v18 Chapter 19: Grown up

The colorful light from Wu Yang was not made by Wu Yang, but appeared by himself. It should be made by the son-in-law who was hidden in Wu Yang's consciousness.

The colored light emitted by this channel is fused with the colorful "color" light group on Qing'er's body, which makes Qing'er's power once again strengthened.

The color "color" of the light has reached a dazzling level. Both Baihou and Gabriel have tilted their faces to the side, avoiding the direct "shot" of the color light to the eyes.

After about ten minutes, the light of "color" gradually dissipated, and a graceful / wonderful girl figure appeared.

A 15-year-old girl looks like she has a phoenix crown on her head, she is wearing a beautiful colorful dress, she is beautiful, her skin is snowy, and she is beautiful. .

Such a beautiful girl, when seen by any man, could not help swallowing.

Wu Yang stayed for a while. It is indeed his daughter, who inherited his excellent genes, and has beaten 99.9999% of the people by face value.

"Qinger." Wu Yang shouted.

Qing'er turned back and looked at herself up and down, looking at her hands, "Am I grown up?"

"Yeah, you're grown up." Wu Yang nodded.

"Dad, I'm grown up, that's great." Qing'er looked happy, and flew towards Wu Yangfei, rushed into Wu Yang's arms, hug Wu Yang tightly.

"Dad, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, Qing'er has grown up." Qing'er "chaotic" moved in Wu Yang's arms.

Wu Yang worked hard to maintain his seriousness. My little Qinger, can you not "chaotic" move, don't you know that your dad's fixation is not strong?

Qinger's body is relatively great compared to a fifteen or sixteen year old girl. She should be convex, and she should be good. All in all, it's very good, it's not the little girl before.

In this way, "chaos" in Wu Yang's arms will inevitably encounter something that should not be touched, making Wu Yang very embarrassed.

"Well, Dad is happy for you, too, but can you not" chaotic "move it." Wu Yangzheng said "color".

"Why?" Qinger looked at Wu Yang with an innocent look. "Dad, can't Qinger hold you?"

"not like this……"

"What's that like?"

Bai Hou's eyes rolled a bit, came over, and said with a smile: "Qinger, you have grown up, and you look so beautiful and touching, so you should stay away from your father."

"Keep away from Dad? I don't want to." Qing'er's hands hung around Wu Yang's neck. "No one can separate me from Dad."

"Qinger, I think you should stay away from him," Gabriel said aside.

"Even Gabriel said this, why?" Qinger asked inexplicably.

Wu Yang coughed and said, "This is the end of this topic. Of course, Qinger, you don't need to stay away from me, but you are now grown up, you have to pay attention to your demeanor when you grow up."


Qing'er shook his head, looking pitiful, and said, "I don't understand why you should pay attention to your behavior when you grow up, don't you like Qing'er anymore? So Qing'er can't have some kind of behavior with you? ? "

"This ..." Wu Yang was speechless.

There was a narrow narrow smile in Qinger's eyes. It was fun to watch her father's embarrassment. Of course, she knew that her daughter had to keep a little distance from her father when she grew up. Keep your distance from Dad.

"Dad, I know everything, but I don't want to be like that. I want to be with you forever." Qing Er held Wu Yang tightly.

After Bai Bai and Gabriel seemed to see it, that was the ghost father.

"Qing'er, your father is a ghost," Bai Hou reminded kindly, but in her eyes she felt a little excitement, lest the world would not be "chaotic".

Qing'er blinked his eyes, "How many ghosts?"

"Isn't your sister Athena the best example? It's so bad, it's so bad, I can't stand it anymore." Bai Hou said sadly.

Wu Yang raised a brow and said, "Oh, after the white, did your fart itch?"

"What do you want to do?" Baihou covered Fugu, taking a few steps backwards.

If Qinger weren't here, Wu Yang would definitely hit her **** and beat her fart, it would be almost heaven.

Qing Er thought for a while and thought, "In fact, I think Dad and Athena are very good. If there is love, what is the relationship between Dad and daughter?"

Baihou gave a thumbs up and said, "I'm convinced by what you said!"

Wu Yang didn't know what to say. At this time, don't say anything, he was treated as a ghost father again, although he was already a ghost father.

"Qinger, come down, don't bother Baihou, let's go out." Wu Yang couldn't let this topic continue anymore, so get out of the way.

Qinger shook her head coquettishly: "No, my dad hugged me in, so he should also hold me back."

I wipe, when you hug you in, you were just a little girl, now you are a slim girl, can you be the same?

But Qing'er was hanging like a koala, Wu Yang couldn't help it, and walked out cheekily in the weird and scornful eyes of Bai Hou and Gabriel.

Qing'er looked happy, humming a small song, and moved a few times in Wu Yang's arms from time to time.

"Oh, Qinger, what's your strength now?" Wu Yang asked casually in order to divert some attention that shouldn't be there.

"This, maybe it's similar to my father's extinction dragon pattern 3, this should help my father." Qinger is a great pair of me, come and praise my expression.

Wu Yang was taken aback. Did a son-in-law blood vein Dan raise Qing'er to such an extent? Nu Wa's blood is really good.

"It's very powerful. It's almost as good as my dad. It's really good. It can surpass me in the future. Be sure to protect me then." Wu Yang smiled.

Qinger clenched his little hand and said, "That's for sure. Whoever bullies Dad is bullying Qinger. Qinger will never let him go. So, Qinger must help his father kill that line. ..