v14 Chapter 10: A Barren Mountain Meets Young Women

"Your dad's dwarf melon, don't look insulted." 'Women' 'shouted and crushed on Wu Yang's body.

Wu Yang immediately looked weak, and fell to the ground, then felt a soft mouth, a faint **** smell permeated.

Wu Yang and the 'Women's' formed a weird pose, with women up and down and their mouths facing each other.

‘Women ’s’ eyes are so wide that she actually kissed this man?

"Ah ..." ‘Women’ ’screamed, sitting up suddenly, spitting at the side constantly,“ 呸, 呸, 呸 ... ”

It can be seen that there is a trace of blood in the saliva, and the mouth / lip of ‘Women’ ’s broke.

Wu Yang sat up, looking sad, "You, how can you do this? You took my innocence ..."

"What? I took your innocence?" 'Women' 'grabbed Wu Yang's collar with both hands. "You guy, this is my first time, so I just fed the pig. I want to You make a pig. "

"Are you still early? I don't believe it." Wu Yang shook his head.

"Dare to even doubt me." ‘Women’ ’s face was hot. “But I ’m a kind person. I ’ll interrupt your leg.”

Wu Yang's life was ridiculous: "My first wen was taken away so rudely by you. I'm sorry for my future wife. You will kill me."

'Women' was laughed angrily: "Hahaha, you can have a wife in the future like you, even if the women in the world are blind, they will not find you. Give me back to you Was the value of the first wen? "

Wu Yang "Lu" smiled with a wicked smile: "How much are you worth?"

"You can't afford it. I'm so mad at you. It seems I can only flatten you to relieve my hatred." ‘Women’ ’raised her fist and hit Wu Yang ’s face.

Wu Yang closed her eyes and shouted, "You hit me, kill me."

The fist of ‘Women’ ’s ’halt stopped a little while 0.1 millimeters from Wu Yang ’s face and took a deep breath.

"Why not hit me?" Wu Yang opened his eyes.

"Fortunately for you, I don't want to hit someone today, you get out." ‘Women’ stood up and walked quickly toward the front.

‘Women’ ’s walk stopped after a while, and she called back, “Do n’t follow me anymore, or I will kill you. I mean, it ’s cruel.”

‘Women’ ’continued walking for a while and then stopped, turning back:“ You hurry home or die here, do n’t blame me for not reminding you. ”

Wu Yang looked at the back of "Women", and "Lu" made a wicked smile. To deal with such "female man", it would be better to pretend to be weak. It is not necessary to be so tough and interesting, isn't it?

Wu Yang walked slowly towards the mountains, in the wild mountains and mountains, not in front of the village, not in the store.

The sky gradually faded, and Wu Yang walked alone in the dark woods.

A gust of wind blew through, and the leaves swayed, making a rustling sound, giving people a "hairy" creepy feeling.

Wu Yang's "Lu" smiled a little, and continued to walk forward, suddenly a charming voice came, "Master."

Wu Yang looked towards his voice. Standing next to a tree, a beautifully-dressed young "women" stood and released a flattery. Normal men would definitely be incapable of meeting such a woman.

auzw.com Wu Yang walked over and said respectfully: "Little boy Wu Yang, why is the girl alone in this wild mountain? Can the little boy help me?"

"Hello Prince Wu, the slave family came here to collect the" medicine "during the day, but they were" lost "and the sky was late. It was awkward. I didn't expect to meet you. It was great." "Woman" rejoicing.

Wu Yang nodded and said: "That's the case, I'd better help you find the way."

"Gongzi, you are so nice, but wouldn't it delay you?"

"No, help others, help others, and be happy." Wu Yang laughed.

"Wang Gongzi is such a good man. Hu Bi, the slave family, thanked him here."

"Girl Hu is polite, so let's go together." Wu Yang turned around with a hint of evil in his eyes.

"Okay, son Wu."

The two walked together in the mountains, and Hu Bi said with a smile: "Wu Gongzi, I wonder why you are alone in this mountain?"

"I'm not afraid to laugh at Hu's girl. I went to Beijing to take the test. I fell in the name of Sun Shan. On my way home, I passed by here. My heart was depressed.

Hu Bi said charmingly: "Don't be depressed, Mr. Wu, there is always something wrong in life."

"Thank you Girl Hu for your solution. You are right."

"But Wu Gongzi, aren't you afraid? I heard that there are monsters in this deep mountain." Hu Bi "showed" a look of fear.

Wu Yang waved his hand: "What kind of monsters and ghosts are nonsense, we scholars don't believe this, and we are not afraid of oblique shadows."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Hu Bi's mouth, "Wu Gongzi said so well."

"Girl Hu, does it have any impact here?" Wu Yang looked around.

"It seems a bit impressed, it should be left."

"Okay, let's go."

"Ah!" Hu Bi called out and fell to the ground.

Wu Yang immediately crouched down and said, "What's wrong?"

"I stepped on a rock just now, and I kicked my feet. Wu Gongzi, I can't walk anymore, it hurts." Hu Bi looked at Wu Yang with a delicate look.

Wu Yang's sense of justice came up: "Girl Hu, if you don't dislike it, let me carry you."

"Gongzi, this is too much trouble for you."

"No trouble, no trouble, come up quickly." Wu Yang patted his shoulder, "Come up, I'll carry you."

"Gongzi, I'm welcome." Hu Bijiao smiled and lay slowly on Wu Yang's back, and Xiong's mouth was deliberately stuck on Wu Yang's body.

Wu Yang put his hands on Hu Bi's big leg and said, "Girl Hu, is that all right?"

"Okay, you go." ..