v17 Chapter 83: Living together

"Discovered the mermaids in the big shipbreaker?" Shen Jiayi's face screamed "Forcing", "Wu Yang, didn't you cross into Andersen's fairy tale?"

Wu Yang put one hand on his forehead, and it was difficult to communicate with a person who only believed in science, because everything you said was considered a story.

"I'm pretty sure there isn't, no crossing, this is true."

"You haven't explained how the fragrance came from you." This is the focus of Shen Jiayi. As for what a mermaid, she is not convinced.

"Can you listen to me?"


"There is a very dangerous sonar in seawater. This sonar is very harmful to aquatic animals and prevents those mermaids from returning to the sea."

Shen Jiayi said with some suspicion: "So you helped them and let them return to the sea?"

"Yes, I promised to help them. After all, they deserve sympathy. My kindness broke out." Wu Yang looked sad and compassionate.

Shen Jiayi's contempt, do you still feel sorry for others? Daji the world.

"Then a mermaid beauty is very grateful to you and gives you a hug?" Shen Jiayi sneered.

"Jiayi, you are so smart, but it's not a hug, but a pure hug, and the fragrance on her stays on me." Wu Yang spread his arms.

Shen Jiayi didn't speak, just looked at Wu Yang.

"Don't you believe it?" Wu Yang asked.

"When you met the mermaid, you were also hugged by the mermaid. Your ability to lie is so bad that you treat me as a fool." Shen Jiayi looked disappointed and sad.

Wu Yang sweated secretly, "I didn't really treat you as a fool, okay, how can you believe me?"

"Unless you let me see the mermaid."

"This is very simple. I will take you to see the mermaid tomorrow." Wu Yang said seriously. Isn't it just seeing a mermaid, what a big deal.

Shen Jiayi looked at Wu Yang's expression. It didn't seem to be false. Was there really a mermaid? No way?

"I will let you see tomorrow, and you will know if I misunderstood me. Now go to sleep." Wu Yang hugged Shen Jiayi and walked towards the front.

Shen Jiayi was struggling slightly in Wu Yang's arms. "No, I won't sleep with you until things don't fall into water. I want to go back."

"I'm innocent, how could I do those things that are sorry to you, don't make a noise, go to bed together."

"You, you **** ..."


In the morning of the next day, the sun "shot" through the window.

Wu Yang and Shen Jiayi were lying on chuang without wearing anything. Shen Jiayi opened her eyes slightly, her face flushed.

Wu Yang, this bastard, hateful. If you continue this way, I don't know how long she can persist, at that time I'm afraid that she will be completely eaten by this big wolf.

Shen Jiayi and Wu Yang didn't go to the last step. Shen Jiayi was still struggling to support and couldn't give everything to Wu Yang so quickly.

But in this way, Shen Jiayi didn't know how long he could persist.

"Wake up." Wu Yang's evil look.

"『 色 』,『 色 』郎 ...” Shen Jiayi grabbed the quilt, covered his head, and became an ostrich.

auzw.com Wu Yangxian smiled and said, "Don't be shy, both husband and wife, how can you be so shy?"

"Who, who are you and your wife?"

Wu Yang's hands pulled apart the quilt clutched by Shen Jiayi.

"Hate ..." Shen Jiayi covered his face with his hands.

Wu Yang relaxed Shen Jiayi's hand, and the eyes of both sides looked at each other. Shen Jiayi whispered: "Why, why look at me like this?"

"You are too beautiful to watch."

Shen Jiayi smiled with "Lu", with a hint of sweetness: "I knew to say these rhetoric and give me" mysterious "soul soup."

"I'm telling the truth, my beautiful Jiayi." Wu Yang's head lowered and kissed Shen Jiayi's mouth.

"Well ..." Shen Jiayi's hands were wrapped around Wu Yang's neck.

After having breakfast.

"It's late, and there are classes to go. I'll go first." Shen Jiayi looked at Wu Yang.

"Come on Wen." Wu Yang held Shen Jiayi's waist with one hand and kissed Shen Jiayi's forehead quickly.

Shen Jiayi's face was "red" with red eyes, with joy in her eyes, but she said, "I know to do these useless things."

After speaking, I went out quickly.

Wu Yang looked at Shen Jiayi's back and said to himself, "Don't you say you're going to see a mermaid? This is forgotten? Hahaha."

Shen Jiayi walked on campus with a smile, alas, as if something had been forgotten? What's up?

"Yes, mermaid, I don't know what Wu Yang said is true or false, why did I forget it?" Shen Jiayi's eyes were a little annoyed.

"Yo, isn't this our big campus flower? Why, Yang Yang is not with you." A voice came with a hint of ridicule.

Shen Jiayi looked over and saw Ke Jingteng, Cao Guosheng, Xu Bochun, Liao Yinghong, Xie Ming and five others.

"He is still comfortable at home." Shen Jiayi said angrily.

"Comfortable at home? How do you know that, Shen Jiayi, you and Yang brother already live together?" Xu Bochun looked at Shen Jiayi with a look of surprise.

"Living together?"

Liao Yinghong yelled a few times, with strong envy and jealousy in his eyes. Yang Ye, a farm animal, already lives with Shen Jiayi? I'm so envious!

Shen Jiayi's face suddenly turned red, and hurriedly said, "No, it's not like that. I won't tell you, I'm going to class."

Shen Jiayi left quickly.

Looking at the back of Shen Jiayi, Xu Bochun clasped his head with his hands: "It must be like this, abominable, what can I find my girl."

"When you are as bully as Brother Yang." Cao Guosheng patted on Xu Bochun's shoulder.

Ke Jingteng spread his hand: "Don't think about it so much. Recently, Hatano Yui released a new film. How about watching it at noon?"

"What? Teacher Bo's new movie, hurry up, go and see it now." Xu Bochun, who was still sad, just bulged at the crotch, holding Ke Jingteng's arm.

Ke Jingteng said for a moment: "Don't go to class?"

"I'll see Teacher Bo give me lessons and walk around."

"Served you." ..