v17 Chapter 55: Handed in a blank roll (one more)

The entrance exam for Taiwan has begun.

Most of the students who walked towards the examination room had a hint of nervousness on their faces. After all, this time the exam determines which university they can attend, and this will affect their future destiny to a certain extent.

Shen Jiayi walked towards his examination room, and his look was strange. Yes, she had menstruation last night.

Suddenly, Shen Jiayi trembled, and a painful spasm in the abdomen caused Shen Jiayi's cold sweats to come out.

How could it suddenly hurt? Is it ... Dymenorrhea?

Do you really have dysmenorrhea? !!

Thinking of this, Shen Jiayi quickly took out the small "medicine" bottle in his pocket, if everything that Wu Yang said before was true.

Shen Jiayi opened the small "medicine" bottle, and took out a white "colored" small "medicine" pill from it, and quickly took it into her mouth.

Suddenly a cool sensation spread all over the body, especially the location of the abdomen. The pain disappeared and I was comfortable.

"Good, good effect." Shen Jiayi murmured to himself in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Jiayi became confused and confused, originally only when Wu Yang was joking with her and deliberately teased her. But I did not expect that dysmenorrhea really happened.

"How did Wu Yang know?" Shen Jiayi asked himself.

"Forget it, you must ask him well after the exam is finished." Shen Jiayi "showed" a smile and said in her heart: Wu Yang, thank you.

If this bottle of "medicine" pills given by Wu Yang is so painful, it will definitely affect her examination.

On the other side, Wu Yang has been sleeping since entering the examination room.

He didn't plan to actually go to college. Being a high school student is enough. College students or whatever.

As for the invigilator, he just passed by Wu Yang and walked directly. He was only invigilator. As for the students who did not write the test paper, it was not his business.

The two-day exam ended like this, and Wu Yang spent all his sleep.


On the third day after the exam, Wu Yang, Ke Jingteng and others came to the beach by appointment.

"Brother Yang, I feel that I took the exam well this time. It should be no problem to go to the best university in Taiwan." Ke Jingteng said excitedly.

"Me too, me too. It's too simple, it's almost the type on the" five-year joint exam three-year simulation "." Xu Bochun proudly said.

Xie Minghe, Cao Guosheng, and Liao Yinghong also all looked very good.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "You did a good job. It didn't cost me a lot of hard work to cultivate your silly" forces "into talents, it is also a waste of my energy."

Wu Yang said this, and immediately made Ke Jingteng a few people unwilling.

"Yang Brother, although we weren't good before we met you, we can't be foolish." Ke Jingteng said unconvinced.

"Yeah, it's medium up."

auzw.com "Yes."

Wu Yang grinned, "Oh, what's the use of saying this? In my eyes, you are just stupid, are you not convinced?"

Not convinced? It's true, but as Wu Yang said, what's the use of them even if they don't? In the face of Wu Yang's perversion, they are all being stunned.

"Look, Shen Jiayi and Hu Jiawei are here." Xu Bochun pointed at the front.

Cao Guosheng and others looked at it, and then one by one began to organize their clothes, fiddle with their hair, and show their handsomeness to the max.

There was a scorn of contempt in Wu Yang's eyes, and he didn't need to do this at all, such as him.

Shen Jiayi was smiling, wearing a white "color" female "sex" t-shirt, and wearing white "color" underpants, looking pure and beautiful.

As for Hu Jiawei, well, everyone has been ignored. No way, this is an era of looking at the face. Everyone is vulgar and can't see anything inside.

"Shen Jiayi, sit." Cao Guosheng stood up, very gentlemanly.

"You're welcome." Shen Jiayi smiled.

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes. Looking at Shen Jiayi, the exam should play well. It seems that Laozi's bottle of "medicine" has played its due role, hehehehe.

Shen Jiayi noticed Wu Yang's smile, his face "red" slightly red, don't go over and dare not look at Wu Yang. Although she really wanted to ask Wu Yang about dysmenorrhea, in the presence of Ke Jingteng and others, let it go.

Xie Minghe asked with a smile: "Shen Jiayi, how is the entrance exam?"

Liao Yinghong looks very stupid. "Ahe, your question is very poor. Even we can do well. Shen Jiayi will definitely do well. Is that right, Shen Jiayi?"

Shen Jiayi smiled and said, "OK."

Ke Jingteng and others have a very good understanding of Xue Ba.

"Wu Yang, how are you doing?" Shen Jiayi asked.

Cao Guosheng and others were just jealous. Why? Why only ask Yang Yang and not ask them? hateful!

"Yang Brother must be full marks, it's no longer necessary to ask." Xu Bochun said inanimately.

Wu Yang shook his head: "This time you all said wrong. In fact, it doesn't matter to me what the joint entrance exam is, so I handed in the blank paper without even writing the name."


Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi were all surprised. Why does Wu Yang do this?

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "How many times have I said to you, calm down on something and make a fuss."

"But, Yang Brother ..." Ke Jingteng stuttered.

"Yang Brother, you are so powerful, you can make perfect scores, but you handed in blank papers, I really don't understand, don't you want to go to college?" Xu Bochunman said with regret.

Shen Jiayi frowned slightly, waiting for Wu Yang's answer.

Wu Yang looked into the distance of the sea, and his eyes became deepened. "You're right, it doesn't matter to me what to go to college. I don't value them at all."

Wu Yang continued: "I'm different from you. Some things can't be said directly, but you need to know that I'm not an ordinary person. So don't look at me with ordinary people's eyes. Things that are very important to you, to me. For example, maybe nothing. "..