v17 Chapter 92: The first board (one more)

"Isn't your" character "always self-confident? Why, now you're not self-confident?" Wu Yang smiled.

"Of course I'm confident, but your women will definitely be xenophobic, and then you will definitely be on their side, and I won't do it well." Li Ruolan's pitiful expression "color" makes people Pity is rising.

Of course, Wu Yang knew that Li Ruolan was pretending to be like this. This woman would take advantage of all her own things, but he still eats this set.

"Rest assured, I'll flatten a bowl of water." Wu Yang patted Li Ruolan to reassure her?

"Really? You just say that now, and you won't do it then."

Wu Yang patted his own Hungarian mouth, saying: "As a woman of my Wu Yang, the first condition is to live in harmony. Whoever provokes the problem, there is only good punishment."

"Whoever doesn't accept you is not worthy of being my Wu Yang's woman. But if you take the initiative to provoke contradictions, I will also punish. Everyone must get along well and have measure." Wu Yang said solemnly.

Wu Yang doesn't ask his women what they want, and you can do whatever you want. The only thing that cannot be violated is that you must get along well and be able to accommodate other women.

But from the beginning to the present, the girls have got along very well, which is also very satisfying for Wu Yang, it is a harmonious crystal palace.

If Crystal Palace is not harmonious, it can be very headache.

Li Ruolan looked at Wu Yang with a serious look, and nodded: "I know, I will get along with them. But if they don't get along with me, you can't blame me."

"Don't worry, if they don't get along well with you, it's their problem, and I will be on your side."

"You are so good." Li Ruolan seduced her with a charming or smiling face and kissed Wu Yang's Hungarian mouth.

After kissing, Li Ruolan suddenly felt a change somewhere in Wu Yang, and whitened her scared face with "color": "You, why are you ..."

Is this guy really human?

"Calm, don't be nervous." Wu Yangxie smiled. "It's so powerful."

"You're amazing, but, but it's uncomfortable, right?"

"Just bear it." Wu Yang shook his head. "You can't come anymore." If you come again, it is estimated to be fatal.

Li Ruolan was moved, "You think for me, how can I make you feel bad? Actually, there are other ways."

"Oh?" Wu Yang became interested. "Other ways?"

Li Ruolan gave Wu Yang a wink, "Don't say you don't know? Don't you want to try?"

Damn, this demon, it's just like I can eat it.

"Ahem, you know." Wu Yang raised a brow.

Li Ruolan added a mouthful to Wu Yang, making Wu Yang even more uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, this is here to help you." Li Ruolan slowly slid down.

Harmonious beasts pass by.

"Also, isn't it okay?" Li Ruolan was exhausted, his mouth was completely numb, and he felt nothing.

It's been over an hour.

Wu Yang's face enjoyed, "If Ruolan don't rush, keep on, you are doing very well, very well."


auzw.com After about two hours, it's over.

Li Ruolan even ate everything and lay lazily on chuang. That way, Wu Yang was almost frozen again.

"You are really not human." Li Ruolan gave Wu Yang a glance.

"is it?"

"Suddenly I'm thankful that you have other women." Li Ruolan thought so at the moment, and really thought so.

If Wu Yang is only a woman, she thinks she will die one day.

"Hahaha ..." Wu Yang smiled smugly. When women say such things, men's vanity will be satisfied.


The merger of Hengdi, Baoda, and Zotye has proceeded rapidly, and the parent company 'Wuyang Group' has appeared.

For a while, everyone caught the attention and wondered, who is Wu Yang from the 'Wuyang Group'? Is it a person or something?

There are numerous rumors about Wu Yang, what is the son of a senior official, and even the hidden family.

Of course, these are not related to Wu Yang. Everything is just fun. In fact, there is no value in the slightest.

On the board of Wuyang Group.

On a large long table, there are major shareholders of the group.

Wu Yang sat on the chair at the front of the table, and Li Ruolan stood next to Wu Yang, looking like a secretary.

Isn't there a saying that there is something for the secretary and nothing for the secretary.

If a woman like Li Ruolan becomes a secretary, that person will surely die. To have a figure, to have a face, to have a face, to be capable and capable.

Of course, only the animal of Wu Yang can be happy.

The eyes of those shareholders glanced at Li Ruolan from time to time. The original Li Ruolan was very attractive, and now it gives people a more radiant feeling, more tempting than before.

I'm so envious, so jealous, so hate, this kind of cabbage has been arched by this animal of Wu Yang, it must be arched.

But what about it? As shareholders, they are rich and have played a lot of beautiful women, but they can never compare with Li Ruolan.

Unfortunately, Li Ruolan is not something they can touch, they can only look at it.

Sitting on the right, Li Chaoyang stood up and said, "Everyone welcomes Chairman Wu Yang to speak."

Pop, pop, pop ...

The applause was very enthusiastic. Although there was nothing sincere, there was still something to do.

Wu Yang yawned and said, "What to say? Ruolan, you can help me."

Li Ruolan sweated a bit, this is too casual, how do I know what you want to say?

However, Li Ruolan is a strong woman after all, she said, "Everyone is able to participate in the first board of directors of Wuyang Group in a busy schedule, and I am very happy with you. You are the backbone of the group. Grow stronger. "

"The chairman is polite."

"It is our pleasure to participate in the group's board of directors."
