v16 Chapter 34: Cry, cry (2 more)

Xue Jian was tired of crying and slaps, and the whole man was "colored", so Wu Yang was holding him.

Wu Yang holding Xuejian walking all the way, came to a small river, and placed Xuejian on a rock.

Wu Yang took out a paper towel and helped Xuejian wipe the tears on his face. Xuejian didn't react at all.

"Hungry?" Wu Yang asked.

Xuejian looked at Wu Yang and shook his head slightly: "Not hungry, you don't need to worry about me."

"You don't need to say such silly words. If you are sad, cry, I have shoulders." Wu Yang patted his shoulders.

"I just want to be alone."

"Just be alone, all right, be quiet, I'm leaving." Wu Yang stood up and walked forward.

Xue Jian looked at the back of Wu Yang's departure and didn't say a word.

The sky gradually became dark until late at night.

Xuejian looked around blankly: "Is it dark?"

A moment of coolness struck, and Xuejian shivered.

Suddenly a warm coat was put on Xue Jian's body.

Xue Jian turned his head slightly and looked at it, "Wu Yang."

"Is it, are you okay?" Wu Yang sat down beside Xuejian.

"Aren't you gone?"

Wu Yang smiled: "Leave? I've been there."

"Wu Yang, I'm not a big lady anymore. I can't even name the word Tang, I'm gone." Xuejian smiled sorrowfully.

Wu Yang said lightly: "What if you don't have these? You or you."

"You get nothing from me."

"I didn't want to get anything, what can you give me? Xuejian, do you still want to cry?" Wu Yang wrapped Xuejian's shoulder in one hand and pulled Xuejian into his arms.

"Cry for a while." Wu Yang patted Xuejian's shoulder.

"Woohoo, woohoo, hoohoo ..." Xue Jian's tears burst into blood, and the flowing stream burst.

"Why, why does Grandpa leave? Why am I not Grandpa's granddaughter? This is why, why."

Wu Yang patted Xue Jian's back: "Cry, it'll be easy to cry."

"Woohoo ..."

After crying for dozens of minutes, Xuejian's tears finally stopped flowing, and Wu Yang's clothes were completely "tide". The statement that a woman is made of water has been verified, otherwise how can she cry like this?

Coo, coo ...

A hungry cry came out.

Xuejian raised his head quickly, his face "colored" turned red and looked very cute, "No, not me ..."

"Hungry? Also, I haven't eaten for a day." Wu Yang said with a smile.

"I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry."

Wu Yang's hand flashed a blue "color", and a fragrant fried chicken leg appeared, exuding a seductive / inviting fragrance.

Coo, coo ...

Xuejian's belly was even stronger, and his face became "red" and embarrassed.

auzw.com Xue Jian smelled the scent of that fried chicken leg, and swallowed continuously.

"Eat?" Wu Yang asked.

"No, don't eat, I can't eat it." Xue Jian shook his head.

Wu Yang smiled: "Also said he couldn't eat? Whose stomach is calling?"


"Well, what kind of politeness is there in front of me? I'm the scum and **** in your mouth, and I've been bullying you. If you don't eat it, how can you have the strength to pay me back?

Xue Jian grabbed the chicken leg in Wu Yang's hand and stuck it in her mouth. The more she ate, the more she couldn't stop. This was something she had never eaten.

"Eat slowly, and then." Wu Yang smiled.

Xue Jian ate five big chicken drumsticks before stopping.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Do you want any more?"

"No more."

"Wipe your mouth." Wu Yang handed Xue Jian a tissue.

Xuejian took it, wiped his mouth, "Thank you."

Wu Yang took a bite of chicken drumsticks and said, "You're welcome with me."

Xuejian looked at Wu Yangdao: "Wu Yang, thank you very much. At this time, only you are still around."

"Are you feeling better?" Wu Yang asked.

"Um." Xue Jian nodded slightly.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Take a break and go to Tangjiabao tomorrow."

"Go to Tangjiabao? No, I can't go back anymore. I'm not from the Tang family." Xuejian shook his head sadly.

"Who said you weren't?"

Xuejian shook his head and said, "I'm not grandpa's granddaughter, I'm just an abandoned baby of unknown origin, adopted by grandpa."

"Does this matter?" Wu Yang said lightly. "In your grandfather's eyes, does he care that you are close to him? He doesn't care. In his eyes, you are his closest relative, and you are his only concern."

"I know, I know, in my heart, grandpa is also my only relative, but ..."

"Nothing. You are the Tang family. If you give up your Tang family identity, your grandfather will not be at ease under Jiuquan."

"Of course I don't want to give up, but my third uncle will not admit me, and they will not accept me." Xue Jian looked helpless.

Wu Yang resolutely said, "You don't need them to admit or accept them. I have everything to help you, believe me."

Xuejian looked into Wu Yang's eyes and remembered what Grandpa said before he died, that was to make her believe in Wu Yang. Wu Yang was the only person who would help her. Grandpa also hoped that they would become husbands and wives. To be married ...

"Hey, why are you blushing? What do you think?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

"No, nothing." Xuejian lowered his head.

"Shy?" Wu Yang frowned.

"No, don't ask." Xue Jian whispered.

After a few seconds, Xuejian said, "Wu Yang, I believe in you."

"Trust me, I won't let you down."

Xuejian raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky and said, "I heard that when someone dies, they will become stars in the sky. Grandpa, which star are you in the sky?"

Xue Jian's tears slipped from his eyes and he said softly: "Without grandpa, I don't even know where I am now? Maybe an orphan, maybe a beggar, may have died long ago, it was grandpa who gave me the name , Gave me a happy home, and the favor he gave me, I ca n’t repay it. "

Wu Yang stood up: "Xue Jian, from now on, you will start a new life. Be strong, your grandpa is watching in the sky." ..