v16 Chapter 143: Miss (three more)

"Let it go, I will hold my hand for a lifetime." Wu Yang said loudly.

Xi Yao couldn't pull back her hand, looking to the side, and whispered, "Who will hold hands with you forever."

"You." Wu Yang laughed.

Xi Yao shook her head: "Don't you know what other people think?"

"I will consider it."

"No, you didn't think about it, you just have to do it what you want to do. As for the thoughts of others, you have already ignored it. You are like this to me, you never ask me what I think."

Wu Yang "touched" his nose and gave a haha: "Really?"

Lao Tzu has always been like this and can't be changed.

"Yes." Xi Yao said incomparably.

"Well, I think what I did was the most correct. Since it's right, I don't need to care so much."

Xi Yao was a little speechless: "Do you think you missed it?"

"It doesn't seem to be, I can't make mistakes." Wu Yang said arrogantly.

"You are really arrogant and arrogant. This is a bad attitude."

Wu Yang said indifferently: "Although I know this is a bad attitude, I can't stop it."

"What are you talking about?" Xuejian and Shui Bi flew over. "Can you take us along?"

Xi Yao immediately pulled his hand back strongly, keeping a distance with Wu Yang, saying: "No."

"Isn't it true? Wu Yang, you bastard, loves the new and hates the old," Xue Jian said intentionally.

Wu Yang "touched" his chin with his hand, Xuejian seemed to be addicted to teasing Xi Yao. However, there is one thing that is very exciting to think about, and that is to put Xuejian and Xi Yao on chuang together, the two are exactly the same, can't think about it ...

Xue Jian looked at Wu Yang's face suspiciously, "How did you laugh so evil just now?"

"Have it?"

"Yes, there must be something bad thinking." Xuejian said very well.

"Ahem, hurry back to the Nuwa Temple, Zi Xuan must be anxious." Wu Yang speeded up.

Shui Bi and Xi Yao both froze, who is Zi Xuan?

Xuejian spread his hand and said, "I know you are a little sleepy and" confusing ", and you will know when you go. It will definitely surprise you. But now that you have boarded the thief ship, you can only go black one way."


Nu Wa Temple.

Long Kui ’s daughters were sitting in a pavilion beside the lotus pond with a boring face. Long Kui said with a miss on her face: “It has been half a year, why has n’t Xianggong come back?”

"Longkui seems to want the bad guy to die." Wan Yuzhi quipped.

Longkui's face was "red" red, but still bravely said, "I, I just want to, what can I do? Sister Yuzhi, don't you want to?"

"Of course she thinks, not only mentally, but also physically." Zi Xuan's face teased.

"Zixuan, you, what are you talking about?" Wan Yuzhi's face "red" turned red.

Zi Xuan shook her sleeping Qing Er slightly and said with a smile: "When you slept that night, you talked dreamily, what did you think Wu Yang came back quickly and wanted him to enter your body ..."

"No, no, you bullshit." Wan Yuzhi's face was "red" flushed, and she covered Zi Xuan's mouth with her hand. "Let you bullshit."


"Haha, I didn't talk nonsense, I was so angry."

The aunt shook her head and said, "Okay, don't make trouble, Qinger is still sleeping."

Zi Xuan and Wan Yuzhi stopped, Zi Xuan looked at the sky and said, "It's been half a year."

"I'm worried about Xianggong ..." Longkui didn't say any more.

The aunt comforted: "Don't worry about it. Wu Yang is very powerful and shameless. Generally, other people eat his losses, and he won't eat others' losses. Besides, for half a year underground, the **** world is only half a day. "

"That's right. It's really hard to imagine that someone can make him suffer. He is so shameless that he can use any means." Wan Yuzhi laughed.

Zi Xuan said: "He just held you in shameless way, right?"

"Isn't he holding you by shameless means?"

Long Kui whispered: "Xiangong isn't, it's not so shameless."

"Poor Dragon Sunflower, has been indistinguishable from the southeast and the northwest." Wan Yuzhi shook his head.

The aunt said, "I don't know if I will bring back some women by shameless means this time."

"One must not run."

"You mean Shui Bi, that's for sure."

Zi Xuan thought for a while and thought, "It's also possible that the goddess Xi Yao is also possible."

The aunt nodded: "Indeed, Wu Yang will take Xuejian to see her and see Xi Yao, according to Wu Yang's" **** ", you understand."

"I hope that these two, really can not be more." Wan Yuzhi with a trace of resentment.

"Um." Zi Xuan and Shenggu both nodded.

There was a sudden shout in the sky: "Wife, I am back."

After hearing this shout, the faces of the four women, Zi Xuan and Long Kui, suddenly became excited and surprised: "Wu Yang is back."

Qing'er also opened his eyes from the cradle and made a ‘wowa’ cry, waving his little hand.

"Okay, my baby, Qing'er, take you to see your father." Zi Xuan held Qing'er up.

Outside the Nüwa Temple, Wu Yang and Xuejian landed.

Xue Jian said happily, "Finally back."

"Nuwa Temple." Xi Yao looked at the three big characters on the temple.

"Wu Yang (Sangong)."

The cry came, and I saw Zi Xuan's four daughters come quickly.

Xi Yao and Shui Bi are stunned. Xi Yao naturally does not know anyone. Shui Bi also knows Wan Yuzhi, but who are the other three? Are they all Wu Yang's women?

Wu Yang opened his hands, walked over, and smiled, "Wife, come and give a big hug."

"Xiangong, you are finally back." Longkui looked happy.

"Then start with my dragon sunflower." Wu Yang hugged the dragon sunflower.

Long Kui was embarrassed at once: "Xiang, Xianggong, my sisters are watching."

"It's okay, we won't laugh at you." Wan Yuzhi laughed.

The eyes of Zi Xuan, Wan Yuzhi and Sheng Gu were all placed on Shui Bi and Xi Yao. Guessing was pretty accurate. One was Shui Bi and the other had a good temperament. It was the same as Xue Jian, and it must be Xi Yao. ..