v17 Chapter 67: School flowers are hard to hear

Hearing each other's words, the boy holding the rose slowly slumped on the ground, "Why?"

I thought it was a chance to win a sister, but was rejected by the other party. I really wanted to cry without tears, just because singing "Little Apple" was awful?

The opposite girl continued to say, "I know that a lot of boys sing little apples to confess to girls these days, and many of them have succeeded. But you don't make me think so superficial, as long as you sing little apple, I agree.

"I don't want you to sing so nicely, at least one tenth of Teacher Wu Yang." The girl yelled angrily, then turned and left quickly.

"Xiaohua ..." The boy stretched out a hand towards the back of the girl.

"Don't be sad, as long as you sing" Little Apple "nicely, she will definitely agree with it." A boy from behind came to comfort him.

"Am I really singing hard?"

"Don't say that, do you think it's just hard to hear? It's human life."

"" Fuck "your uncle ..."

Next to the artificial lake, there was another boy and a girl. The boy was holding a love letter in his hand and was reading aloud to the girl.

"Dear Ali, you are my little apple. I do n’t love you so much. Your red face warms my heart and lights the fire of my life ... Ali, be my girlfriend Right. "

"Okay." Arie's face moved.

"Great, you are my little apple, Ali."

The two sides hug together excitedly.

The former female reporter and a few videographers stood not far from the men and women and filmed them.

The female reporter said, "This way of confession is very popular now, singing the little apple confession, and writing the lyrics of the little apple into the love letter confession. The success rate is very high. From the beginning to the present, I saw 5 pairs of confession scenes, only one Yes, it failed because singing Apple was too bad. "

"After listening to Little Apple, many people said that their waist was not sour and their legs were not painful. They could go up to the fifth floor in one breath, and it was delicious and delicious. Why is there such magic in Little Apple? Really? Can't wait to see his creator, Teacher Wu Yang. "

The female reporter walked around the National Taiwan University and asked many students to find the whereabouts of Wu Yang, but after all, they still could not find it.

Little Apple is spreading at a horrible speed, especially the popularity of the Internet, which has also promoted the crazy spread of Little Apple.

From Taiwan University to the whole Taipei city, and then swept across Taiwan. The streets, ktv, disco halls are full of little Apple's magical "sex" sounds that can't be controlled, and you can see jumping apples everywhere. Dancing crowd.

Various "Little Apple" versions of the dance are circulating on the Internet. What auntie version "Little Apple", sanitation worker version "Little Apple", bear child version "Little Apple", police version "Little Apple" ... and various other This kind of spoof.

Little Apple is still spreading wildly, the heavenly continent, South Korea, Japan ...

You can even see various celebrity entertainers performing Little Apple.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Wu Yang. He didn't expect that a small apple could be fired to this extent. Brainwashing Divine Comedy is brainwashing Divine Comedy. When it is put in, it can be popular at a horrible speed.

Many artist companies are looking for Wu Yang, saying what to pack to build him, let him become a new generation of national male gods, King of Heaven or something.

auzw.com Funny? How could Wu Yang be interested in such things? He only sang for fun, but not for being a star.

If he wants to be a celebrity, he can always be the most "sexy" man in the world, but does it make sense to do that?

Strength, beauty, and system are Wu Yang's pursuits. Stars are too pediatric.

Wu Yang sat alone next to the artificial lake, and it was a while since he came to the world by himself. In addition to experiencing a student life and engaging in ambiguity / ambiguity with Shen Jiayi, it seemed that nothing was going on.

"It can't be this way all the time." Wu Yang's eyes flashed a light, of course, this life is also leisurely and comfortable, in a sense, it is also very good.

But Wu Yang is not an ordinary person after all. It is okay to live this kind of life occasionally. It is a sin to go on like this.

Wu Yang looked in the direction of the villa, and saw Shen Jiayi standing in front of the villa door, seemed very hesitant, put his hand on the doorbell several times, and finally did not press.

Wu Yang's mouth "showed" a wicked smile, it seemed that he was looking for me.

"Hey, hey, isn't this the flower of my college student Shen? Why did you come here? If I were seen by male students, I would be jealous." Wu Yang's voice sounded behind Shen Jiayi.

Shen Jiayi turned around quickly, his face "red" slightly red, and he must have been seen by this guy in his actions just now.

"What school flowers do you care about?" Shen Jiayi said with a hint of shame.

"I care, I'm a vulgar person, and I care a lot about appearance." Wu Yang walked in front of Shen Jiayi and looked at Shen Jiayi's face.

Shen Jiayi took a step back, her eyes dodging a little, "Can't you be serious?"

"Yes, so what are you going to do with me?" Wu Yang asked.

Shen Jiayi is dissatisfied with this statement. Can't I find you if I'm fine? But Shen Jiayi didn't ask that.

"Well, who said I came to you, I just passed here." Shen Jiayi looked to the side, and she didn't believe it.

"Oh, this is it. I seem to see someone trying to ring the doorbell several times ..."

"No, don't say it." Shen Jiayi pushed Wu Yang a little, and her face was "redder". Really, did she have to embarrass her? Asshole.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Okay, so can I ask Xiao Shenhua to go in?"

"Don't ask my school to spend it. The school spends it or whatever, it sounds awful." Shen Jiayi said dissatisfied.

"It's awful?" Wu Yang opened the door. "This title, but many people want it."

"I don't want it, I just feel bad." Shen Jiayi said angrily.

Wu Yang's eyes turned a bit, times are changing, and the word school flower feels changing.

Like the word miss, it used to be a polite title, and now it's okay, everyone understands it.

The word school flower gave Wu Yang a bit of silver "dangling". When thinking of school flower, the first thing that comes to mind is those pure school flowers in front of people, but lying in the arms of godfather ...

Stop and think about it. ..