v19 Chapter 8: Have a cup of tea

"Wu Yang, I like you a bit."

Minty looked into Wu Yang's eyes and said.

Wu Yang smiled: "Like it? Minty, do you know what it means to like it?"

"Don't think that I don't understand what I like because I am a kid. I like the feeling of being by your side. If this feeling never changes, I think I will definitely be your woman in the future."

"I remember all of what you said. By then, hehe." Wu Yang's face was evil.

"How about that time?"

"At that time, I will marry you. If you don't agree, just grab it."

Minty smiled and said, "Although I am a robber, I like it."

"Well, wash it, and go to bed together." Wu Yang picked Minty up and jumped out of the bath.

Minty asked, "Are we going to sleep together?"

"What do you say?"

"You won't do anything to me?"

Wu Yang looked up and down Minti: "You look like this, I can't even do anything I want, I haven't gotten that far."

"I didn't see it," Minty said with a little surprise. "You have a trace of" **** ", rare, rare."

Wu Yang gently placed Minty on chuang, then lay down beside Minty, and held Minty's petite / small body in her arms.

"Sleep." Wu Yang kissed Minty's forehead.

"Good night, strange Shushu." Minty smiled.


Its daybreak.

In Damon's home, Damon sat on a chair, his clothes were disheveled, his hair was "messy", his eyes were bloodshot, and there were cigarette butts on the ground.

Damon continued to smoke, and he had not smoked for many years, smoking one night.

"My poor daughter." Damon looked like he wanted to cry.

He was worried, worried that his woman was destroyed by Wu Yang, and even killed by Wu Yang.

"Minty, if you do something, even if you die, I will give that guy a million pieces. Certainly." Damon yelled.

"Dad, you don't have to do that."

The door was pushed open, and Minty came in with a smile.

Damon looked at Minty stepping in and shouted, "Minty!"

"Minty, are you okay? Are you okay?" Damon ran quickly, squatting in front of Minty, the excited.

Minty shook his head and said, "Dad, do you look like I'm fine? I'm fine."

"Really? The guy didn't do anything to you?" Damon looked skeptical.

"Damon, you say that, I'm not happy. What can I do to Minty?" Wu Yang came in from the outside.

Originally, Wu Yang didn't want to bring Mindy back so soon, but Minty was afraid that Damon was worried and had to come back. No way, Wu Yang can only take her back.


Seeing Wu Yang, Damon exclaimed angrily: "You guy, dare to come."

"I killed you." Minty punched Wu Yang angrily.

With a block of Wu Yang's hand, he easily held Damon's fist and said, "What are you so excited about?"

"Dad, don't do this, Wu Yang is not a bad person, he really didn't do anything to me. He just took a bath with me and hugged one to sleep." Minty said with a smile.

As soon as Damon heard the fire, he said, "Take a bath? Sleep? Asshole, asshole, Minty is just a child. What have you done to her, you animal?"

Wu Yang sweated for a while. It seems that it is necessary to tune / teach some Minty. This fart must be beaten well.

"Damon, it's not exactly what you think, can you believe me?"

"I believe your mother egg, I will kill you." Damon quickly took out his gun and pointed at Wu Yang.

Minty immediately stood in front of Wu Yang, grabbed Damon's gun, and said, "Dad, I'm kidding you, it's really nothing."

"Really?" Damon was not convinced.

"Really, if you don't believe Wu Yang, can you still trust your daughter? Don't you think I will say something good for Wu Yang?"

As soon as Damon heard it, he lowered the gun slowly and looked at Wu Yang: "What on earth do you want?"

"Well, don't worry, can I go in for a cup of tea?" Wu Yang said slowly.

Damon sighed and gave way: "Come in."

"I'm welcome."

Wu Yang's hand flashed blue, and an automatic tea maker appeared.

Damon looked in surprise, how did this thing come out? Is it a trick?

"Wu Yang, what is this?" Minty looked at the automatic tea maker.

"It's not a rare thing to make tea."

"But how did you get it out? You obviously didn't bring anything like this." Minty asked curiously.

Wu Yang waved his hand. "Don't care about these details. The tea is ready. Do you want a drink? It's delicious."

Damon said lightly: "This is not the time to drink tea, I just want to know what you want to do?"

Wu Yang ignored Damon, took out three cups, poured three cups of tea, and suddenly the strong tea fragrance emanated and permeated the entire room.

"It's so fragrant, just smelling it, I feel relaxed and full of strength." Minty took a deep breath.

It ’s the same for Damon. I feel that my spirit is restored instantly, fatigue is swept away, and I have such an effect before I drink it. What happens if I drink it?

"Are you going for a cup?" Wu Yang handed the tea to Minty.

"Of course I do." Minty quickly took over.

Wu Yang looked at Damon: "You shouldn't want it, I know."

"Hum." Damon snorted, but with a gleam of desire in his eyes, couldn't this guy give him a drink?

"Wow, it really tastes good, and the body is constantly pouring out strength." Minty felt the changes in the body. "It's too great, it's really amazing. Wu Yang, what kind of tea is this?"

"Ginseng fruit tree tea."

The main material is the leaves of the ginseng fruit tree. After various preparations, the tea is made. In the devouring space, it is just a common tea. ..