v14 Chapter 15: You amuse me (one more)

Wu Yang picked up the chopsticks and smiled, "Small two, how do I think this is not like pork?"

"You Guan, you laughed, but this is a genuine roast pork, and you will never be fooled by other meat. If you do n’t believe me, you try it," Xiao Er said enthusiastically.

Wu Yang picked up a piece of meat and said, "Zhaizhu, don't you eat?"

"Looking at you to eat, I am very happy." Duan Rou said with a smile.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Small second, is this really pork?"

"Guest, look at what you say, it's definitely pork."

Wu Yang "showed" a strange smile: "How do I look like human flesh."

Xiao Er's face changed in color, and then he laughed and said, "Guest, how can this be possible? We are all merchants of conscience, how can we get human flesh, and it is illegal?"

Duan Rou glanced at Wu Yang with surprise. Is this guy blind? Still kidding?

"Really? It seems I've thought too much."

"The guest officer is definitely thinking more about you."


The door was pushed open.

Xiao Er smiled and said, "Guests, you boldly and reliably taste, I'll say hello to the guests."

"OK, go ahead."

Wu Yang looked in the direction of the gate, Duan Rou smiled and said, "The child is also here. Would you like to say hello to him and discuss your experience of" Three Songs for Children "."

Wu Yang looked at Chen Xuanzhen, who was greeted by Xiao Er, and walked slowly inside, saying, "The greeting must be called."

"By the way, how did you say this is human flesh? Are you talking nonsense?" Duan Rou asked.


Chiurou shook his head and said, "I thought you were no longer naive, but the blind cat hit the dead rat."

"Is this really human flesh?" Wu Yang was frightened.

"Calm, I'm still here, even if it's hell, I'm covering you." Duan Rou's indifferent expression.

Wu Yang whispered: "What is the origin of this Gaojiazhuang? Is it a black shop?"

"It's a little higher than the black shop. Anyway, you just don't want to eat this meat."

Wu Yang glanced around: "But they are all very happy."

"They? There are no living people here, except you and me, as well as the child who just came in." Duan Rou said lightly.

Xiao Er introduced to Chen Xuanzhang all the way, as he did to Wu Yang and Duan Rou, Chen Xuanzhang looked at the people who ate and drank around, and saw all the dead.

When Chen Xuanzhen saw Wu Yang and Duan Rou, it was them. No, they had to remind both of them that they should not be fascinated or confused.

"Sir and miss, you are leaving here soon." Chen Xuanyuan yelled and ran quickly towards Wu Yang and Duan Rou.

Xiao Er shouted, "What's wrong with the guest officer?"

Chen Xuanzhang has run to Wu Yang: "Hurry up, it's dangerous here."

"It was Mr. Chen. I didn't expect to meet so soon." Wu Yang said politely.

Chen Xuanzhen's face was anxious: "Two, you leave this place quickly, this is a trap."

"You can all see the trap, do you think others can't see it?" Duan Rou said.

Chen Xuanyi said for a moment: "You mean ..."


"Don't be afraid, with a fierce woman like our host, all problems are not a problem, host, right?" Wu Yang looked at Duan Rou.

Duan Rou glared at Wu Yang: "Be careful I slap you dead."

"Zhai Zhu?" Chen Xuanzhen looked at Duan Rou.

Xiao Er ran over and said, "Guoke, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Yang glared at Chen Xuanzhang. Chen Xuanzhang smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I just know them and I'm too excited to see them."

"That's the way it is, you guest, sit with these two guest officers, I'll go and get you the famous roast pork in our restaurant."

"Go ahead."

Chen Xuanzhang sat down, looking at the pieces of meat on Wu Yang's chopsticks, and widened his eyes: "You shouldn't eat it."

"Any questions?"

"Here, this is human ..."

"Did not eat."

"That's good." Chen Xuanzhang breathed a sigh of relief. "Both of you, how do you exorcise them?"

Duan Rou glanced at Chen Xuanzhang and said, "This is not something you need to" care about, "and you can't help anyway."

"Miss, I know you're very good, but it's hurting your self-esteem to speak like this, and I can help, too. I can use them in" Three Songs for Children's Songs "," Chen Xuanzhen said earnestly.

"Hahaha." Duan Rou laughed so much that he didn't want to laugh. "I didn't want to laugh, really, you made me laugh."

"Miss, please don't laugh, I'm serious."

"I care if you are serious or not. Don't drag me down then."

Wu Yang comforted: "Mr. Chen, our host is very uncomfortable, but she is like that, in fact, she is very nice."

"Shut up, where's so much nonsense." Duan Rou seemed a little embarrassed.

"Guoke, here is the roast pig. Please use it." Xiao Er put the plate in front of Chen Xuanzhang.

Chen Xuanzhen looked at the meat in front of him, covered his mouth with one hand, and wanted to vomit, "I know, you can go down."

"Kaiguan, what's wrong with you? Doesn't this suit your taste?"

"No, it's not ..."

Duan Rou looked at Xiao Er and said, "You give meat to others, how can he eat it?"

"Miss, you joked, this is definitely not human flesh." Xiao Er seemed a little anxious, "You eat quickly."

"Eat your head." Duan Rou suddenly stood up, punched in the direction of Xiao Er.

"Ah ..." Xiao Er exclaimed and flew out.

Duan Rou stepped forward quickly, facing Xiao Er's slamming hammer, Xiao Er shouted, "Don't hit again, yes, it's going to explode."


Xiao Er exploded and turned into a large amount of gold "color" sand and dust, floating in the air.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and said, "Okay, so fierce."

"It's fierce, so most people can't conquer her, so they must use some special means." Wu Yangxie laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't need to understand."

As Xiao Er was blasted, the people around him stood up, staring at each other with a jealous eye. ..