v16 Chapter 80: Enjoy slowly (two more)

After a bunch of chickens tried their best, Gu Liufang remained unmoved.

"Don't waste your time, it's useless to me." Gu Liufang said lightly.

The self-esteem of these chickens was inspired, and so many of them could not excite a man.

Wu Yang said expressionlessly, "What are you still hesitating for? It's been this long, he's still like this, I'm disappointed."

A group of chickens looked at each other, biting their teeth, for the self-esteem of the chicken, and for the money, then let the storm be more violent.

I saw clothes flying around, and every chicken here was off.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "That's right, take off my brother's clothes."

Gu Liufang's face "color" changed, and said, "Wu Yang, you can't do this."

"Why not? I'm doing this for you, and you should enjoy it. You should be happy."

A few chickens ripped Gu Liufang's clothes. "Son, you don't want to be serious, just follow us, so everyone is happy."

"Stop it, what kind of system is this? You'll put on your clothes." Gu Liufang couldn't calm down anymore.

"I thought you could continue to pretend. It seems that your skills are not enough, isn't it just to take off your clothes? Does it make you calm?" Wu Yang laughed with a look.

Gu Liufang shouted, "Wu Yang, let them stop."

"I can't do this. Such an interesting thing, stop, it is a sin." Wu Yang's face was evil.

Gu Liufang's clothes were all pulled out, but he couldn't stop it.

"No, you can't." Gu Liufang panicked.

A chicken grabbed Gu Liufang's hanging, playing in his hand: "It's already Shi Geng, and his mouth is called No, it really is a boring person."

Hanging by the hand, Gu Liufang's expression changed greatly. He felt like he had never felt before.

"Sin, sin, stop now." Gu Liufang cried.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Brother, your hanging has explained everything, don't stand it up, enjoy it, you will like it."

"stop it."

Wu Yang said, "Girls, develop your various abilities, what skills, unlocking postures, give him all again, these golds are yours."

"Uncle, don't worry, sisters don't let uncle down, let's get started."

The chickens launched a powerful offensive against Gu Liufang, which was tian's, 'touch', and dear ...

"Don't, don't do this, me, I can't ..." Gu Liufang called, but his voice had changed.

Wu Yang looked at all this coldly. For a person who has never enjoyed the war between men and women, this kind of thing is like poison "medicine". With the first time, there will be the second time.

"Enjoy it slowly." Wu Yang sneered.

Soon after, the calls of various men and women came out, which was a fierce ah. In the end, the chickens did not need to take the initiative, and Gu Liufang already took the initiative.

Gu Liufang said dryly in his heart: Masters and Uncles, the disciples violated the rules and did such meticulous things, but the disciples were forced, you must be able to understand me ...

auzw.com Gu Liufang has no way to think about it anymore. He can't stand such a stimulus anymore, it's never been cool.

Wu Yang's eyes flashed a silver light and entered Gu Liufang's body. Gu Liufang only felt that his body was instantly filled with endless power and his body was red.

After doing this, Wu Yanghua disappeared here for a white light.

Another place.

The aunt said solemnly: "Zixuan, don't make trouble, why should your daughter's family go to places such as Qinglou where there is a bad, unscrupulous and shameless place, and you are the son-in-law's descendant. Shameless of the entire Nanxun. "

"So, how do you do that? Would you like to save Liufang?" Zi Xuan said anxiously.

"There are so many blue houses here, do you know which one? Not to mention, it's unclear whether the shameless villain said whether it was true or not."

"No, I have to rescue Liufang. In the hands of that scum, he must be in danger." Zi Xuan said before leaving.

"You stand still, do you know where they are?"

"I don't know, but I can find it."

The aunt shook her head and said, "Zixuan, calm down. You have your duties, and Gu Liufang is a monk. He has his own way to go."

"Shenggu, what do you mean?" Zi Xuan asked.

"Zixuan, I hope you can find your favorite person and let the son-in-law's family inherit, but it cannot be Gu Liufang. Once you are entangled / entangled, it is not good for you or him.

"Aunt, I don't understand."

The aunt sternly said, "Whether you understand me or not, I won't let you out."

"Aunt, you can't die."

"I'm doing this for you."

Where is Wu Yang now? It was natural to go to Gu Liufang's masters. Gu Liufang's good things now must let his masters know that his apprentice has grown up.

Master Gu Liufang and his brothers came to preach here at the invitation of King Nanzhao. Naturally, the place where they lived was a bit “forced”, and there were guards and guards from Nanzhao State.

In the hall, a white light flashed, and Wu Yang appeared here instantly.

In front of Wu Yang, three old priests sitting cross-legged on a futon on the ground, eyes closed, meditating.

Wu Yang coughed, "Cough ..."

The Taoist sitting in the middle didn't open his eyes, but just said lightly, "Didn't you say that? Can anyone come to disturb us?"

"How many people does anyone contain?" Wu Yang smiled.

The three old priests opened their eyes and looked at Wu Yang. The old priest in the middle frowned and said, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, but your most proud disciple, there are things now."

The three old priests stood up, "Liu Fang?"

"That's right."

"What's up with him?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Nothing, it's just that he has grown up. Are you happy to be a master or an uncle in the blue house?"