v17 Chapter 64: Outstanding Teacher Representative

The National Taiwan University welcome party has begun.

In the auditorium, there are freshmen who are all freshmen, all dressed up as the best, with a touch of excitement on their faces.

Just entering the university campus, these freshmen are still looking forward to the future with a touch of hope and expectation, looking forward to a beautiful love.

The host standing in front of the high stage picked up the microphone and said, "Now we have invited President Wang of Taiwan University to take the stage, everyone is welcome."

Pop, pop, pop, pop ...

There was a sparse applause. Who wants to listen to the headmaster of bald kidney deficiency? It depends on the beauty and the handsome guy.

President Wang doesn't seem to care about this. For so many years, he has also addressed many times. That year was not the case, and he was used to it.

These little bunnies just waited to see him, okay, then he would like to talk about it on the stage.

"Hello dear classmates, you will spend a wonderful four years at Taiwan University next. I sincerely wish you a happy, fulfilling life and no regrets."

"I have three points to tell my classmates. The first point is the first point ... the second point ... the third point ..."

"The first point of the second point ... the second point ..."

"The third point ..."

Principal Wang is rushing on top, making every freshman below crazy, oh dear, I have talked for half an hour at three o'clock, and it is so special that it doesn't make people live, this **** principal .

Principal Wang looked at the unfathomable virtual students below, and "Lu" made a smile, and Lao Tzu liked the way you were unhappy but you could only sit there and endure.

Principal Wang was about to continue talking, but when someone saw that someone was about to throw a mineral water bottle down, it would be embarrassing if he didn't converge.

"So dear classmates, I've come here, I wish you a happy." President Wang waved.

Everyone was relieved and finally stopped? There are only half lives left.

Xu Bochun dropped the mineral water bottle in his hand. He almost wanted to throw it out just now.

"Specially, this principal is so annoying, just like the 70-80-year-old old man, I really want to go up and hit him." Ke Jingteng looked at his fist.

Cao Guosheng nodded: "Me too. I wouldn't come unless I heard that I can see beautiful women here."

"I heard that Shen Jiayi has been selected as a new generation of National Taiwan University spent." Xie Minghe's eyes with a glimmer of longing.

Although I know that I and Shen Jiayi are impossible, I still can't help but look forward to it.

"Ah, don't think so much. Even if Shen Jiayi is rated as Tianxian, it has nothing to do with us, but Yang Brother fancy it." Liao Yinghong shook his head.

"I know."

Cao Guosheng said, "Brother Yang doesn't know where he went, he really isn't with us."

"I'm not used to it," Ke Jingteng said.


"me too."

"Brother Yang didn't leave any contact information, but that's his style."

The five were silent for a while, probably remembering things with Wu Yang, which were all fun things.

"I really want to see Yang brother pretending to be" forced ". If I pretend to be" forced ", I will only serve Yang brother." Xu Bochun Huang held the water bottle in his hand.

"Erection / rise, the" liquid "/ body in your mineral water bottle is strange, much like ..." Ke Jingteng looked at the mineral water bottle in Xu Bochun's hand.

The three of Cao Guosheng also looked at the past, one by one very experienced: "It really looks alike, isn't it ..."

"Hey hey ..." Xu Bochun smiled, "Yes, I just saw a pretty girl in a short skirt in front of me. I couldn't help but hold a tube at her, and then" shot "into the water bottle Now. "

Ke Jingteng all were speechless for a while, then gave thumbs up to Xu Bochun, "Erotic / Erotic, I have served you."

The host's voice sounded in the auditorium: "I believe that the people who came to power below are familiar to everyone. The first place in Taiwan's joint entrance exams, the new generation of Taiwan University ..."

"Shen Jiayi, Shen Jiayi, Shen Jiayi ..." Every boy in the auditorium screamed, it was an excitement.

Some rows of boys even held up huge banners that said, "Shen Jiayi, I love you", which was obviously prepared in advance.

As for the girls, they are all unhappy, even some people are humming. A bunch of stupid boys are all a bunch of hanging wires. Haven't you seen a woman?

Is Shen Jiayi beautiful? Not just the first place in Taiwan, cut, what's so great.

The host shouted loudly: "Some good student Shen Jiayi is invited now. Let us welcome!"

Pop, pop, pop, pop ...

This applause is ten times warmer than when President Wang was on the stage before. Although the boys are clapping hands, the boys use the energy of eating "milk". One top two is not a problem.

Shen Jiayi stepped onto the podium and looked at everyone below with a smile, but she was thinking, why did she come to be a student representative again? She doesn't like such things at all.

Being watched by so many wolf eyes and so many jealous eyes made Shen Jiayi very uncomfortable.

"Did you see that? Shen Jiayi smiled at me, a healing smile. I felt that all the pain in my heart was gone." A boy said to the boy next to him.

"How is it possible to smile at you? The goddess is smiling at me, so beautiful, my goddess, I love you, goddess."

"Goddess, such a beautiful smile."


Shen Jiayi was speechless: "..." Suddenly, I didn't know what to say.

After working hard to calm himself, Shen Jiayi said, "Dear classmates, in the fruitful autumn season, you came to Taiwan University with infinite hope ..."

Wu Yang stood at the entrance of the backstage, and "Lu" burst into a wicked smile, and soon he was the "Excellent Teacher Representative" on the stage.

Brothers, I'm very sorry. Today, my computer screen was broken. It's paralyzed and still waiting for repair. After begging others for a long time, I only borrowed a computer. It is estimated that only one can be changed. ..