v17 Chapter 78: The problems that can be solved with money are not problems (second more)

Li Ruolan looked at Wu Yang, who was walking further and further on the ground, and could not help but said, "Damn!"

No one has ever dared to treat her like this, and dared to play with her like this, not to put her in her eyes.

"Very good, Wu Yang, I will let you know how powerful I am. From now on, I want you to keep looking for that Wu Yang without a hitch, hurry!" Li Ruolan yelled.

"Chairman, I have a broken leg. I'm going to the hospital!"

"Me too. I broke my hand. I can't move."

Li Ruolan sneered, "Look for me as long as I'm alive!"


Wu Yang came to a small real estate company called Zotye Real Estate Company. The name sounded good.

"Hey, sir, who are you looking for?" A man came over and blocked Wu Yang.

Wu Yang said blankly, "Find your boss."

"Are you looking for the boss? Do you have an appointment?"


"That won't work. Our boss is very busy. If you don't have an appointment, please ask your husband to make an appointment." The man refused.

Wu Yang pulled out a stack of banknotes directly from his pocket and hit the man's face: "Are these enough?"

The man "busily" took the money in his hands, stared at the money in his hands, his eyes widened, and the money was tens of thousands.

"Get away." Wu Yang walked straight ahead.

"Yes, yes, please, you can see the boss's office as you walk forward." The man nodded and slumped, more affectionate than his dad.

Wu Yang came outside the office, kicked the door and walked in.

The man in his thirties sitting at his desk was startled, looked at Wu Yang, and frowned slightly: "Who are you?"

Wu Yang walked over with a smile and said, "Your noble man."

"Aristocrat?" Li Chaoyang looked at the person in front of him. This person gave him a feeling of unreliable, probably a neurosis.

These days, there are too many neuropathy. How the security guard did it, and put such people in.

"Yes," Wu Yang said with a smile.

"I don't see where you are expensive. If it's okay, I'd like to invite you out, otherwise I'll call the police."

With a wave of Wu Yang's hand, a large number of banknotes appeared above it, falling like raindrops, and almost drowned Li Chaoyang.

Li Chaoyang looked at the huge amount of banknotes around him. As a boss, he has seen a lot of money, so he can remain calm.

"You, how did you do that? Carry so much money with you?" Li Chaoyang asked.

"You don't need to know this. I just want to ask you a little bit. Do you want to make your Zotye real estate company bigger?" Wu Yang asked.

Li Chaoyang looked at Wu Yang, re-examined the person in front of him, and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Wu Yang."

Wu Yang? A character who has never heard of this number, is it a hidden second-generation official or a rich second-generation?

auzw.com "What do you want me to do?"

"Don't I make it clear? I have a lot of money and money for your company, more than you think."

Li Chaoyang shook his head and said, "There is no free lunch in this world. What do you want to do?"

"Is there no free lunch in the world? You are lucky. When you meet me, I will give you this free lunch." Wu Yang took out a Swiss bank gold card and threw it in front of Li Chaoyang.

Li Chaoyang looked at the golden card in front of him, his eyes widened, with a deep shock.

This is the Gold Card of Swiss Bank, which only a few people in the world can own, because a Gold Card can only be issued if it meets the $ 10 billion savings requirement.

Li Chaoyang couldn't help but swallow a spit of water, which meant that this gold card stored at least 10 billion US dollars.

"You, who the **** are you?" Li Chaoyang couldn't help asking again.

Money is such a good thing, it can bring you status, power, and prestige.

Li Chaoyang originally regarded Wu Yang as a lunatic, but now his tone is cautious, and his "color" is humble.

"Your nobleman," Wu Yang said lightly.

Li Chaoyang took a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't ask anything, he could only say, "What do you want me to do?"

"To develop and grow your real estate company, there are 100 billion U.S. dollars in it." Wu Yang said looking at Jin Card, "It's all yours."

Li Chaoyang's eyes were almost staring into a gong, and his voice trembled: "100 billion US dollars?"

"Yes, make good use of it."

Li Chaoyang forced himself to calm down and start to turn the brain that has become slow. This is $ 100 billion, more than 600 billion rmb.

The development of his real estate company has always lacked funds, could not get land, could not develop, and survived in the cracks.

Li Chaoyang understands that if this situation continues, his company will either go out of business or be acquired. There is no third way.

Now with $ 100 billion, he can compete with the big landlord companies. In this case, the company can definitely grow.

"Sir, although you don't know what you want, but for your help to our company, Chaoyang will never forget, please worship me." Li Chaoyang bowed to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang took out another gold card, "There is still 100 billion U.S. dollars here, also for you."

"What?" Li Chaoyang's mouth was almost stuffed with a duck egg. "This, this is too much, I can't ask."

In fact, Li Chaoyang was scared. So much money is amazing.

"It's the best to do it. I'll give you so much money. I'm too slow to develop. Buy it." Wu Yang smiled with a smile.

Li Chaoyang froze for a moment, yeah, why work hard to develop it yourself, with so much money, you can go straight to the acquisition.

"Do you know Liu Xuan?" Wu Yang asked.

"Do you say Liu Xuan, the boss of Baoda Real Estate Group?"

"That's him. I want you to acquire both Henderson Real Estate Group and Baoda Real Estate Group within one week."

"One week?!"

"Is there any problem? None of the problems that can be solved with money are problems, so do it boldly." Wu Yang laughed and turned away.

Looking at Wu Yang's back, Li Chaoyang squeezed himself, "It hurts, it's true."

"Fuck, I'm going to do it." Li Chaoyang looked at the two gold cards in his hand, and there was a hint of "color" flashing in his eyes. ..