v15 Chapter 38: Determine who is the male host (three more)

Every angel present was shocked and unbelievable about Wu Yang's ravings.

Gabriel glared at Wu Yang: "Wu Yang, what are you doing ..."

Athena's voice reminded Gabriel's mind: Calm down, Dad is helping you, just treat him as a joke.

Now that Athena has said so, Gabriel intends to take a look first. Wu Yang, this guy, is really getting more and more presumptuous. He can even say that it is her man. How can he say that?

However, if Wu Yang is really her man, would she object? What am I thinking, how could this guy be my man, absolutely impossible, impossible.

Michael shouted excitedly: "Wu Yang, what are you kidding, how could Gabriel marry someone like you? I absolutely disagree."

"Disagree, absolutely disagree." The angels all around shouted.

"We will never marry Gabriel to someone of unknown origin like you. This guy is not a good person at first glance, it must come to harm our justice space."

"Master Gabriel, let's kill this man."

"Yes, kill him."

Wu Yang "touched" and "touched" his nose and said, "I have a lot of opinions, but as a person, the more people are against it, the more I have to do."

"Wu Yang, you will surely become the scourge of justice space. I want to eradicate you." Michael pulled out the silver sword and pointed at Wu Yang.

"Courage, point me at the sword." Wu Yang sneered.

Gabriel frowned slightly, "Michael, do you really want to kill Wu Yang?"

"For justice, I have to do this, please, Gabriel, permission."

"Michele, I can give you a chance, but you have to think about it." Gabriel "Lu" smiled with an unknown meaning.

Michael nodded and said, "I'm sure I want to do this."

Gabriel said, "Well, I see. So, you and Wu Yang are fighting one another. Whoever wins is the male master here."

Wu Yang was surprised for a moment, this is not like what was said from Gabriel's mouth, what is this girl thinking?

Michael said excitedly, "Master Gabriel, are you saying this, is it true?"

"I won't joke with you, as long as you can do it."

Michael said loudly, "I will do it and I won't let you down. I do it just for the future of justice space."

"Master Michael, come on, come on, come on ..."

Cheers and shouts.

Pandora shook her head and said, "It's a bunch of people who don't know how to live or die, maybe this is the fearless of the ignorant."

"No way, they've been sitting there watching the sky." Hera's eyes flickered with disdain.

Wu Yang glanced at Gabriel. "Little angel, what are you thinking about?"

"Are you going to help me, right? Then do it." Gabriel smiled.

Wu Yang felt that there must be something wrong with it, but Gabriel did not say now, and he couldn't help it. What's more, just against a Michael, one finger can poke to death.

"Wu Yang, fight with me, life or death," Michael cried loudly.

Wu Yang smiled: "The decisive battle? This is not a decisive battle. It should be called a game where an adult accompanies a child."

auzw.com "You look down on me?" Michael's expression was a little distorted.

"Don't be excited, I can only say that I can't raise the slightest interest, but seeing that you are so excited, you can still play with you." Wu Yang's little fingers kept digging into her ears.

The angels all around were excited:

"Master Michael, let him know how great you are and purify him."

"Yes, purify this man full of evil."

"Purge this demon."


Michael waved the silver sword in his hand, full of murderous words: "Wu Yang, you will pay for your arrogance."

"You don't need to say these nonsense. I only use one finger. If you can win my finger, you win." Wu Yang raised his little thumb.

Michael was angry and shouted, "Just look down on me."

"Wu Yang." Michael rushed towards Wu Yang, and split his sword toward Wu Yang. "Cut it in two."

Wu Yang's little finger flicked against the silver sword that was split, and Michael felt only a strong force coming from the silver sword, making him unable to control back to back.

"Master Michael ..." a worried voice.

"I'm fine." Michael stopped his body, with strong resentment in his eyes.

Wu Yang's little thumb continued to pick his ears and squinted at Michael: "Hey, hey, this is really irritating. It really makes me uninterested. I expected you to have some fun."

"Wu Yang ..." Michael cried.

Click, click ...

The silver sword in Michael's hand shattered.

"When?" Michael's eyes widened.

"Your sword is really bad. It just broke a bit and it broke. Well, there are other means to make it out soon, otherwise there is no chance." Wu Yang yawned.


With a loud roar, Michael waved his hands and the golden light flickered.

"Oh, it's a bit interesting." Wu Yang smiled.

"Wu Yang, let you see my true power. It was just my care." Cried Michael, "go, my holy sword."

A huge holy sword condensed with golden light was released from Michael's hands, and bombarded Wu Anshui.

"Master Michael, you will win, you will win ..."

The one shout seemed to have killed Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled with "Lu": "I thought what it was, to be honest, I was a bit disappointed."

Wu Yang's little finger moved forward, facing the point of the holy sword. The four rays of light "shot", and the giant holy sword could not move any further.

"Like it."

A little white light was released from Wu Yang's little finger, and a bang sounded, and the holy sword smashed and dissipated in the air.

A trace of cold sweat oozed from Michael's forehead. This guy's strength is too strong, hateful, hateful, what should I do? You must get Gabriel, you must get! ..