v17 Chapter 17: Shen Jiayi stood up (one more)

As soon as Wu Yang made this remark, the class was immediately uproarous, so arrogant, really arrogant, so arrogant. The boys were booing.

Lai Lai stood by and wiped the sweat seeping from his forehead. It seemed that Wu Yang would cause trouble, and he would definitely cause trouble. But there should be no problem with the head / legs of the principal. After all, can the school be older than the principal?

Wu Yang "Lu" smiled, "Oh, the boys in the class are very unhappy."

"Of course, uncomfortable, new, why do you hang so much?" A boy sitting behind stood up.

As soon as this word came out, he immediately received the support of the boys. "That is, why do you hang so much? Who do you think you are?"

The girls in the class couldn't help but worry about Wu Yang. When they arrived in the class, they were opposed to the boys in the class. Will the next day be difficult? Although Wu Yang is very arrogant, he doesn't look like a fight person.

Lai Lai shouted to the back: "Ke Jingteng, who made you stand up? Hurry up and sit down for me."

The boy who stood up said unpleasantly, "Old class, you don't care if he is so arrogant, you just know to control me."

Lao Lai's face was a bit unstoppable. Damn, do you think I don't want to care? Once in charge, is there any other best teacher in the school? Ke Jingteng, this little "forcing" cub, is really ignorant.

Lai Lai said a classic saying that many class teachers would say: "What do you say others do? Take care of yourself first. If you take care of yourself, nothing will happen."

Wu Yang just smiled: "Ke Jingteng, right?"

"How?" Ke Jingteng looked up, a look that didn't put Wu Yang in his eyes.

"Not so much, the boys in the class all look at me, aren't they, okay?" Wu Yang "showed" a smile of evil charm.

Looking at Wu Yang's smile, the underage female students in the class couldn't help but suffer from nymphosis, "So handsome."

Wu Yang sweated secretly, I just smiled casually, this group of little girls couldn't hold it? They are all little girls who have not experienced the market.

However, it is understandable. After all, in the 1990s, the Internet had not yet become widespread, let alone a cell phone. There is a big brother who is considered to be the sky. Girls in school couldn't get online, and they saw very few handsome guys, and they lacked immunity to them.

Is Wu Yang handsome? It's okay, but for these little girls who have never seen the world, they are even handsome.

Ke Jingteng murmured with a disdainful expression: "Well, mommy, what a special thing would you pretend to be."

"Ke Teng, then we will let him understand, pretending to be" forced "." A boy beside Ke Jingteng whispered to Ke Jingteng.

"Hey ..." Several male students laughed.

Shen Jiayi looked at Wu Yang on the stage with a bit of disgust. Such students would definitely engage in a lot of childish tricks, causing trouble to the students in the class and affecting everyone's learning.

As a good student who loves to learn, Shen Jiayi naturally dislikes students who do not study hard and know what is wrong. Therefore, as soon as Wu Yang came to this class and said those words, Shen Jiayi's first impression of Wu Yang was not good.

auzw.com Lai Lai raised his voice: "It's all quiet, Ke Jingteng, you sit down for me too. What a mess?"

The class suddenly became quiet.

When Lao Lai looked at Wu Yang, the serious expression of "color" was gone, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Wu Yang, do you have anything else to say?"

Looking at Lai Lai, the boys behind were muttering again:

"Looking at Lai Lai's attitude toward the man who pretended to be" forced ", it was like seeing his dad."

"Isn't it? A lively traitor."

"Is this Wu Yang an old child of Lai Lai?"

Wu Yang said lightly: "No, you can arrange it."

"Ahem, where do you want to sit, Wu Yang?" Lai Lai's gaze swept over the whole class. "Wherever you want to sit, you can."

This kind of treatment was not experienced by all the students in the class. Lai Lai even made this Wu Yang sit where he wants? This Wu Yang must be Lao Lai's illegitimate son, it must be.

Some female students with nymphosis in the class looked at Wu Yang with eyes looking forward. If Wu Yang chooses to sit around them, it will be very good. They all have eyes / eyes and help. For learning improvement.

Wu Yang said indifferently: "Just do whatever you want."

In fact, many people do n’t like the word ‘anytime’, because anytime is too broad. If you say anything to anybody, you ’re going to give it to him casually.

So Lai Lai was in a dilemma, Wu Yang said casually, but he couldn't really be casual. After thinking about it, Lai Lai looked at the seat next to Shen Jiayi.

Lai Lai thought to himself, Shen Jiayi not only looks beautiful, but also learns well. And the little "force" cubs in the class liked her very much, and brought Wu Yang to her side, Wu Yang would surely be satisfied.

Shen Jiayi, Shen Jiayi, for the class teacher, my best head teacher and future in the school, I can only sacrifice you, the old class will take you three years of class teacher, you must be able to understand.

"Student Wu Yang, what do you think of Shen Jiayi's side? The front is OK." Lao Lai pointed to Shen Jiayi.

Hearing Lai Lai said that Shen Jiayi was a little nervous in front of her, on both sides, and herself. Shen Jiayi did not want Wu Yang to sit beside her, which would definitely affect her. And the two sides in front of her did not want to change seats. Once Wu Yang came, they must have one to transfer.

The male students in the class were a little jealous. Damn, why didn't they see Lai Lai transfer them to Shen Jiayi?

Female students are also jealous. Why is Shen Jiayi's side? Isn't that just learning better, people are a little bit more beautiful than them, what's so great about it?

Wu Yang said with some fun: "Who is Shen Jiayi?"

"Shen Jiayi, stand up," Lai Lai said directly.

Shen Jiayi stood up reluctantly, staring at Wu Yang's eyes, without giving in the slightest. ..