v16 Chapter 19: Underground Secret Road (Second)

The door burst open, flew out, and hit the ground.

Xue Jian exclaimed angrily: "Scum, you have destroyed the door of Baidulou."

"The situation is urgent now, don't pay attention to these small things, it is important to hurry in." Wu Yang went straight in.

"You guy, who let you in? This is the forbidden area of ​​our Tangmen." Xuejian followed.

Wu Yang said indifferently: "I let myself in, can't I?"


"I've come in, how can you take me?" Wu Yang said cheaply.


"Don't be yours, it's important that you come here."

"It's all up to you. It's nothing good to meet you." Xue saw a look of dissatisfaction and shouted around, "Grandpa, grandpa are you here? Grandpa, grandpa ..."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "You're here to find grandpa."

"Otherwise do you think?"

"I thought you were in love."

"Private meeting love man? What kind of person do you think of me, you scum." Xuejian's hand hit Wu Yang.

Wu Yang grabbed his hand, held Xue Jian's small hand in his hand, and smiled, "Just a joke, what excitement."

"Let it go." Xuejian pulled his hand back hard.

"Shh, someone is here." Wu Yang grabbed Xue Jian's arm and hid towards the table beside him.

Xue Jian whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Don't talk." Wu Yang's hand blocked Xuejian's mouth.

Xue Jian bit her mouth with Wu Yang's hand, "take away your dirty hands."

Wu Yang looked toward the front, and saw Xue's uncle, Uncle Tang Tai, walking towards Baidulou sneakily.

"Uncle San." Xue Jian froze for a moment.

Tang Tai came to the door and saw the damaged door slammed. Could someone come first?

Tang Tai quickly entered and called, "Who is here?"

"Uncle San, what are you doing here?" Xuejian stood up and asked.

When Tang Tai saw Xue Jian and Wu Yang, his face "color" changed, and he pointed at Xue with his fingers and said, "It was you who broke the door, so brave."

"Not me, it's him." Xuejian pointed at Wu Yang.

"I don't care whether you or him, outsiders can't come in here, the two of you hurry up and get me out." Tang Tai was excited.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Tang Tai, there are so many poisonous people in Tangjiabao, and the church owner is not there. You do not direct the cleanup, but you come here. What do you want to do?"

"I, I, I ..." Tang Tai couldn't speak, and was a little annoyed, "I'm here, do you need an outsider to take care of me? Who are you?"

"I'm Xuejian's friend." Wu Yang smiled.

"Who is a friend with you." Xuejian glared at Wu Yang.

"Hurry up," Tang Tai cried.

Xuejian pointed at Tang Tai and said, "Uncle San, do you want to keep the five poisonous beasts for yourself?"

Tang Tai said in a guilty conscience: "You, what are you talking about? I take care of the big and small things in Tangmen, and I will naturally ask these five poisonous beasts."


Wu Yang looked at the door and said, "The poisoned man is here. You, the person who cares about the big and small things of Tangmen, should also be in charge."

"Poison man is here." Xuejian cried.

Tang Tai turned around and saw a large number of poisonous people walking towards Baidulou.

"These poisonous people." Tang Tai went out.

Wu Yang and Xuejian also went out, and saw Tang Tai fighting against the poisoned people, but the effort was really rubbish, and the situation was at stake.

"Hey, scum, you, help me uncle third uncle." Xue Jian said anxiously.

Wu Yang spread his hands and said, "Why should I help him? Does he have anything to do with me?"

"You ..." Xuejian's eyes were disappointed and angry. "Scum, I can recognize you. If you don't save, I'll go by myself."

"Hey, your third uncle treats you like this, do you still help him?" Wu Yang smiled.

"Anyway, he is my third uncle. I can't help but die." Xue Jian said resolutely, walking towards the poisoned people.

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "Silly girl."

Wu Yang jumped, stood in front of Xuejian, waved his hand, and a white light was released.

Suddenly all the poisonous people stopped, including Tang Tai, also stopped, one by one in a weird posture.

Xue Jian froze a bit: "This ..."

"What, what, I'm going to die." Wu Yang shook his body, "I'm so tired, I'm exhausting too much power."

Of course this is false. How could Wu Yang consume too much power because of this?

Xuejian supported Wu Yang's hand and said, "Hey, are you okay?"

"It's all right, all right." Wu Yang shook his head.

"Thank you ..." Xue Jian whispered.

"What did you say?"

Xue Jian glared at Wu Yang and raised his voice, "I said nothing, what should I do now? My third uncle ..."

"These poisonous people can't move for a day. Your uncle will be fine here, and you can't control him for a while. Aren't you going to find your grandpa? Can't find it.

"Of course, since Grandpa gave me a reminder to let me come to Baidulou, there must be something here, let's look for it." Xuejian helped Wu Yang and walked into Baidulou again.

Xuejian looked around: "Grandpa is not here, and there is nothing left here. What exactly made me come here?"

Wu Yang walked to a water tank and opened the lid of the water tank, and saw a wooden bowl inside.

"What are you doing?" Xuejian walked over.

Wu Yang bent down and raised the wooden bowl towards it.

Rumble ...

I saw a wall in front moving slowly towards one side, and "Lu" came out of an entrance.

"This is it?" Xue Jianyu said.

"You may know if you go in, maybe your grandpa is inside." Wu Yang walked towards the entrance.

"Wait for me."

After the two entered, Shimen closed again.

"I didn't expect there was an underground passage here." Xuejian looked around, "I never knew."

"So you are a silly girl." ..