v16 Chapter 101: Super defense (one more)

Wu Yang looked at the blue dragon roaring and had not acted yet. A dazzling silver "color" light hit the soul gem, and "shot" / passed towards the blue dragon.

Qinglong gave a roar, a mouth opened, and the blue "color" flame was released, spraying towards the spirit "shooting" line coming forward.


A fierce roar sounded, and the spirit's "shot" line was defeated by the flame.

However, three spiritual "shooting" lines followed, and after the flames dissipated, they slammed on Qinglong's body.


Qinglong roared, twirling frantically, as if out of control, and no longer attacked Wu Yang.

The armor-wearer's eyes were filled with incredibleness, because he couldn't "control" his blue dragon, what was the situation?

"What did you do?" The armor wearer asked loudly.

"Are you so stupid?"

Wu Yang yelled, flew towards Qinglong, and punched Qinglong with a frantic "chaotic" dance.


The white light erupted, Qinglong roared, and his thick body collapsed quickly, dissipating in the air.

"Abominable." The armor wearer clenched his fists.

Wu Yang looked at the jewel in the soul, and smiled, "I have a good spirit, I want to reward you."

"Fold up your hypocritical set." Qi Ling's voice sounded in Wu Yang's mind.

The armor wearer shouted, "Boy, I will kill you."

"The ox is forced to blow, aren't you afraid that the ox will fly to the sky?" Wu Yang said dismissively.

The spiritual gems "shot" one after another in seven or eight spiritual "shooting" lines, and "shot" at the speed of the armor-wearer.

"You are too underestimated by the armor of my demon god." The armor wearer yelled, his hands slammed down, and his body moved forward.

The spirit "shooting" lines all hit him, and the silver light burst, brightening all around.

"It's useless. All his mental powers are defended by his armor. It's really a powerful armor that can defend against mental attacks." Qi Ling sounded in Wu Yang's mind with a hint of surprise.

The silver "color" light slowly dissipated, and the armor wearer laughed wildly: "Did you see? The armor of the demon is open to defense, and there is nothing to break its defense. Boy, you can't."

"Your paralysis." Wu Yang appeared instantly in front of the armor-piercing person, and suddenly punched him in the face of the armor-piercing person.

"Grass horse!"

The armor-piercing man snarled and fell down, and was beaten flying, which was unacceptable, and even more unbearable.


A high mountain / peak exploded on the impact of the armor piercer, and countless mountains and stones flew into the sky.

"Military armor is stupid. Lao Tzu hates people who pretend to be" forced. "Wu Yang shouted, turning into a white light, falling down like a falling meteor, and bombarding the place where the armored person fell go with.


As if a large missile exploded, a cloud of smoke and dust accompanied the powerful force and spread around.

A large pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters was formed. At the bottom of the pit, Wu Yang stepped on the armor-wearer.


"I want you to smash the corpse!" The armor wearer yelled, and the blue light rushed up to the sky.

From a distance, you can only see a huge blue "color" beam of light, like a miracle.

Under the impact of this force, Wu Yang was blasted into the sky and kept facing upwards.


Wu Yang shouted, gathering his own strength, plus the power of the cosmic cube, the ancient winter coffin, and the etheric particles, the palms of his hands snapped, and the power poured down.


The green "color" beam of light that bombarded Heaven was blown down layer by layer under the palms of Wu Yang's palms until it completely dissipated.

"Whirring whirring……"

Wu Yang panted, and the ice armor formed by the ancient winter coffin protecting her body made a crackling sound and shattered.

But the next second, a flash of ice flashed on the ancient winter coffin, and another layer of ice armor formed on Wu Yang.

The armor wearer flew across from Wu Yang from below, looking at Wu Yang innocently, he could not accept it.

"Boy." The armor wearer shouted.

"Let you be paralyzed, masked silly" force ", before installing" force ", you must first understand the object and then" force ", otherwise it will be pretended to be silly" force ". You are not trying to crush Laozi to death Isn't it just a mouthful? "Wu Yang taunted.

The armor-wearer's eyes were only "exposed", full of anger, "You, I will definitely kill it."

"This is impossible." Wu Yang sneered.


Wu Yang and the armor wearer yelled at the same time, rushing towards the other side, banging together.

Boom, boom ...

The sound of collisions in the sky continued, and a wave of energy was spreading.

Despite the fierce fighting, Wu Yang was still unable to break the armor wearer's defense, and the defense of the demon armor was too buggy.

However, the armor-wearer is also unable to deal with Wu Yang. The layer of energy armor and ice armor on Wu Yang will once again be broken once broken.

The surrounding space has become unstable, and there have been wrinkles, and some places have been broken, and cracks have appeared.

"I don't believe it. There is nothing in the world that I can't break." Wu Yang's face was murderous.

The armor-wearer whispered coldly, "The demon armor is not something you can break."

"I don't believe in this evil." Wu Yang's hands waved, releasing the ice armor and energy armor from his body, and converging all the energy into his hands.

With Wu Yang's actions, the whole area was full of wind and storms.

The armor-wearer's eyes narrowed slightly, and Wu Yang's next attack would be unparalleled, but he had confidence in his demon armor, and no one could break it.

"Useless, come on, let me see your strongest move." The armor wearer cried loudly.

The armor wearer has his own intention. The armor of the demon **** can not only defend the opponent's attack, but its strength is that it can absorb the opponent's power and then attack back.

"Come on, hit me, I don't make any counterattacks." The armor wearer shouted.

Wu Yang made a deep howling, "Ha ..."

"I'm here now, masked silly" force "...