v16 Chapter 31: Red Kwai is now (second more)

Wu Yang stood on a hill and looked forward, and saw a sword carrying two people passing by quickly, chasing a huge eagle behind.

The eagle burst into flames, attacking the two in front.

Wu Yang's "Lu" smiled: "It seems that Sedum will still be taken to Shushan."

"But all this has nothing to do with Lao Tzu." Wu Yang said to himself.

Wu Yang came to this world just to find the unknown system, otherwise he would not come here. As for what the world will be like, there is no "mao" money relationship with Wu Yang. Love is nothing but nothing. Just don't mess with him, you will die.

Therefore, Jing Tian and Xu Changqing are now being chased and killed by Zhonglou. Wu Yang has no intention of shooting, and he is not a good person.

Wu Yang yawned, "boring."

After speaking, Wu Yanghua disappeared for a white light.


Wu Yang was lying on the sofa, Pandora peeled an apple aside, and put an apple block into Wu Yang's mouth.

"Wu Yang, is there any information about that unknown system?" Pandora asked.


"No? Is it always like this, do nothing?"

Wu Yang waved his hands and said, "All you can do now is wait. If it doesn't come out, I can't destroy the whole world."

"There is nothing to really destroy, isn't it a lower world?" Pandora chuckled.

"Well worthy of being a witch, your idea is hot enough."

Pandora glanced at Wu Yang and said, "You are just like a good guy."

"Isn't I a good person? I was rescued from the" force "of Zeus's dog, or now you can only be helplessly ruined by Zeus."

Pandora nodded and said, "Although your intention was to save your daughter Athena, it did help me."

Wu Yang smiled with a wicked smile: "You haven't repaid me well."

"How do you want me to repay you?"

Wu Yang looked at the little Xiong Department that Pandora fell out, and raised a brow and said, "Your" milk "is very good."

"You speak so directly."

"No way, I'm never pretentious, just say it."

Pandora said with a smile: "So what do you want me to do?"

"" Milk "is so good, it is a great regret not to come to Xiong once, so I decided, and you should push me Xiong once, and it will be as a reward for me." Wu Yang said shamelessly.

"Xiong push, no problem."

Wu Yang hypocritically said, "Pandora, don't force yourself, I'm just kidding. If you don't agree, I won't care."

"Wu Yang, you don't need to say this. Since I promised, I would definitely do it."

Wu Yang gave a thumbs up: "I admire people like you."

"Say, do you know that there is another personality in Dragon Sunflower?" Pandora smiled.

"What? You've met her."

auzw.com "I've seen it. It's completely different from the fragile dragon sunflower. The other one is like a raging fire."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Isn't this interesting?"

"It's interesting, but she's not as deceitful as Dragon Sunflower."

Wu Yang looked at his hand and said, "There is no woman I can't handle yet."

"Reasonable and convincing. Look, she's out." Pandora smiled.

Wu Yang looked at it and saw a flaming red sunflower walking out, looking at Wu Yang with a look of arrogance and coldness.

"Yo, isn't this red sunflower? Sit back and drink tea?" Wu Yang said warmly.

Hongkui snorted coldly: "Less this one."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Wu Yang, I just want to know the whereabouts of my brother."

Wu Yang said expressionlessly: "Hong Kui, I said before, don't worry. When I say to help you, I will definitely help you."

"I have no reason to believe you. I will leave here and look for myself."

Wu Yang stood up from the sofa and walked in front of Hongkui.

The red "color" eyes of Hongkui faced Wu Yang.

"Hong Kui, don't you be so naive?" Wu Yang chuckled slightly.

Hongkui said coldly, "What do you mean? Look down on me?"

"You can't control this body all the time. Once you turn back to the dragon sunflower, what will you do with the dragon sunflower? In the face of this strange world, she will be bullied."

The face of Hongkui is ugly, because Wu Yang is telling the truth, she can only appear up to 12 hours a day, and the remaining time is controlled by Longkui.

"At that time, not only will your brother not be found, but you will also make Long Kui bullied. Can you bear such a mistake?"

"Shut up!" Hongkui clenched her fists.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "I don't shut up, the facts can't be changed. Hongkui, is it so difficult to choose to believe me?"

Hongkui looked at Wu Yang and said coldly, "Longkui believes you, but I won't be as simple as her. You must have your unspeakable purpose."

"That said, of course I have my own purpose, but I can help you by the way, this is not a conflict."

Suddenly, Wu Yang's eyes were cold. "Hongkui, you can't believe me, but I hope you can figure it out. If your decision hurts the sunflower, I will let you know what the price is."

"What qualifications do you have to say this?" Hong Kui chuckled coldly, with anger in her eyes.

"The qualification is that Long Kui believes me, she is her, you are you, you cannot make decisions for her." Wu Yang's voice was full of madness.


Wu Yang smiled: "Is it arrogant, you can try it."

"Try it and try, I will not let you at the mercy of Hongkui." Hongkui hit Wu Yang with one palm.

"An attack like yours has no effect."

No one saw Wu Yang's shot. Hongkui only felt a strong impact, and the surrounding tables, sofas and chairs flew out.

Hong Kui snorted and went backwards.

"Ah, that's the way it is, Wu Yang, you have to be pity and cherish." Pandora looked at the scene. ..