v17 Chapter 100: Words of Xingying

"You pretend to be good. I can give you 103 points."

Although Shanshan didn't know what it means to pretend to "force", she was still very strange for 103 points. Wasn't it 100 points? Why is it 103 points?

"Brother Yang, why is it 103 points?" Shanshan could not help asking.

"One more forgiveness, one more understanding, and one more for my father's love for him." When saying this, Wu Yang looked at Liu Xuan.

"Hahaha ..." Li Ruolan covered her mouth and laughed.

Liu Xuan's expression twitched and cried, "Wu Yang, do you think I am the same as before? This time I will make you regret it."

"Be able to stand up and see what an adventure you look like." Wu Yang said with a smile.

Liu Xuan "exposed" a smile of satisfaction. What he wanted was Wu Yang to ask him. If he didn't ask, how would he show his "force".

"No way, heaven cares for me." Liu Xuan walked towards the front and came across the desk.

Li Ruolan's eyes rolled a little. Looking at Liu Xuan like this, it seems that Dongshan has risen again, but how long will it take? Is anyone helping Liu Xuan?

"Heaven cares for you, who is this God?" Wu Yang asked with a smile.

"Wu Yang, the only thing you have is your money, but now, the money is that I just bought a few real estate companies and formed a 'Luxuan Group'."

"Liu Xuan Group? Ting will play, does this make any sense?" Wu Yang spread his hands.

"Hahaha." Liu Xuan laughed. "You asked me for meaning, meaning to break your Wuyang Group and make you regret it."

Li Ruolan frowned: "Liu Xuan, don't be too proud, this kind of thing will never happen."

"Really? Then let's wait and see. Don't think I'm still the same as before, let you pinch, Wu Yang." Liu Xuan's eyes flashed coldness.

Wu Yang looked at Liu Xuan, who was full of arrogance, and his face was indifferent: "You are all right."

Anyway, just for fun, Wu Yang can't stay in this world forever. What ‘Wu Yang Group’ is about him.

Looking at Wu Yang's indifferent **** "color", Liu Xuan felt like he was hitting cotton with a punch, and it took no effort. He came here to mock Wu Yang, only to find that it didn't make sense to do so.

"Wu Yang, just pretend to be calm." Liu Xuan said unhappyly.

"I'm not pretending to be calm. I have a question for you. Who is behind you to help you?"

"You don't need to know, he asked me to tell you a few words, you will never wait for him in this world, he will not be fooled, ha ha ha." Liu Xuan laughed.

Li Ruolan and Shanshan both looked at Liu Xuan like neuropathy, and said something.

Wu Yang's brow frowned. It was the "force" of Xingying. It really didn't fool him, and he asked Liu Xuan to say such things to him.

"Anything else?" Wu Yang said lightly.

"Others, he said that there will be a big gift package for you, and you will know soon." Liu Xuan smiled very proudly, feeling the same as crushing Wu Yang.

A big gift from Xingying? What could it be? Definitely not a good thing.

"Wu Yang, you will lose a lot of money." Liu Xuan exhaled a large mouthful of smoke in front of him and walked towards the outside.

Wu Yang's finger tapped on the table, "Hey, I want to leave after I've installed it. Do you think there is such a good thing?"

"It's a joke. I want Liu Xuan to leave." Liu Xuan continued to walk.


Wu Yang's figure flashed, and several people didn't see what was going on. Wu Yang was already standing in front of Liu Xuan. This speed was too fast.

Liu Xuan stepped back unconsciously, with a hint of panic: "You, what do you want to do?"


Wu Yang punched Liu Xuan in the face.

Screaming in pain, Liu Xuan flew out, fell on the ground and tumbling one after another, his nosebleeds, and his sunglasses were broken, "Ah, ah, **** ..."

The four bodyguards saw their boss being beaten and rushed towards Wu Yang.

"Four clowns." Wu Yang shook his head.

The four bodyguards didn't see what was going on. They just felt a sharp pain in their bodies, and then they flew out and fell on the ground with pain.

"It feels a little better." Wu Yang twisted his neck. "Ruo Lan, make a call and let people throw them out."

Li Ruolan made a phone call and soon someone came in and lifted Liu Xuan out.

"Wu, Wu Yang, you **** ..." Liu Xuan's voice came from outside.

Li Ruolan looked at Wu Yang: "Wu Yang, what did Liu Xuan just mean?"

"Oh, there are some things I need to tell you."

As soon as Li Ruolan heard it, it seemed that Wu Yang was planning to tell them some secrets.

"Take you to Taiwan University first."

"Taiwan University? Where do you go?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Introduce a sister to you."

Li Ruolan could not help rolling his eyes, wasn't it your woman? I want to see what it looks like.

"So, let's go."

With a flash of white light, the three of Wu Yang disappeared.

NTU lakeside villa.

White light flashed, Wu Yang, Li Ruolan, and Shanshan appeared.

Both Li Ruolan and Shan Shan were stubborn. What happened just now? Why did you appear here? Is it through?

"Brother Yang, where is this?" Shanshan asked, "how did we get here?"

Li Ruolan looked around: "This place will not be in Taiwan University, right? But we are far away from here, how did you do that, Wu Yang?"

"Don't care about this, you will understand immediately." Wu Yang waved his hand.

Li Ruolan and Shan Shan both suppressed their curiosity, anyway, Wu Yang would soon say.

"So, what about your beautiful beauty hiding here?" Li Ruolan raised an eyebrow.

Shen Jiayi quickly ran downstairs and was surprised when she saw Wu Yang, but after seeing Li Ruolan and Shan Shan, the surprise disappeared.

"Wu Yang, who are they?" ..