v15 Chapter 33: You can call me scum (one more)

Hera and Wu Yang continued to talk, Hera asked, "Wu Yang, what are you going to do next? Continue to stay in the world of Greek mythology, or ..."

"Of course I went back and asked you to meet your sisters." Wu Yang frowned.

"Wu Yang, which one is inferior, no, derived from the world?"

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "It is not a derivative world, but an independent space."

"A separate space?"

Wu Yang asked, "Hera, have you heard of the system?"

"System, what's that?" Hera had a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "It seems that you are really high above you, and you don't care about things outside the world of Greek mythology."

"This is also a helpless thing. For everyone in the Greek mythological world, the derivative world is just a lower-level world, which is not worthy of care. Moreover, once we leave the Greek mythological world, our own power will be unknown. Halving, which has also led to no **** willing to leave here. "

Wu Yang thought for a moment: "Hera, how much do you know about the super war a million years ago?"

"Did you say that super battle? How did you know?"

"Pandora mentioned to me."

"It turned out that the super war was too long away. At that time, neither Zeus nor me was born. That war caused too many gods to die, and the truth slowly disappeared."

"The gods of our later generations can't know the reason either. Only knowing that from that war, the passage from the mythological world to the main world has been destroyed, and if we leave the mythical world, our power will be halved.

Wu Yang frowned. "You don't even know the cause of the war."

"Wu Yang, do you want to know?"

Wu Yang nodded: "Some people care. Without this war, the main world would now be controlled by your gods."

"Well, that's for sure. Now the gods of each mythological world cannot leave their own mythological world and go to the main world."

"It's no wonder that there are only your legends in the Lord's world, but never your figure, because you can't go any longer."

Hera paused. "You seem to know the Lord."

"Of course I know, I used to be a person in the main world, because of one system I can witness so many wonderful worlds." Wu Yang said with some emotion.

"what on earth is it?"

Wu Yang told Hera about the system.

Hera's expression kept changing, and she was silent for a while: "These systems are really amazing. They can upgrade themselves and connect to the derivative world."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about a question, where does the system come from?"

"Don't you say that there are nine systems? Perhaps the secrets will only become apparent when all nine systems are brought together and each system is upgraded to level nine."

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Well, I think so too. The known systems now include the Devouring System, the Conquering System, the Sword System, the Justice System, and the Villain System. The remaining four systems are unknown."

"There are only four systems that can be controlled by you. You also said that the core of the system of the villain system was stolen by an unknown person. You said, did the unknown person suddenly appear in the starting space and took away Zeus? That ghost? "

auzw.com "Well, you and I thought of going together, this ghost may be eyeing me very early."

"Wu Yang, you must be careful in the future." Hera's eyes were full of concern and worry.

Wu Yang hugged Hera and said, "Rest assured, I won't have anything. I haven't fought with you 3,000 times in chuang."

Hera's face was "red" slightly red, in a tone of reproach: "Wu Yang, how can you say so, so unbearable."

"I like your serious look. I'm naked, I can still say that, I'm convinced." Wu Yangxie laughed.

"You ..." Hera paused for a moment, "I, I won't tell you anymore."

"I just want to tell you, my good baby." Wu Yang's hand stroked Hera's perfect white body.

"Wu Yang, don't, no, I ..." Hera struggled slightly.

"What's wrong with you? Say."

"I, I, I ..." Hera trembled.

Wu Yang sighed in Hera's ear: "What the **** is wrong with you?"

Hera found that she had no way to take Wu Yang at all, and every time she tried to blame him, but this guy didn't care about it and even teased her like this.

For Wu Yang, he likes watching Hera's serious royal sister look overwhelmed. Without a trace of fighting power, he can only let him come.

"Wu Yang, stop teasing me ..." Hera said a little hard.

"Tease? This is obviously a communication of love."

Hera trembled from time to time, and finally pleaded with a hint: "Wu Yang, really can't come again, I will, I can't stand it."

"Hahaha, okay, then it won't come." Wu Yang smiled proudly.

There was a hint of shame in Hera's eyes, and she couldn't help but slap Wu Yang's waist with her hand: "Asshole!"

"No, you can call me scum." Wu Yang said shamelessly.

"It's all you, so I almost forgot to ask you something." Hera glared at Wu Yang.

"whats the matter?"

Hera's expression was somewhat cautious: "Can your systems enter the main world?"

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "No."

"Can the justice system work?"

"Gabriel said she couldn't."

"What about the villain system?"

Wu Yang said for a moment: "The villain system? It should be able, otherwise it won't take me away from the main world."

"I do n’t think it can. You made it clear that it was upgraded to level eight after it swallowed the sword system. Prior to this it was level seven. Now the level seven justice system cannot enter the main world. Will the villain system work? At that time, the puppets controlled by it, the sword system was even worse. "

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Well, it makes sense, since the villain system couldn't enter the main world at that time, how did I choose to be the adaptor of the sword system?" ..