v15 Chapter 11: Only the remaining Virgin (second more)

Wu Yang told Pandora about Athena, of course, he didn't tell them all. He didn't say anything about the system.

"It's so touching. It turns out that Athena became your daughter like this." Pandora smiled.

"That's it."

"You are really a good father. For Athena, when you come to such a dangerous place, if Zeus finds you, you will definitely be dead."

Wu Yang said faintly: "It is not known who died."

"Wu Yang, then let's take a gamble. I don't want to marry the old" color "ghost of Zeus as his plaything, and you want to rescue Athena."

Wu Yang asked: "This dog Zeus is" forced. "Is the wedding this time big?"

"It's big, very big, all the gods will gather here, Poseidon, Pluto and Hades will come. After all, these are the only two virgins, Athena and I."

Wu Yang laughed and said, "It's not easy to have only the two virgins remaining. I won't let Zeus' dog" force "you to touch you.

"Giggle, it's really touching. Now that we have decided to cooperate, we need to discuss how to do it."

Wu Yang waved his hands and said, "What else needs to be discussed, and it will be solved by force."

"It feels so unreliable. Zeus' power is unfathomable."

"No one can stop me Wu Yang." Wu Yang clenched his fists.

Pandora frowned. "Who gives you this confidence."

"I gave it to myself. I don't believe in myself. Who else can believe me?"

"Wu Yang, you are very encouraging. It makes me feel a little excited."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Is it?"

"Here you go." Pandora gave Wu Yang the white "color" balls.

"Thank you."

Wu Yang stuffed the white "color" **** into his mouth, and what he gave after the white would not be wrong, let's talk about it after eating.

When the white "color" **** were stuffed into his mouth, Wu Yang's body shook, the strength in his body quickly recovered, and continued to rise.

The light of white "color" spilled out from Wu Yang's body, and every three-ball cell in the body was moving at a high speed, which made Wu Yang a little bit painful.

Damn, what kind of meatball did Bai Hou give? Containing such a strong power, the three-ball cells are almost unbearable.

Pandora frowned, and said, "What happened to you?"

"I'm fine." Wu Yang sat slowly on the ground. "Don't bother me, let me calm down."

Pandora nodded and said, "Then you continue."

In Wu Yang's body, every three-ball cell is rotating in the reverse direction. Since it is in the reverse direction, it means that instead of releasing energy, it absorbs energy.

That's right, a lot of white "color" energy is generated in Wu Yang's body, and these energies converge toward each of the three-ball cells and are absorbed by the three-ball cells.

The white "color" **** given to Wu Yang by Bai Hou are not ordinary balls, but **** made by extracting the energy of all three ball cells in the sentinel's body.


After the tragedy of the sentinel was captured, it became a white experiment. The huge three-ball cell energy contained in his body is a treasure trove.

This treasure house is now all Wu Yang, as long as Wu Yang can absorb them.

"Ah, ah ..." Wu Yang cried in pain.

Standing on the side, Pandora clearly saw Wu Yang's skin constantly bulging, then calmed down, repeating this process back and forth.

The bulge of the skin is caused by the expansion of the three-sphere cells. The three-sphere cells absorb a large amount of energy and continue to expand. After expanding to a certain extent, they contract again, and then expand again, continuously circulating.

Pandora frowned slightly, and she could feel that Wu Yang's power was constantly increasing, getting stronger and stronger.

"Interesting, Wu Yang, what I need is a spoiler, and you have this potential." There was a hint of light in Pandora's eyes.

"Giggle, you just keep getting stronger. No one will bother you."

With a wave of Pandora's hand, a layer of black "color" energy covered it, covering Wu Yang's surroundings.


In a luxurious palace on Mount Olympus.

"Get away." A faint voice sounded.

"Master Athena, please don't embarrass us." The two maids bowed their heads.

That's right, this is Athena, standing behind Gabriel.

"I want to see the king of the gods, what exactly does that mean?" Athena's face "color" cooled down.

When Athena first received the message from Zeus, she immediately returned to Mount Olympus. The message carried some threatening elements. If she didn't go back, Zeus would let several main gods ‘please’ her back.

Athena can choose not to go back, but once a few main gods go ‘please’ her, it will inevitably bring huge trouble to Wu Yang and the daughters.

In order not to implicate Wu Yang and the daughters, Athena had to return to Mount Olympus. Although there was definitely nothing good to understand, this bad thing was beyond her imagination, and Zeus was going to marry her.

Athena could not accept such a thing and would never accept it. She had to make it clear to Zeus.

"Master Athena, please don't embarrass us?" The two maids begged.

With a wave of Athena's hand, the two maids were repelled by an invisible force.

Athena and Gabriel walked forward.

"Master Athena ..." the two maids shouted helplessly.

Athena stepped out of the gate of the palace and continued to walk. Suddenly a layer of chaotic "color" appeared, and the barrier released a thrust.

Athena and Gabriel took several steps back together under this thrust.

Gabriel looked around, and saw a huge chaotic "color" barrier, enveloping the entire palace.

"My lord, it seems that we are under house arrest and cannot leave here," Gabriel whispered.

Athena frowned, and said, "What does the King of Gods want?"

"My dear daughter, Athena, doesn't want to be a father, I just want to take our relationship one step further." ..