v15 Chapter 7: Miss Pandora (one more)

Suddenly the sky changed, and the colors of "color" flashed, and cracks appeared.

A lot of colorful "color" energy fell from the sky and bombarded the mountains at high speed, causing bursts of explosions, mountains and stones flying, and palaces smashing.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard, let alone stopped it, and it was left to happen.

Surrounded by all palaces, in the majestic palace located at the highest place, sitting on the throne in front of the main hall, sits a majestic middle-aged man with "color". He is wearing a armor, holding a lightning scepter, and standing on his shoulders. With an eagle.

Beside the throne, there was a young man in a robe, looking respectful, and seemed to be waiting for a mission at any time.

The young man wanted to say something about the explosion from the outside but stopped.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes, his divine light flickered, and he made an oppressive "sexual" voice: "Hermes, someone has entered Olympus. I want you to find it out."

Hermes was the son of Zeus and the goddess Maia, one of the twelve main gods, the messenger of Zeus and the gods, and the **** of animal husbandry, commerce, transportation and sports. He is Zeus's most faithful messenger, sending messages to Zeus, and completing various tasks assigned to him by Zeus.

Hermes bowed: "King of the gods, I must complete this task and capture this person."

Hermes left, Zeus "showed" a gloomy smile: "It seems that someone wants to have some fun, just let me Zeus play with you."

Due to the sudden explosion, the current Olympus is a bit confusing. Neither the great gods nor the little gods, nor the servants of the gods expected that Olympus would be attacked in this way.

A large number of gold armored soldiers patrolled, investigating the location of the explosion.

On the pavilion of a palace, there is a woman, a very perfect woman, a beautiful face can be said to be flawless, wearing a black "color" long dress embroidered with black roses, sitting on a chair, holding a The golden "color" harp is played slowly with both hands, making a charming or heart-sounding harp.

As for the chaos of the whole Olympus, it did not affect her in the slightest.

"Miss Pandora, it's not safe here, please come back to the palace with me." A maid said to the woman.

Pandora, this is a well-known name, which means unknown, and there is not always a sentence: Pandora's Box is opened. Pandora means disaster.

Pandora "sucked" an impenetrable smile and said, "Not very safe? Is it because of those explosions that don't know where they came from?"

"Yeah, this is something that has never happened before." The maid's eyes were doubtful and puzzled. Since Mount Olympus has never exploded or attacked since Zeus came to power, today It's weird.

Pandora said faintly: "Nothing ever happened? Isn't it now? It's been too peaceful here and it needs some flavoring."

"Well, what do you mean, Miss Pandora?" The maid froze.

"Giggle, don't you understand? That's normal, too." Pandora giggled, and then there was a gloom in the depths of his eyes.

Pandora stood up, holding the harp in one hand and slowly walking forward.

The maid was relieved. The lady Pandora had a weird temper. She was very stressed as a maid.

Suddenly a flash of light flashed.

Pandora stopped, and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" A flash of panic flashed in the maid's eyes.

auzw.com Boom!

A person hit the ground.

"Ah ..." the maid couldn't help screaming.

Pandora was a man, stunned and stunned towards the person who smashed in front of her.

Pandora gave Lu a funny smile, and said, "Maybe this is the flavor."

"Miss Pandora, I'll call someone." The maid was leaving.

Pandora's hand was flicked on the harp, a sound wave was released, and the maid's hand was placed on her forehead, her body shaking.

"Miss Pandora, you ..." The maid's eyes blurred.

"Why call someone? Isn't that great?" Pandora smiled lightly.

The maid's eyes were completely blurred, as if she had lost her soul, Mune said, "Yes, Miss Pandora was right."

"Miss Pandora, Lord Hermes is here." A waiter came over.

Pandora shook her head and said, "Why come at this time?"

"Miss Pandora, is this man?" The waiter looked at the people on the ground.

"You don't need to know that much." Pandora "sucked" a strange smile and plucked the strings.

The waiter's body trembled, her eyes blurred, and she said, "Miss Pandora said."

"Just know, move him to my bedroom."

Pandora walked forward.


The waiter and the maid lifted the people on the ground and walked towards the back.

Pandora walked outside the palace and saw Hermes and several little gods.

Pandora smiled: "What kind of wind is blowing today, and the main **** of Mount Olympus was blown, it really surprised the little girl.

Hermes and a few little gods couldn't help but swallowed a spit. This woman couldn't hold it when she looked at it, but this woman is absolutely immovable unless she lives too long. Already.

Hermes coughed and smiled. "Miss Pandora was really joking. The king of the gods found that someone had broken into the mountain and ordered me to search for this person."

Pandora "showed" a surprised expression of "color", and said, "Someone breaks in here? That's a big deal."

Hermes nodded and said, "Miss Pandora, just now I saw the lights flashing here. I wonder what's going on here?"

"You said that colorful light, that was released by my divine power."

A bright light emerged from Pandora's body, looking beautiful, and letting a few little gods who had not calmed down, breathing accelerated again. ..