v14 Chapter 39: Monkey King (one more)

Sisha shouted, "Look, there is a hole under this white lotus flower."

Indeed, that white lotus flower is very different. Among the many lotus flowers, only it is white, the others are red lotus flowers, and it is several times the size of ordinary red lotus flowers, which attracts the attention of others.

Wu Yang and Chen Xuanzhang came over, indeed under the white lotus, it was a black hole, only the size of a washbasin.

Several people glanced at each other, and Wu Yang smiled and said, "I think Sun Wukong is right here."

"Okay, let's go and see, Mr. Wu, you help me look at the rope." Chen Xuanzhen took out a rope.

Chen Xuanzhen tied one end of the rope to the rock, put the other end into the hole, and then slowly descended along the rope.

Wu Yang cared, "Mr. Chen is careful."

"Mr. Wu, I'm down, it's okay." Chen Xuanzhen already stood below and said to the top.

Si Sha said to Wu Yang: "Are we going down?"

"Wait a while."

Chen Xuanzhang, who had already gone down, took the lantern and shone around, and suddenly I didn't know where someone came from. He hugged Chen Xuanzhang and kept “touching” and holding him, just like he saw his dad.

Duan Rou above the mouth of the cave said, "Is this guy Sun Wukong? I didn't see it at all."

Indeed, this is what a person looks like. His hair is "disorderly" and dirty and messy. It is seriously inconsistent with the image of Sun Wukong.

"It should be him, but now it looks like a human, so kind." Wu Yang laughed.

With a look of helplessness, Chen Xuanzhen struggled: "You let go of me, let go ..."

"I'm here for Sun Wukong."

The person holding Chen Xuanzhang let go of his hand, and pointed at himself quickly and said, "I, I, I."

"You are Sun Wukong?" Chen Xuanzhang gave a moment.

"Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong, Qi Wutian Sun Wukong." Sun Wukong smiled happily.

"Hello Mr. Sun, my last name is Chen, Chen Xuanyuan ..."

Sun Wukong hugged Chen Xuanzhang again, with Chen Xuanzhang's arm on his face, and kissed him several times in succession, "500 years, finally here, 500 years ..."

"Mr. Sun, don't do that, Mr. Sun, let go ..." Chen Xuanzhen looked helpless.

The above Duanrou joked: "Fortunately, Wu Yang, you haven't been down, so beloved by that guy, don't touch us."

"Mr. Sun, don't, I'm not interested in men." Chen Xuanzhang struggled.

Sun Wukong let go and waved his hand: "I'm sorry, I'm so excited. Sit, you sit."

"Okay, okay." Chen Xuanyuan smiled dryly.

Sun Wukong said, "Mr. Chen, he is really a talent."

"Mr. Sun, too, but it's different from some in the legend." Chen Xuanzhen whispered.

Sun Wukong thought for a while and thought, "Five hundred years ago, I was still a little little grandson who was indifferent. At that time, I had a little overkill with the Buddha, and he was hit by the Buddha with the Rinji Sutra. "

Sun Wukong pointed to himself: "I also realized my mistake, so I locked myself in such a small place."


"It's been five hundred years, and I haven't been out once, so I've studied the principles of the Sutra of the Great Sun Riru. Look at me, I have digested all the" **** "in my body and excreted it." Sun Wukong went to After sitting a pull movement.

"I don't even look like a demon now, so now, I only have truth, kindness, and beauty in my body. So it is really good, really wonderful, and howling." .

At the mouth of the cave, Duan Rou said, "Why did he say something different from the legend I heard? Sun Wukong didn't make a big noise at the Temple, and was pressed by Rulai to stop here?"

"The legend may not be true, but what this guy said is not necessarily true." Sisha said.

Wu Yang said indifferently: "Whatever he said is true or false, just keep watching."

Monkey King raised his head and said, "Brothers and sisters above, come down and talk."

"Let's go." Wu Yang jumped first.

Duan Rongsi Sisha jumped immediately.

Sun Wukong looked at the three of Wu Yang and said, "Three really handsome men and women, especially these two beautiful women, are rare to see."

"Mr. Sun, your mouth is so sweet." Duan Rou raised a brow and smiled.

"I'm always telling the truth." Sun Wukong smiled.

Sun Wukong said happily: "It hasn't been so busy here for a long time. It's been five years since I saw you. Sit back and forth, don't be polite."

Wu Yang waved his hand: "Mr. Sun is very kind. It is our honor to see the legendary Qi Tiansheng."

"The heroes don't mention the courage of the past, they are all past things. Don't mention them anymore." Sun Wukong said modestly.

Chen Xuanzhen said to Sun Wukong: "Mr. Sun, in fact, I came here today to ask for something."

"But it doesn't matter."

"I want to ask you to teach me a way to surrender the pig demon."

"The pig is just hyena."

Chen Xuanyuan nodded and said, "Yes, he's very" sexual "and kills countless people."

Sun Wukong scratched his hand and said, "There is a way, you see, do you see that?"

"Come and come." Sun Wukong grabbed Chen Xuanzhen's hand and walked to the side.

The three Wu Yang looked at it. It was an iron sign leaning on a rock with Sanskrit engraved on it.

"This is the exorcism flame order, which I brought from the Heavenly Palace. It can destroy all the demons and monsters." Sun Wukong explained.

Chen Xuanzhen shook his head and said, "But I don't want to kill him, I just want to wake up the truth, goodness and beauty in his heart."

Sun Wukong's face changed in color, and he immediately smiled and said, "Oh, yes, did I not tell you? In fact, his main function is to awaken the truth, goodness and beauty in people's hearts."

Chen Xuanzhang thought for a moment and said, "Let's forget, it's too expensive."

"Not expensive, not expensive, it's ten or eight." Sun Wukong's eyes were anxious.

"forget it."

"You take it, I let you take it, you take it." Sun Wukong said anxiously, his tone was impatient.

"Mr. Sun, this will not be the seal that the Buddha suppressed you." ..