v16 Chapter 68: I don't want Brother Wu to leave.

Long Kui's eyes flashed disguised disappointment, and said, "Is Brother Wu's wife? It must be a very nice person."

"Yeah, she is a gentle and kind person, very weak and very pitiful." Wu Yang said exactly the same, an atmosphere called "sadness" was spreading.

"Brother Wu must love her very much," Long Kui whispered.

Wu Yang looked at the sea of ​​fire in front, with a strong sadness in his eyes: "Yes, very love."

"Where is Brother Wu now your wife?"

Wu Yang smiled bitterly: "It's gone."

"Are you here? Isn't it ..."

"Yes." Wu Yang nodded.

Long Kui said apologetically: "Brother Wu is sorry, I'm really sorry, I don't know your wife, I shouldn't ask you these ..."

"It's okay, it's all over." Wu Yang said lightly.

Long Kui didn't know what to say. She now wanted to say something to comfort Wu Yang, but she couldn't say it to her mouth.

Wu Yang looked at Long Kui and said, "Dragon Kui, when I saw you, I thought of my wife. You are so similar."

"Is that why Brother Wu helped me?"

"Yeah, but you are you after all, you are a dragon sunflower, not anyone. I help you, but I hope you will be less sorrowful and fulfill your wish as soon as possible." Wu Yang smiled.

Wu Yang continued: "So you don't need to repay me anything. I help you, it is also comforting myself."

Longkui lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

"See the front of this sea of ​​fire? Your brother is in that palace, let's go, I'll take you there. This time, I will make your brothers and sisters recognize each other, which is what you have always expected, I want to help you achieve it. "

Dragon Sun trembled a little, and said, "Don't ..."

Wu Yang said with some fun: "Why not? Isn't this your dream all along?"

Long Kui looked at Wu Yang's eyes and said, "Doesn't Brother Wu leave you as long as I and Brother Wang recognize each other? Doesn't Long Kui see you forever?"

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes and he said, "Yeah, to help you realize your wish, I don't have to stay here, you will take good care of the dragon sunflower."

"No, no." Longkui shook his head.


"Because, because I want to see Brother Wu, I don't want Brother Wu to leave." Long Kui said bravely.

Wu Yang laughed, it was not easy for Long Kui to say such a thing.

"Do you really think so?" Wu Yang asked.

Saying those words just now makes Dragon Sunflower very embarrassed, but still nodded, "Well."

Long Kui continued to whisper: "Brother Wu, I still, I'll meet Brother Wang later, so that you can continue to stay ..."

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "Stupid girl, you don't need to do this, and wrong yourself."


"Brother Wu, I don't have any grievances. In my heart, I think so."

"I know."

"Then Brother Wu ..." Long Kui's eyes looked expectant.

"Still let you recognize your brother."

Hearing Wu Yang's words, the expectations in Long Kui's eyes were all turned into disappointment. Some bleak words said: "The Long Kui is a trouble. It is normal for Brother Wu to not want to be beside the Long Kui."

"Stupid girl, what do you think." Wu Yang squeezed on Long Kui's face.

Long Kui hesitated: "Brother Wu, what do you mean?"

"It means that I will help you recognize Sedum, but I will not leave."

"This, is this true?" Dragon Sunflower said excitedly.

"of course it's true."

Long Kui couldn't help but hug Wu Yang's waist, with a smile on his face, "Great, great."

Wu Yang was surprised by this bold act of Dragon Sunflower, and Ting was bold.

Longkui also found that his actions were inappropriate, his face flushed, Wu Yang was released, and he took a few steps back, facing Wu Yang, nervously whispering: "Wu, Brother Wu, don't care, I ... "

Wu Yang laughed a few times: "I didn't care, I didn't care. If you come again, I won't care."

"Brother Wu, you are teasing ..." Long Kui's face was shy at the younger daughter's house.

Wu Yang was thinking of one thing. In the end, should Longkui and Sedum know each other now? If you think about it, forget it. Then what did you tell Longkui to let her know Sedum? Do you want to achieve it, just talk about it.

However, I still want to see the palace. The fire spirit bead is there. As for Sedum, Wu Yang wants to help him to make a very interesting thing.

"Well, let's be serious, Dragon Sunflower, do you know where this is?"

Long Kui cleared up her shy mood, looked around, and didn't care about it before. Now she only looks horrible and shook her head: "I don't know, Brother Wu, how can we be here? Isn't it in the street of Ba Du? I I remember you took that person away, and you asked me and Xuejian to wait for you. "

Longkui's memory still stays in the street at that time, after all, it is Hongkui.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "You forgot, we are in **** now."

"Hell?" There was a flash of fear in Longkui's eyes. "Brother Wu, will we be in hell? Are we all dead?"

"No, we are not dead. Just come here to see, rest assured."

Long Kui said in wonder: "Come to hell? But I don't remember anything."

"When you came to **** with me before, you were fainted, so you can't remember it." Wu Yang talked again, and now he doesn't want Longkui to know about Hongkui.

"It turned out to be this way." Long Kui had no doubt at all about Wu Yang's words.

Wu Yang grabbed the hand of Dragon Sunflower and said, "Dragon Sunflower, now Brother Wu will take you across this sea of ​​fire and go to the palace."

Being held by Wu Yang's animal, Long Kui had no objection, but blushed and whispered, "Everyone listens to Brother Wu."

"set off."..