funerals (three)

A few flashes of joy flashed in the eyes of several people: "Qin is awake? Great."

"Hurry up."

With a flash of white light, the five disappeared.

On top.

Five people from Wu Yang appeared here, and Qin, who was awake, was talking to Bai Hou.

"Qin, are you okay?" Storm Girl asked.

Qin smiled at a few people: "How can I have something wrong? A million magnetic king has only been solved by me, and there is no burning residue left."

"That's all right." Several women in the Storm were relieved, and the King of Magnetism did not die, and it was always a stone crushed in his heart.

Wu Yang walked in front of Qin, face cold.

"Wu Yang, what's wrong?" Qin actively held Wu Yang's hand.

"Ah ..." Qin exclaimed in pain.

Wu Yang squeezed the fart ancient with his hand, and said fiercely: "The next time without saying a word, do this kind of thing without permission, I will break your fart ancient."

"Isn't it necessary?" Qin's eyes had a bit of grievance, but there was no discomfort in the depths of her eyes, and some were just happy. She liked Wu Yang's concern for her.

Wu Yang said lightly: "It is necessary."

"I just want to help you solve a little problem, and this kind of thing I can do better."

Wu Yang resolutely said, "I haven't fallen into asking my woman to help me solve the problem."

"It's really macho." Bai Hou smiled.

"I see. I was wrong." Qin shook Wu Yang's hand. "Don't be angry."

Wu Yang coughed: "I'm not angry, but I must tell me later."


Storm Girl whispered, "I really can't imagine how the piano would behave like this, is this coquettish?"

"Yes, Teacher Ge Lei used to be very sexual." Katie whispered.

"But this is also very good. Let us see another side of Teacher Ge Lei." Xiao Naughty also whispered.

Qin looked at the three women in the storm: "I've heard you say me behind your back."

"Don't you misunderstand that harp." Storm Girl immediately said.

Qin shook his head and said, "Yes, you're right, I'm not the same person I used to be, because the two personalities are fused, but isn't it great?"


Wu Yang asked, "Qin, is it okay to kill Wan Magnetic King?"

"It didn't cost much, he was just a bit better than Scott. Thinking of me was funny, he was looking for you all over the world and wanted to wipe you out in the bud."

auzw.com "Find me? Then he will be disappointed." Wu Yang laughed.

"Yeah, when he was dying, he was still asking me, where is Wu Yang, or where are your parents?"

When Qin said this, a few women in the Storm could not help laughing, "Hahaha, interesting."

"Qin has returned, and everything has been resolved. I think it's time to go." Wu Yang laughed.

"Where you go, I'll go." Qin looked at Wu Yang.


Bai Hou said: "So how do you want to go? Just go so quietly, or tell the mutants on the entire island before leaving."

Wu Yang thought for a while and thought, "I suddenly left, it will definitely cause panic and" chaos ", so I still tell them. Now that we have established a country for them, let us do a good job for them."

"It's kind. I almost didn't know you anymore. What are you going to do with the funeral?"

Wu Yang erected a finger and said, "First, all leaders of this country, as well as cadres, law enforcers and judicial officers, have all been cancelled."

"Um? All canceled? Who will manage it?" Storm Girl asked.

"If people manage it, they will always make mistakes, and people are selfish. There are very few people who are selfless, which can easily lead to corruption. To be honest, I really hate leadership, one by one. It ’s the same as fifty-eight thousand, so this country does n’t need leadership, and only then can there be equality. ”

The Witchwoman nodded and said, "That's right, but what are you going to replace these people with?"

"Artificial Intelligence Robot."

"Intelligent robot? This, is this possible?" Katie asked, "confusing".

Bai Hou confidently said: "Rest assured that the robots I have researched have no problem at all, and their intelligence level has surpassed human IQ."

"But will there be problems with such a high level of intelligence? For example, they will eventually resist the mutants and kill the mutants."

Baihou waved his hands and said, "Trust me, no, I added some forbidden commands to their intelligence. I can't solve some robots, so I don't have to confuse."

Everyone knows the ability of the white Queen, plus the guarantee of the white Queen, they are also relieved.

Wu Yang continued: "Specific intelligent robots handle specific things, legal robots govern the law, management robots govern the country, police robots govern law and order, medical robots are doctors, and each performs their duties. They will not be selfish, nor subject to Emotional influence will only be implemented most impartially. "

Xiao Naughty smiled and said, "This is very good."

"Yeah, it's unprecedented to hand over the entire country to intelligent robots."

Wu Yang erected a second finger: "Second point, there are only mutants on the entire earth, and everything belongs to mutants. Therefore, the current national policy of mutants is to focus on fertility, and to remain unwavering for fifty years, will The population is up. Fifty years from now, adjustments can be made based on population conditions. "

The storm female nodded her head and said, "Yes, the priority is the population."

"In order to improve everyone's enthusiasm, for each child, you can reward a house and a car. The more you give birth, the more you will be rewarded." Wu Yang laughed.

"Well, good way."

Wu Yang spread his hand and said: "I want to say these two points. As for economics, technology, etc., intelligent machines will be done well."

"Then when will you tell everyone about leaving?"


I originally thought that I could finish this article today, it seems only tomorrow, the last chapter of this article tomorrow, and then a new article. ..