v18 Chapter 14: So go to death

The guideline was unacceptable, and it had been hard to hide in the dark to develop power. I thought I could kill Wu Yang, but it turned out to be this way.

Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang, is he always unable to cross this hurdle, hateful, hateful.

"Guideline, what are you thinking?" Wu Yang appeared in front of the guideline instantly, punching him with a punch.

The line did not even have a chance to escape, and was hit by Wu Yang.

"Ah ..." Guilin shouted in pain, and fell down to the ground at a rapid speed under the action of a huge impact.

The ground was smashed open, forming a huge pit.

"Guideline, since you have to find death, then I'll send you to the west." Wu Yang roared, and shot it with one palm.

"The Palm of the World!"

An extremely huge black "color" palm was squeezing away toward the ground.

The guideline stood up from the pit, and kept exhaling the atmosphere, the pain made him crack.

"Wu Yang, grass and mud horse."

The guideline was scolded directly, and the strength of the body broke out, rushing straight up, facing the **** "color" palm that fell down without boundaries.

"I'll show it to you." The crosshair punched out, trying to block the palm of the world, but it was just a mantis arm as a cart.

"The dog is" forcing "the line, no one can stop Lao Tzu, no one."

Boom, boom!

The guideline shook and shouted in pain, and was crushed to the ground under the pressure of the extinct palm of the world.

The ground collapsed, forming a huge palm print that could not measure length and width, which directly changed the landscape.

The center zone of the huge palm print fell to the ground, looking weak, the metal body was disintegrating, and several parts were broken from time to time.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'veve ghhhh, there was no stop in the air.

Wu Yang landed slowly and said, "You lost."

"Lose? Hahaha ..." The line smiled, struggling and stood up. "I haven't lost yet."

Wu Yangrao looked at the howling line with interest, and said, "Do you feel cool? Very cool, or very cool?"

"Wu Yang, why? Why? I won't lose to you. Even if I die, I will fight to the last breath." The shouted unwillingly, looking at Wu Yang's eyes full of resentment.

"Your eyes are hot, but unfortunately, I must kill you."

Wu Yang's eyes were cold and he rushed towards the line.

"Then you can try it." The goal line struggled to meet it, releasing the last strength frantically, a plan to go with Wu Yang.

Bang Bang Bang ...

In the sound of the explosion, a black light and a black and white light were constantly violently bumping, which changed the appearance of the earth and the mountains and rivers burst.

The line of sight is not enough, Wu Yang is like a monster, not that he can defeat.

"Hahaha, crosshair, you can't do that."

Wu Yang shouted, punched the deadly force of the front line defense, shattered the deadly force, bombarded the Hungarian mouth of the front line, and penetrated the Hungarian mouth of the front line.

"Wu Yang ..."

auzw.com Guilin screamed and flew out.

"I'm here."

Wu Yang appeared behind the line of sight instantly, a flash of black mang in his hand, and the second generation of the magic sword split out.


The guideline growled, barely forming a barrier behind it.

"Guidelines, these are nothing but chickens and dogs. They can't be beaten. Broke me!"


The barrier burst, the second generation of the magic sword slashed on the left shoulder of the guideline, and cut into the tofu.

"Ah ..." Guilin shouted in pain, and her left arm was cut off.

Guilin flew in pain, trying to escape Wu Yang's attack range.

"Guideline, where else can you go? You can only die today." Wu Yang hit with his left hand, and the black hole above devoured a strong appeal.

"Ah, ah ..." shouted the guideline, no matter how struggling it was, it couldn't break the suction that swallowed the black hole.

The guideline was already scared, and he had lost confidence in himself. Run away, yes, run away, leaving Qingshan not afraid of no wood burning.

If you don't run away, the next thing is to die.

But the entire devouring space is now entrenched, even if he uses the villain system and the life and death system at the same time, he cannot escape.

How to do? What exactly should I do? What should we do?

"Guideline, let's die." Wu Yang shouted.

"Wait, Wu Yang, don't you just miss the old feelings like this?" Shouted the line, "I confess defeat, I confess to you wrong, I give you both the villain system and the life and death system."

The sword energy on the second generation of the magic sword in Wu Yang's hands was fluctuating, showing Wu Yang's somewhat tangled mood at the moment.

Should this sword be split?

If it was any other person, Wu Yang would not have any tangles, but now this person is on the line.

No, even if it is a guideline? The person who betrayed him was dead. If he lost now, would the line be merciless? Absolutely not.

and so……

"I've given you a chance before. You say this now, just because you know that you must lose. The guidelines, it's not that I don't miss old feelings. It's all caused by you."

"So, die!"

The second generation of the magic sword in Wu Yang's hand slashed towards the line.

"You can't kill me." The guideline yelled, illusive black and white light wrapped him, and then the guideline disappeared.

Wu Yang was shocked. Impossible? Did it escape from the devouring space.

Suddenly in front, a black and white "color" light group appeared, and this light group began to skyrocket, spreading frantically in the devouring space.

The spread of black and white "color" light clusters is amazing, and it takes up half of the swallowing space in a blink of an eye. If this continues, it is estimated that the entire swallowing space will be occupied.

Consuming the black hole, the crown of conquest, the angel of justice, the second generation of the magic sword, and the armor of the demon **** flew out of Wu Yang's body and headed in five directions.

The devouring black hole appeared above the center of the black and white "color" light group, conquered the crown and came to the east of the black and white "color" light group, the angel of justice appeared in the south, the second generation of the magic sword appeared in the west, and the armor of the demon appeared in north.

The external appearance of the five systems simultaneously releases the power of the gray "color" space, blocking the wildly spreading black and white "color" light clusters. ..