v16 Chapter 146: Love you

Hongkui listened to the endless screams coming from her side. The screams made her crazy and her body became constantly hot. It seemed to be longing for something, abominable, abominable, abominable ...

Wu Yang naturally knew that the dragon sunflower has become a red sunflower, after all, her hair and clothes have changed color. He would like to see how long the red sunflower can stand, hahaha.

Zi Xuan, who ate and drank not far from here, listened to the constant call, and looked a little embarrassed.

The aunt secretly took a sip, Wu Yang, this bastard, just like this during the day.

Shui Bi, who knew nothing, asked, "Why is it so strange? Is it Yuzhi?"

Xi Yao seems to understand a bit, is this the behavior of human reproduction? But this is also called too shameful, after hearing it, my body feels a little strange.

Zi Xuan said with a smile: "Shui Bi, this kind of thing, you will understand later."

"I will understand later?" Shuibi was confused.

"Don't ask so much, come, Shui Bi, toast for us as a family." Zi Xuan raised the glass.

In Wan Yuzhi's room, Hongkui was going crazy.

It's just that Hongkui himself is very sleepy and "confused". In this case, she should just sit up, despise Wu Yang, and then go out.

But why is she still lying here pretending to sleep? Why not sit up all at once, what's wrong with you? Have you become timid?

Finally, finally, the battle between Wu Yang and Wan Yuzhi was over.

Wan Yuzhi could not move a tired finger, and kept exhaling the atmosphere.

Hong Kui breathed a sigh of relief, and the pair of dogs and men was finally over.

Wu Yang held Wan Yuzhi in one hand and said with a low smile: "Yu Zhi, has the drought situation been solved for so long?"

Wan Yuzhi said weakly: "Why, what drought? It's so unpleasant."

"What's so nice to say?"

"I, I don't know."

Wu Yang looked at Hongkui and said with a smile: "Hongkui, in fact, I admire you. I can endure this for a long time, so I can say so terribly."

"Red sunflower?" Wan Yuzhi looked at the red sunflower, "It turned red, it is the red sunflower."

Wu Yang asked, "Yuzhi, do you know Hongkui?"

Wan Yuzhi was embarrassed. After all, she had been with Wu Yang for so long, and there was a woman who was listening.

"Know, Sister Sunflower will sometimes turn into Red Sunflower. We found it, but Sister Sunflower didn't know it. The aunt said that Swan Sun is another personality of Sister Sunflower, so let us not worry."

Hongkui sat up all of a sudden, staring at Wu Yang, saying extremely shamelessly: "You are so shameless, even, ..."

"I don't like to listen to this. Why is it shameless? The things I and Yuzhi did are justified. You overhear, peep / peep, I didn't say you, you said we were shameless." A look of evil.

"Who, who overheard, peeped?" Cried Hongkui. "Don't talk to a shameless person like you."


Hongkui is about to leave under chuang, but Wu Yang pulls Hongkui into her arms, exhales in Hongkui's ear, "Where do you want to go?"

"Let me go, let go of me." Hongkui struggled.

"Hold on, you haven't seen me for half a year, haven't you missed me for a moment?" Wu Yang said softly.

Hongkui's eyes dodged: "No, who would miss you? You are less narcissistic. When you are away, it is my happiest day, hum."

Wan Yuzhi couldn't help laughing, "I always feel different when I hear this."

"No, what I said was what I thought. Wu Yang, you scum, let go of me quickly, don't touch me with your body." Hongkui struggled, but she was getting weaker and harder.

Wu Yangxie smiled: "Do not let go, not only do not let go, I will kiss you."

"Dare you, huh ..."

Wu Yang's big mouth was blocked on Hongkui's stubborn mouth and kissed madly.

Wan Yuzhi smiled and said, "Wu Yang, you are really direct and rude."

Red sunflower is struggling constantly, although this has no effect, the body is getting softer and softer. Damn, was this guy treated like this last time, but now he wants to give in?

Wu Yang let go of Hongkui's mouth and smiled evilly, "It's still the original taste, it's spicy enough."

"You ..." Hongkui looked angry and exhaled.

Wu Yang hugged Hongkui and said softly in Hongkui's ear, "Hongkui, I want to be good with you."

"I don't want to be good with you, I hate you, I want to kill you." Hong Kui's eyes looked to the side, and when she said these words, she seemed a little out of breath.

Wan Yuzhi heard these words from Hongkui, and thought of his former self, how much he hated Wu Yang at that time, and he could not wait to break it into pieces. But now he has become a husband and wife.

"Really?" Wu Yang asked.

"Really, really."

Wu Yang smiled softly and said, "Hong Kui, I know. Under your strong appearance, you are also very lonely, eager to be loved and cared for. But you can't because Dragon Sun needs your Protect, so you have to stay stubborn. "

"You bullshit, it's not." Hongkui's heart seemed to be touched.

Wu Yang continued: "But now you don't need to be like this, the dragon sunflower is protected by me, and so is you, protected by me, and loved and protected by me."

Hong Kui's expression was moving, but her mouth was still hardened: "I, I don't need it, don't tell me these strange words."

"What you need, I will separate you from the dragon sunflower, create a body for you, and let you live well with me. Don't say those rejections now."

Hongkui didn't know what to say, she just felt that her heart seemed to be melting constantly, and a stream of warmth was surging, was this moved? Touched by this man? why?

"My red sunflower, let me love you well." Wu Yang rolled over and pressed red sunflower under him.

Hongkui was no longer tough, but said nervously, "You, what do you want to do?"

"love you."..