v17 Chapter 22: Fight (two more)

Ke Jingteng and a group of fox friends and dog friends are plotting how to deal with Wu Yang. After all, they are very unhappy to see Wu Yang one by one. They have never seen such a arrogant person in Jingcheng Middle School.

Wu Yang has been sleeping since the beginning of the math class. What can he do without sleeping? Is it not possible to take the class seriously.

After school, every student went home happily.

Wu Yang was still lying on the table. Shen Jiayi and Hu Jiawei had packed their books and were ready to go back together.

"Shen Jiayi, should we remind classmate Wu Yang, he is still sleeping." Hu Jiawei whispered. This is too good to sleep.

Shen Jiayi glanced at Wu Yang, picked up a pen and knocked on Wu Yang's table.

Wu Yang didn't react at all, and continued to lie on his stomach.

Somehow Shen Jiayi poked Wu Yang's back with a pen. Wu Yang slowly raised his head and looked at Shen Jiayi.

"After school." Shen Jiayi said.

"Oh." Wu Yang continued to lie down.

"You ..." Shen Jiayi looked annoyed, "Jia Wei, let's go, leave him alone."

"Okay, okay."

Shen Jiayi and Hu Jiawei left, and only Wu Yang was left there alone.

However, a group of people came back, Ke Jingteng, Xie Ming and the fat man, Xu Bochun, the prince / raised little prince, and two others, one named Cao Guosheng and one named Liao Yinghong.

Cao Guosheng, I prefer to play basketball and play cool. In fact, it is still okay, a little handsome, but has not been feminine. Most people call him Lao Cao, and Ke Jingteng calls him Cao Ji / Ba.

Liao Yinghong is more amusing. He likes to change some useless little magic in front of girls. He also has an nickname ‘the side’. And that side means 胯 / 下, because Liao Yinghong likes to "touch" 胯 / 下 with his hand.

Ke Jingteng went in, and there were seven or eight dragons behind the five. Of course, they were all in this class. They all saw Wu Yang very unhappy, so they agreed to go to Wu Yang after school.

However, after waiting for a long time at the school gate, they did not see Wu Yang come out, so they could only return to the class, but found that Wu Yang was still lying there to sleep.

"At this time, I was still sleeping, so I could dress." Ke Jingteng said uneasily.

Liao Yinghong's smirk on his face: "Then let me make him a little magic."

"How do you do that?" Xie Minghe asked. He didn't like bullying his classmates too much, but Wu Yang bullied him so much that he occupied his seat and asked him to write 30 math problems.

Liao Yinghong quickly ran to the podium, picked up two dusty blackboard erasers, painted the dust on the ground, and smirked, "Let him enjoy it."

Everyone else sneered, "Let's get started."

Liao Yinghong walked to Wu Yang's side, ready to shoot two blackboard erasers, sprinkled Wu Yang's face ashes.

However, he hasn't started to shoot yet. He stretched out a hand and grabbed his wrist. With two hard strokes, two blackboards were rubbed on Liao Yinghong's face.

Liao Yinghong suddenly became dusty and coughed. "Cough, cough ..."

"Oh, you guys can play." Wu Yang raised his head and slowly stood up, watching a dozen male students led by Ke Jingteng.


"You're fine on that side." Xie Ming and quickly came over.

"Cough, cough ..." Liao Yinghong closed his eyes and kept screaming, "Give me water, water, all gray, I can't see it."

Ke Jingteng shouted, "Water, who of you has water?"

"No, you have to put up with it."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "There is no water, but do you want a big watermelon here?"

Everyone didn't see what was going on, and saw a watermelon appeared in Wu Yang's hands, more magical than magic.

"You, how did you get this watermelon?" Xu Bochun asked.

One finger of Wu Yang wandered the watermelon. "It doesn't matter how you come here, but this classmate needs it very much, so I will give it to him."


I saw Wu Yang's hands slammed the big watermelon on Liao Yinghong's head, and the watermelon juice splashed, and the whole big watermelon passed through Liao Yinghong's head and got stuck on his neck.

Liao Yinghong sat on the ground and said faintly, "Okay, sweet, yes, it's a real watermelon ..."

"Is that all right?" Cried Ke Jingteng and others.

"No, nothing ..."

Ke Jingteng watched Wu Yang and shouted, "Wu Yang, don't think that Lai Lai covers you, we dare not touch you."

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "You silly group, you seem to want me to come and give you a lively physical education class. Look at me, don't you, let me teach you, okay, come on , Go to the "fuck" field. "

After Wu Yang walked out, Ke Jingteng, Xu Bochun, Cao Guosheng and a group of people looked at each other.

"Are we going?" Xie Ming said with some worry. "If things get bigger, we will definitely be called parents ..."

Ke Jingteng said with a disdainful expression: "Afraid of hanging, people call us stupid," Did you forget your shame? Haven't you heard that you can't be humiliated? Go, go to the "fuck" field, I'll take care of something. "

"Take it together." Ke Jingteng's fox friends and dog friends yelled together.

"This is my brother. If you are willing to come with me, just go together." Ke Jingteng walked forward, Cao Guosheng, Xu Bochun, and Liao Yinghong who were stuck in watermelon followed, Xie Ming and hesitated and followed. The remaining seven or eight dragon boys also followed.

"Fuck" in Jingcheng Middle School.

Wu Yang stood in the middle of the "aerobics" field, and a group of Ke Jingteng stood opposite him. There were many students who were not returning home to watch the excitement. The excitement is not available on any day, so you must watch it.

"Hurry up, don't hit the hair here." Exclaimed one of the students.

"Yeah, hit."

"Hit, hit, hit, hit ..." everyone yelled as he looked around.

Ke Jingteng and others looked at each other. The students were all face-saving people. They were watched by so many people.

Ke Jingteng hooked at Wu Yang: "Wu Yang, you are dead today. Don't blame us. If you blame, blame you for being too arrogant and do it!" ..