v17 Chapter 72: Mermaids

"The teacher is asleep again, but she's right, human beings don't have any good things anyway. Those chemical wastes, bombs, etc., we have avoided very hard."

"Now that the sonar is released, the entire ocean is full, and there is no way to avoid it. Now we are trapped in Qingluo Bay. The waterway is not accessible and the land is not far away."

"We can only return to the sea if we kill Liu Xuan, the culprit."

I saw an octopus in the lower body and a normal man in the upper body screaming angrily in the boat.

The small butterfly transformed by Wu Yang has already flown here, and his eyes quickly swept over here, and it turned out to be the mermaid he was familiar with.

The octopus whose lower body is an octopus is called his myna by everyone here.

All the mermaids in the pool are basically dragon sets.

Found it, it really is Shanshan's mermaid, the heroine of the mermaid.

The mermaids are trapped here because of a sonar placed in the seawater of Qingluo Bay. This sonar is very harmful to fish.

The sonar was placed by real estate tycoon Liu Xuan because he wanted to reclaim the sea and then build a house.

However, Qingluo Bay is a dolphin conservation area and reclamation cannot be carried out. Liu Xuan placed sonar to drive the dolphins away and obtained reclamation approval.

But this sonar not only drove the dolphins away, it also hurt the mermaids here.

So the mermaids trapped in the broken ship planned to kill Liu Xuan and then return to the sea.

Octopus Myna shouted loudly: "As we all know, Liu Xuan is a" color "/ love mad, look at his news, all are hooked / take a beautiful woman."

"If you want to get close to Liu Xuan and kill him, you have to use a beauty plan. So, we sent a beautiful girl Shanshan with a modified tail."

"She has undergone rigorous professional training and often mixes in the human world's procurement of materials. You see how much she is dancing and jumping, how scared she is of worldly eyes."

Wu Yang looked over and saw Shanshan standing against the tail, swinging back and forth with the tail.

Shanshan looks very simple. Such a childish and ignorant girl can be easily used by human beings. Should I be such a kind person?

My Eighth continued, "I think she dances well, better than McDonald's."

"That's Madonna," one said.

My uncle said unpleasantly, "I said McDonald's, what can you do to me?"

My nanny jumped into the pool and swam around, and called out, "This is the beauty plan. First send our beauty to hook / invite the target person, and then send a killer to kill Liu Xuan."


An arrow "shot" on My Hung's mouth.

"Yes, it's that simple." My Eighth pointed to his Hungarian mouth, white foam overflowing from the corners of his mouth.

A male "sexual" mermaid yelled at My Eighth, "You're foaming up."

"Because the arrow is poisonous, I'm poisoned, and I will naturally spit in the mouth." While my brother said, he took out a bottle of wine from the back and took a few quick sips.

"Alcohol can detoxify, but it won't relieve my hatred."

Myna cried out loud.

The mermaids all around shouted and shouted, "Kill Liu Xuan, kill Liu Xuan, kill Liu Xuan ..."


Myna's hands pressed.

"What I hate most right now is not Liu Xuan, but you, the street!"

My brother's hand was pointing at a middle-aged "woman" woman fish, and her expression was very unpleasant.

"What are you doing shooting arrows at me? It's killing Liu Xuan, not killing me."


The middle-aged "woman" smiled, "I may be wrong."

"Wrong? You must be wrong."

"Must be mistaken and still" shoot "you? It must be possible to" shoot "you, right?"

Myna yelled angrily, "I fire you, and I'll meet."

Suddenly, all the mermaids spread out in a swarm.

"Shanshan, wait." My brother called out.

Shanshan turned around: "My brother, is there anything wrong?"

"I said to you, don't always buy so many roast chickens to eat alone, but also think about everyone." My brother educated Shanshan.

Shanshan apologized, "I'm sorry."

Wu Yang didn't plan to look any further. He got into the water and turned into his original appearance, but didn't get out of the water.

Wu Yang's lower body changed rapidly, turning into a white "color" fish tail.

Yes, he is now a mermaid.

My brother said to Shanshan: "Shanshan, Liu Xuan is a" color "/ crazy, you have to be careful ..."

Wow ...

Suddenly the water started to stir, and spilled Starling's face.


Cuckold cried.



My brother and Shanshan both looked to the side, someone they hadn't seen before.

"Who are you?" My eighth cried. "Why have I never seen you before, are you human?"

"My brother, I'm a mermaid." Wu Yang lit his tail out.

My aunt and Shanshan both looked at Wu Yang's tail. It really was the tail of a mermaid, but why was it white?

"Why is your tail white?" Shanshan asked curiously, and couldn't help but "touch" it with her hands.

"Yeah, what's the matter with your tail?"

Wu Yang's face was sad. "My tail is genetically mutated, and the sea water is too polluted."

My aunt and Shanshan both looked at Wu Yang with sympathy, and their tails were like this, it was pathetic.

"It's all **** humans. What a horrible thing the whole sea has become."

My eighth screamed angrily, and then slap it on Wu Yang's shoulder. "Since it is a mermaid, it is one of us. Here, I will cover you."

"Thank my elder brother." Wu Yang's thanks.

"You're welcome. Our mermaids must be united. The immediate priority is to kill Liu Xuan."

Wu Yang pretended not to understand: "Liu Xuan? Is that the real estate tycoon, sonar is the one he put into the sea, so we can't get into the sea."

"That's right, that **** fluttering street, don't let me see him." My brother cried angrily.

Wu Yang uttered a wicked smile: "My brother, I think I can help."
