v16 Chapter 17: Crazy long hair (three more)

"I know, I don't have any psychological pressure." Xuejian turned his face to the side. "Just memorizing it, it's not a big deal."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Is it? That's good."

"Ah, it's heavy, I can't stand up." Wu Yang exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"You ..." Xue Jian slaps on Wu Yang's shoulder.

"Just kidding, it's so light, it's just like Yu Mao." Wu Yang stood up easily.


Wu Yang walked forward step by step with snow on her back. The vitality of the beauty / girl can clearly feel. It is very good to carry it.

Xuejian's face was a bit red, and a strong male "sex" breath was exuded from Wu Yang's body, making her feel as if her body was a little hot.

"Why not talk?" Wu Yang laughed.

"I have nothing to say to you." Xuejian looked proud of her, "Yes, what's your name?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "My name, my name is Xianggong."

"Xiangong? Why is there such a strange name, Xianggong, hahaha, people hate it, and the name is strange." Xuejian didn't even respond.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "No way, parents' names."

"Sangong, haha, your parents are really talented."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Well, my parents are talented."

"No, no, you take advantage of me, you bastard." Xuejian reacted, and he hit Wu Yang's shoulders with his hands.

"You are too stupid. I said my name is Xianggong, you just shouted. What can I do, just call Xiangxiang a few more times."

"Look at you, hate, hate."

Wu Yang couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, how can you do that to you, lady? Obviously you called me a fair man."

"I'm not your lady, disgusted, shameless guy." Xuejian's hand was holding Wu Yang's head.

"Just a joke, my name is actually Wu Yang."

"Huh, it's awful."

Wu Yang said indifferently: "The name is just a code."

Xue Jian heard Wu Yang's voice and thought, "I must have heard your voice somewhere."


"There must be, not wrong." Xuejian frowned, thinking hard.

"Do you remember it?"

Xuejian suddenly cried, "You, you ..."

"Who am I?"

"You are the one back to back, who took advantage of me in the sedan chair." Xuejian cried.

Wu Yang answered honestly: "I found you."

"Sure enough, you, this shameless bastard, have been insulting me, I want, I want to kill you."

Xuejian's hands kept flapping on Wu Yang's body, his body twisting and shaking.

The young girl ’s youthful body is constantly rubbing against Wu Yang ’s back, which is a little irritating.

"It was just an accident. Seriously, I don't know what happened." Wu Yang said innocently.

"Don't you know what's going on? Less deceiving."

auzw.com Wu Yang looked at the ground, and saw that there was a lot of hair on the ground, and it was still curled up.

"Your hair is getting longer and longer," Wu Yang said with a smile. "It's all dragged to the ground, it's great."


Xuejian's face "color" suddenly changed, it seemed to remember something, and her hands grabbed her hair.

"Come again, come again." Xuejian cried with a face.

Wu Yang put Xuejian down and looked towards Xuejian. I saw Xuejian's hair was exaggerated and the speed was amazing.

"Don't look, you don't look." Xuejian's hands covered his face.

Wu Yang understands why. Xue Jian was created by the goddess Xi Yao with the fruit of the **** tree as the heart and the branches and leaves as the body. It naturally has some characteristics of plants. For example, in the spring night, Xue Jian's hair will grow crazy, and once it is autumn, her hair will fall again.

"It's really three thousand feet long," Wu Yang sighed.

"Don't say it, don't look at me." Xuejian's eyes were helpless. "Annoyed, annoyed, this **** hair. It will be laughed at when I know it.

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "Rest assured, I won't laugh at you, hahaha, sorry, didn't hold back."


Wu Yang's hand "touched" his chin: "In fact, I have a way to help you control this hair."

"You, are you serious? Tell me quickly."

"Tell you what's good for me?"

Xuejian shouted, "I won't hold you rude to me, tell me how to fix this **** hair."

"Okay, it's simple, it's on fire."

"Wu Yang, you scum, I'm going to kill you." Xue Jian looked excited and kicked one foot towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang grabbed Xue Jian's feet and smiled, "Isn't this a good idea?"

"Let ’s go, you let go of my feet." Xuejian tried to pull his feet back.

Wu Yang's eyes "shot" a white light, hitting Xuejian's hair. I saw the crazy long hair quickly shortened, until it changed back to the previous look.

Xuejian froze, "My hair ..."

"That's all right," Wu Yang said with a smile.

"You, how did you do that?"

Wu Yang raised a brow and said, "The secret of heaven cannot be revealed."

"Hum, leave it alone, I don't want to know." Xuejian moved his face to the side.

A white light emanated from Wu Yang's body, spread to Xue Jian's body, and then the two disappeared.

When he reappeared, Xuejian looked at him with a puzzled look: "Just now, what just happened?"

"you're home."

"Are you home?" Xuejian looked towards the front, and it was Tang Men. "How come so fast? Obviously just now ..."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Dummy girl, you go home, I should go. Remember, you have to be a girl for a day."

"Hey you……"

Xue Jian only saw Wu Yang's figure flicker and disappeared.

"Why is this shameless **** like a ghost? Isn't it a bit more martial arts? What's so great."

Xuejian walked towards Tang Men in front, but found that his right foot was no longer painful, just like normal.

"Did the **** cure me? Pretending to be nice."

Despite this, Xuejian shed a smile on her face. ..