v14 Chapter 7: Four-legged big fish monster (three more)

Wu Yang looked at the fishing village on the river, and there was a hint of light in his eyes. "This fishing village is the beginning of the plot. In this case, Chen Xuanzhen is here."

Wu Yang frowned and looked diagonally across the river gorge, but no one was there.

"Is it an illusion?" Wu Yang whispered to himself, where he seemed to feel someone just now.

"Forget it, no matter what, go to the fishing village to see." Wu Yang "Lu" smiled a little, and disappeared instantly.

After Wu Yang disappeared, a man, a fat man, appeared diagonally across the river.

In the fishing village, Chen Xuanzhang has been hoisted with a rope.

The Chief Tao is shouting loudly: "Look, everyone, this monster has been killed by me. It is absolutely safe here, everyone can go into the water with peace of mind, go."

Although the mayor said so, the fishermen still looked at each other and no one dared to go down.

The chief looked at a fisherman and said gloomily, "Go into the water."

The fisherman looked into the water and did not dare to go down. The chief commander stepped forward quickly and kicked the fisherman's fart.

"Ah ..." the fisherman shouted and fell into the water.

The fisherman threw in horror in the water and called, "It's okay, it's safe."

Dao said loudly, "Look, it's safe."

The village chief shouted, "It's really safe."

"Oh oh oh ..." In the cheers, fishermen jumped into the water and tumbling in the water.

Suddenly there were many splashes of water, cheers and laughter, the cry of men, the laughter of women, it was really joyous.

Chen Xuanzhang hung in the air looked at the river gorge not far away, he saw a giant leap in the river, fluttered, and swam quickly towards it.

"Monster." Chen Xuanzhen's eyes widened, then he shouted at the people below, "Hey, hey, hey, the monster is here, you're going ashore, go up."

However, no one ignored him. The boiling noise below had covered his voice, and no one believed him.

Wu Yang stood on top of a wooden house at this moment, watching all this, "Interesting, then I'll be a spectator."

"Look over there, look over here." A big chant sang joyfully in the water.

Suddenly, a huge beak darted towards the big salamander, and swallowed the mammoth without any precaution, leaving a ripple on the water.

"Ah, monster, run away, run away ..."

"Help ..."

The fishermen in the water panicked and swam wildly towards the shore one by one, and the scene was mixed for a while.

The village chief on the shore shouted to the head chief, "Head chief, why is this so?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay when you go ashore," the mayor said immediately.

The fisherman who was kicked into the water by the captain of the road before called out: "Yeah, everyone is calm, when we land, we will be safe ..."

Before the words fell, a slender suction cup suddenly protruded from the water, hit the fisherman's back, and pulled him into the water.

"Wow, ah ah ..." screamed in horror.


Everyone on the shore fled madly upwards, and the village chief caught up with the Taoist chief and called: "Asshole, how can you lie to us?"

Dao growled and shouted, "I didn't lie to you. Didn't I help you kill one? How do I know that there is another."

"What now?" The village chief asked.

"Calm, we're so tall here, it's okay." The chief cried.

"How tall."

"High, I didn't see it myself."

The village chief turned around and looked down. Unexpectedly, a slender suction cup greeted him and hit him on the face, dragging him down from the water.

"Ah ..." Dao shouted and continued to run upwards.

Chen Xuanzhang hanging in the air shouted: "Everyone don't move, it's okay to get down, don't run, get down, get down, will you pretend to die? Don't run.

Many people lie down, or hide, a big sister hides with several people, but she is still looking for her daughter, whispering: "Longevity, longevity ..."

On the wooden bridge not far away, a little girl stood up and shouted at Dasao: "Mother, mother ..."

"Longevity, don't come here, where are you squatting." Grandma continued to wave her hands, anxious.

But the little girl just ran towards the front: "Mother, mother, mother ..."

The little girl's running on the wooden bridge made a noise, and then a slender suction cup broke from the water, hit the little girl's back precisely, and pulled the little girl away.

"Longevity ..." Grandma suddenly stood up and ran towards the little girl.

"Don't go there, roots ..."

Gen Qiao jumped up and grabbed the little girl's legs while she was being dragged. "Longevity, longevity ..."

"Mother ..." the little girl cried.

"Let's help." Several men ran over and pulled the suction cup hard, tearing it apart.

But the sucker hit the little girl's hair again, it sucked tightly and couldn't be separated at all.

"Knife, bring it ..."

"A knife, give me a knife." Gen Yan shouted.

A few people in the back looked for the knife "disorderly", and finally found a small knife. The person who ran the knife quickly ran over, cut the little girl's hair with the knife, and the suction cup separated.

"Mother, mother ..." The little girl sat up.

"Longevity ..."

However, I was not happy for a second. The sucker came over again, sucked on the little girl's back, and dragged back.

"Longevity ..."

In the back, a fisherman rushed over quickly with a long bamboo knife, chopped it on the suction cup, and the suction cup broke, but the little girl turned around on the wooden bridge under the influence of "sexuality". And fell towards the water below.

"Longevity!" Genji rushed forward, grabbed the little girl's hand with both hands, "Don't be afraid of longevity, mother is here."

"Roar ..." In a hissing voice, the water broke open, a big four-footed monster jumped out of it, and its ugly mouth opened wide, biting towards the little girl. ..