v17 Chapter 109: Man posing as Wu Yang

Wu Yang took Li Ruolan and Shanshan back to the sofa in the villa.

"Is Erlang killed by you?" Li Ruolan said in surprise.

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "How can those three eyes compare with me? I have left him with no residue."

"I knew Brother Yang was the best." Shanshan looked at Wu Yang with admiration.

"Generally, Shanshan, don't look at me like this, I will be embarrassed." Wu Yang smiled proudly.

Li Ruolan gave Wu Yang a dizzy eye. Are you embarrassed like this?

"I'm okay anyway, so don't worry about it, you have to have some confidence in me. Is it that I'm so weak in your heart?"

Li Ruolan said angrily: "This is not a question of whether you are weak or weak, but ..."

No matter how strong his own man is, being a woman can't help worrying.

"Brother Yang, when are we going to the devouring space you said." Shanshan asked.

"Oh, any time, I can come to this derivative world. The main purpose at that time was to attract virtual shadows, but the" force "was astute. Therefore, there is nothing to do in this world. gone back."

Li Ruolan thought for a while and thought, "Does your group ignore everything?"

"Well, it doesn't matter. It's just for fun. It doesn't make any sense to me. At first, it was mainly for you." Wu Yang's meanness.

Li Ruolan put a hand on Wu Yang's waist and said, "It's so unpleasant that the dog can't vomit ivory."

However, being able to be with Wu Yang, Li Ruolan thought it was a wonderful memory of the past. If Wu Yang hadn't thought about hitting her, they wouldn't have been together.

"If the dog's mouth vomits ivory, is it still a dog?" Wu Yang laughed.

Shanshan seemed to remember something, her face "red" slightly red, and said, "Brother Yang, what were you doing with Sister Jiayi in the first place? At first, Sister Jiayi was so painful, I thought you were hitting her, Then she called again very comfortably, it was strange. "

"Ahem, this one." Wu Yang laughed even cheaper, "Shan Shan, do you want to know?"

"Want to know." Shanshan nodded non-stop.

Li Ruolan said with a smile: "Shan Shan, your brother Yang will teach you well, you can rest assured."

"Shan Shan, in fact, my sister Jiayi is breeding offspring." Wu Yangxi laughed.

Li Ruolan slanders in her heart, breeding offspring? Do n’t say it ’s so grandiose, you ’re purely cool.

Shanshan was startled: "Breeding offspring? I heard the teacher told me that mermaids need to be husband and wife, and then they can give birth to little mermaids."

"Yes, you can have children when you become a couple." Wu Yang's righteousness, "I and your sister Jiayi must have offspring."

Shanshan looked at Li Ruolan, and then looked at Wu Yang, "Brother Yang, are you and Sister Ruolan both husband and wife? So you have to breed offspring."

"Yes, Shanshan also wants to be a husband and wife with your brother Yang?" Li Ruolan said with a smile.

Shanshan's "color" seemed a little embarrassed. Both hands were pinched together, "I, I ..."

"Shan Shan, tell me what you have. If you don't tell me, how can your brother Yang help you solve the problem?"

"I think, I want to be a couple with Brother Yang." Shanshan lowered her head. "Brother Yang, can Brother Yang?"


Wu Yangxian smiled and said, "Of course, as long as Shanshan wants, Brother Yang can do anything for you."

Li Ruolan's contempt is really too shameless. For such a thing, it seems that you are in a bad position, obviously you are taking advantage.

Shanshan raised her head in excitement and said, "I know, Brother Yang is the best to me."

Wu Yang spread his hands and said, "No way, I'm not good to Shanshan, but who else can I be good to?"

Shanshan embraced Wu Yang's arm and said happily, "Brother Yang, we are also husband and wife. Shanshan wants to breed offspring for you and have children for you."

This suggestion is very tempting to any man. Wu Yang not only accelerated his heartbeat a bit, but he was very good and strong with the mermaid.

Li Ruolan couldn't help but cover his mouth and smiled, "Shan Shan, do you know how to have children?"

Shanshan froze, "Isn't there going to be a child after becoming a couple?"

"Hahaha ..." Li Ruolan laughed. "You are really naive. It's not that easy. You can only do something."

"What are you going to do?"

"You have to ask your brother Yang well. I feel that you have some difficulties. After all, you are a little different from us humans."

Shanshan looked at Wu Yang and said, "Brother Yang, what can I do with you to have a baby?"

Wu Yang glanced at Shanshan's tail and said, "Shanshan, don't worry about this. Wait for some time, and I'll do some research with you."

"Well, everything is listening to Brother Yang."


Consume space.

Athena stood alone by a small clear lake, dazed, and from time to time she revealed a smirk and frowned from time to time.

"Athena." A man's voice came over.

Hearing this voice, Athena quickly turned her body and looked forward with joy, "Daddy, you are back."

I saw Wu Yang smiling at Athena 10 meters from Athena.

"Dad." Athena walked quickly.

"Athena, I want to take you to a place, do you want to go with me?" Wu Yang said gently.

"Of course I do, Dad, where is it?" Athena walked in front of Wu Yang.

"Follow me and you'll know, let's go." Wu Yang's eyes shed a hint of "treacherous" fraud, and unexpectedly cheated Athena so easily.

Athena's eyes were cold and she slammed into Wu Yang's body.


Wu Yang was blasted out by Athena, stopped backwards by several tens of meters.

"Athena, what do you do?" Wu Yang cried.

"Who are you?" Athena's face was murderous. "You are not my dad at all, even dare to impersonate him, hateful!" ..