v16 Chapter 120: Incarnation of the Holy Fruit (second)

Once Qing'er's seal is opened, Qing'er will continue to absorb the spiritual power of Zi Xuan in the process of growing up. This is impossible. But now Zi Xuan's lost spiritual power not only recovered, but also rapidly strengthened, endless.

"This is really amazing." Zi Xuan said joyfully.

Wu Yang proudly said, "See it, of course, the best I give you."

Wan Yuzhi opened his eyes and lost a long breath: "A fruit can get me out of the demon's constitution, which is too great."

"Is it really that powerful?" Xuejian took a sip and his eyes widened. "My body seems to be full of strength."

Looking at the ginseng fruit, Longkui always felt that this was a baby doll, and some did not dare to eat it, but everyone ate it, and it should be fine.

After taking a bite of Long Kui, her body trembled, and she felt only a warm current flowing in her body, which was usually relatively weak, and now full of vitality.

Wu Yang took the remaining ginseng fruit in his hand, "Now come to feed my Qinger."

"But how can you let Qing'er eat it? She doesn't have teeth yet." Zi Xuan asked.

"Isn't it easy?"

The white light on Wu Yang's hand flickered, compressing the ginseng fruit, compressing the ginseng fruit into a "liquid" / body, flowing slowly.

"This is no problem," Zi Xuan said happily.

"Come, Qing'er opened his mouth, and Dad fed you good food." Wu Yang said softly.

"Ah, ah ..."

Qing Er opened her mouth and waved her two small hands.

Ginseng juice "liquid" slowly flows into Qing'er's mouth.

"In this way, Qing'er will no longer need to draw aura from Zi Xuan's body to grow up." Wu Yang said.

"After eating the ginseng fruit, even if Qing'er draws aura from me, I will have no problem at all."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Isn't this better?"


Wu Yang fed Qinger the entire ginseng juice "liquid". Qinger's light flashed on Qinger's body, and his aura was almost overflowing.

Wu Yang's left hand waved, and Qing's aura calmed down.

"Qinger, you can grow up well."

"Ah ..." Xue Jian suddenly yelled.

"What's wrong?" Several people looked at Xuejian.

Wan Yuzhi froze, "Xue Jian, your hair."

I saw Xuejian's hair growing wildly, and soon dragged to the ground.

"How can this be? I knew I would not eat this ginseng fruit, it must be the reason for it." Xuejian cried with a face.

Zi Xuan did not understand, "Xuejian, what is going on with your hair?"

"I don't know. It used to be like this. It grows as soon as it arrives in spring, and will fall off as soon as it arrives in autumn. It's annoying like grass. Now it's not spring." Xuejian said a little madly.

A few girls were stunned for a while, what is this "hair" disease? Never heard of it.

Xuejian looked at Wu Yang: "Asshole, help me quickly, I don't want to be like a lunatic."

auzw.com "Isn't this pretty?" Wu Yangxi smiled.

"You bullied me." Xuejian glared at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang walked to Xuejian's side and put a hand on Xuejian's hair, and immediately understood the reason. After Xuejian ate the ginseng fruit, the aura disorder in his body had "disordered" and caused the hair to grow crazy.

Wu Yang smoothed the aura in Xuejian's body, and her crazy hair stopped growing.

"Close." Wu Yang cried.

The hair that had been five or six meters in length shrank quickly until it became normal.

"Changed back." Xue Jian said happily.

"Wu Yang, what happened to Xue Jian?" Zi Xuan asked.

Wu Yang smiled: "This involves Xue Jian's life experience."

"My life? Asshole, do you know? Tell me quickly." Xuejian's eyes were anxious.

"You are the embodiment of the Holy Fruit."

"Holy fruit? That is not the fruit of the divine tree!" The aunt and Zi Xuan said something incredible.

Xue Jian himself froze: "I am the incarnation of the Holy Fruit? Am I a fruit?"

"Don't doubt, you are."

Xuejian shook his head and said, "How can I be the fruit? I am human."

Wu Yang put Qing'er into Zi Xuan's arms, then walked in front of Xuejian, put his hands on Xuejian's shoulders, and said, "Is the fruit important to someone? You are you, you are Xuejian, unique See you in snow. "

Xuejian's body shook and looked like a figure: "You're right, I'm Xuejian, I'm me."

"But Brother Wu, why did Xuejian sister become the incarnation of Shengguo?" Longkui didn't understand.

"This, holy fruit, is the fruit of the **** tree of the **** world, and the goddess Xi Yao, who is in charge of the **** tree, feels very lonely and silent. A holy fruit turned into a snowball. "

Wu Yang didn't say anything because Xi Yao missed the poncho, that was purely to trouble himself.

Zi Xuan smiled: "I did not expect Xuejian to have such a magical origin."

Xuejian whispered to himself: "I was born this way, is the goddess Xiyao? If there is a chance, I must meet her."

"I don't think it's better to meet," Wan Yuzhi said.


The aunt said angrily: "The goddess Xi Yao is one of the three goddesses in the **** world. It must be very noble and beautiful, if seen by this" color "man."

The aunt did not know that Wu Yang had seen Xi Yao when he returned two hundred years ago.

Wu Yang "touched" his nose and said, "Look at what you said, I'm such a person."

"You are." Xuejian despised. "Large [color] Lang, heart robbed."

"But Brother Wu, haven't you said why Xuejian's hair is like that?" Longkui asked.

Wu Yang spread his hand and said, "Isn't this easy? Now that Xue Jian is the incarnation of the Holy Fruit, it naturally possesses the characteristics of some plants, and this characteristic is reflected in her In the hair, like grass, spring grows and autumn falls. "

"The ginseng fruit just now has a powerful aura. For Xuejian, the incarnation of Shengguo, it is like eating Shiquan Dabu soup. The nutrition is excessive and the hair grows crazy."

Xuejian worried, "Will I do that again?"

"No, you have been reborn." ..