v17 Chapter 102: Finally believe

Wu Yang looked at Li Ruolan and Shen Jiayi and asked, "What? You don't believe me?"

"Well, it's not that I don't believe you, but that what you said is incredible. If it's not too familiar with you, I think you're neurotic." Li Ruolan looked skeptical.

Shen Jiayi nodded in approval: "I think so too."

Shanshan didn't understand: "I believe Brother Yang is true. Do you all doubt it?"

It's no wonder that Shen Jiayi and Li Ruolan are very skeptical. If you say these things to other people, it is likely to be directly regarded as neuropathy. What is this space and space, and what is the origin of the world and the main world? All nonsense.

"Simple is good, you believe that your brother Yang said the pig will be on the tree." Li Ruolan looked at Shanshan.

"Pigs won't get on trees." Shanshan shook her head.

Wu Yang didn't care, and said, "It's normal for you to have doubts. If I said this, you believe it like that, and don't think about it, then I think you are idiots."

"You're an idiot," Shen Jiayi and Li Ruolan said indignantly.

Shanshan looked at Wu Yang with a sad expression, and said, "Brother Yang, I believe. Am I an idiot?"

"Of course you are not an idiot. You are pure, pure is an advantage." Wu Yang immediately comforted.

"Oh." Shanshan smiled.

Shen Jiayi's brows frowned, and there was absolutely any female **** between Wu Yang and Shan Shan.

"Jiayi and Ruolan, since you are doubtful, I'll prove it." Wu Yang laughed.

"Proof? How do you prove?"

"It's very simple, let you see the power that is not in this world."

Wu Yang finished, and the figure flickered and disappeared.

The three women were all startled: "Wu Yang (Brother Yang), you, where have you been?"

"Where did you go, you say, it's still here, but it's invisible." Wu Yang's voice sounded here.


"Brother Yang, you are so good, you can hide." Shanshan was surprised.

Li Ruolan and Shen Jiayi are both surprised. They are absolutely invisible. They only hear the sound, but they cannot see Wu Yang.

"Ah ..." Shen Jiayi shuddered and screamed, her face "red" suddenly flushed.

Because Shen Jiayi felt that his Hungarian mouth was taken aback.

"Asshole, don't be invisible." Shen Jiayi shouted angrily.

"Sister Jiayi, what's wrong with you, ah ..."

Before Li Ruolan's words were finished, the Hungarian mouth was stunned, and an uncontrollable cry was made.

Wu Yang laughed loudly: "What happened to Ruolan and Jiayi? If you call it like this, it will easily make you misunderstand, hehehe ..."

Li Ruolan could not help rolling his eyes, with a hint of charm or saying: "Wu Yang, you are doing this badly, Jiayi's sister is angry."

"No, no, you guys, come out soon," Shen Jiayi called.


Wu Yang's figure appeared, saying proudly: "Did you see? This is stealth. Then you look at different abilities, change."

With a flash of white light, Wu Yang disappeared, and a small white butterfly appeared.

The white light just made the three women's eyes bloom. After seeing it again, Wu Yang disappeared again.

"Brother Yang, are you invisible again?" Shanshan asked.

"Bad guy, stop doing boring tricks." Shen Jiayi's hands hugged the Hungarian Ministry unconsciously, for fear that Wu Yang would give her another shot.

Li Ruolan thought it was not that simple. He searched with his eyes and saw the small white "color" butterfly flying in front of him.

"Well, why is there a white" color "butterfly?" Li Ruolan's hand stretched towards the white "color" butterfly, and the butterfly stopped on her hand.

Shen Jiayi and Shanshan both looked at it. "This butterfly ..."

"This butterfly is so cute." Shanshan called.

Looking at the butterfly, Li Ruolan and Shen Jiayi both thought of a possibility, and looked at each other, "No ..."

"Well, you're not too stupid, yes, I changed this butterfly." The butterfly made a sound.

Shanshan was surprised: "Brother Yang, did you become this cute butterfly?"

"Of course, it can become something else."

With a flash of white light, a rabbit appeared on the ground, and soon the rabbit became a bird ...

The three women were stunned. Is this Sun Wukong's 72 change?

"Okay." Wu Yang changed back to his original appearance.

"It's amazing. It can be turned into various things. Brother Yang, can Shanshan also?" Shanshan looked expectantly.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Of course you can, Brother Yang will let you have this ability in the future."

"Really? Great, Brother Yang is the best." Shanshan said excitedly, and she had no doubt about Wu Yang's words.

Wu Yang said, "These are just my basic abilities. Do you believe now?"

Wu Yang's demonstrated abilities made Shen Jiayi and Li Ruolan both have to believe what Wu Yang said before, because these abilities are not possessed by a normal person at all.

"I believe, you can fly, you can gather water polo in your hands, you can jump from high altitude, there is nothing, and a lot of things can appear out of thin air. These are absolutely impossible for normal people." Li Ruolan said.

Shen Jiayi followed: "I didn't expect what you guys said was true, so are you leaving?"

Wu Yang said that he came to this world to deal with an unknown creature called ‘Virtual Shadow’. Now that Virtual Shadow is not fooled, it ’s meaningless for Wu Yang to stay in this world.

Li Ruolan and Shanshan were both shocked. Yeah, Wu Yang was about to leave this world and return to the place called Devouring Space.

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Yes, I want to return to devouring space. I can't stay in this world forever."

All three women trembled, must Wu Yang leave?

"So what do I do?" Li Ruolan took a trace of trill. "If you leave, I will always hate you."

"Brother Yang, you can't leave. I can't go back to Mermaids anymore. I can only stay by your side."

Shen Jiayi stared at Wu Yang's eyes: "Are you going to leave me?" ..