v19 Chapter 22: The person who annoys me most

Wu Yang walked over and stepped on Zhao Kuo's body, saying, "Zhao Kuo, what's the matter with you? Stand up."

One foot of Wu Yang was as heavy as a pound, no matter how hard Zhao Kuo tried, he couldn't stand up. "Yeah, **** ..."

"Pretend to be" forced "is the nature of people hiding in their hearts. I like to pretend to be" forced. "Zhao Kuo, you are not wrong. You are wrong to pretend to be" forced "in front of me. Lao Tzu is the most Annoying people who pretend to be "forced" in front of me. "

"Usually, if someone pretends to" force "him, his end will be miserable. You will not be the first or the last."

Wu Yang took out a cigarette and originally planned to take out a stack of dollar bills to light it. It was too loaded, so Wu Yang took out a diamond lighter and ignited it very low-key.

Everyone looked differently as Wu Yang stepped on Zhao Ku, exhaling smoke.


"Wow, so handsome, smoking looks so elegant."

"I think I am in love with a smoking man."

"Who is going to save me, I'm being, I'm going to be fainted by the handsome."

Some boys are vomiting in their hearts:

Why aren't you pretending? The only difference is that the "force" you pretend to be a cow "force", while others pretend to be silly "force".

Damn, I really want to hit him, but I'm afraid he can't beat him.

I rub and serve. Pretend to be "forced" so pretentious.

Looking around at the lively instructors, one by one looked at each other. Although Zhao Kuo was really pretending to be "forced" on weekdays, everyone knew each other.

Now Zhao Kuo has been foolishly bullied by a student. Although he is also in the heart of Ting Shuang, if he doesn't help Zhao Kuo, he can't justify it.

The four instructors nodded and walked towards Wu Yang together.

"Mr. Wu Yang, you have already taught him, how about this matter?"

"Yeah, it's a big deal, and the impact is not good."

"Give us a face."

You say a few instructors to me.

Wu Yang didn't even look at a few people, and only said one word: "Go!"

Everyone had to give thumbs up for Wu Yang, crazy enough, enough to drag, enough to hang!

Several instructors are ugly, and this Wu Yang is too shameless. In front of so many people, let them roll, and how can they mix in the future?

"Wu Yang, you don't seem to be appropriate, aren't you afraid of being punished?"

"Once you are known by the school's leaders, do you think you can go crazy?"

"We are from the army. You better pay attention."

Wu Yang raised his head slightly and said, "You're very annoying, like a flock of flies."

"You ..." The instructors were furious.

"I'm right here, don't stop standing nonsense, come here if you have the ability." Wu Yang exhaled a smoke.

Although several instructors wanted to beat Wu Yang in the past, they were even more afraid of passing by and became the victims.

"Come on, don't ask." I didn't know which student called out.

"Yeah, you are instructors, we all watch."

"The other party is a student. You are all scared. Are you qualified to teach us?"

"Just returned to the army, you are losing the army's face."

"Don't counsel, just do it! Don't counsel, just do it! Don't counsel, just do ..."


The students who didn't seem too big to see the excitement shouted.

All four instructors were "forced" to the edge of the cliff at this moment. Damn, if there were no more, what kind of face would be?


The four instructors rushed towards Wu Yang together.

Wu Yang popped the cigarette out of his hand and landed in the collar of an instructor who rushed.

"Ah, it's hot, it's hot ..." The instructor screamed in pain, tearing his clothes frantically, trying to take out the cigarettes.

The remaining three instructors yelled and punched together towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang leapt lightly and avoided the fists of the three.

The three's fists hit each other.

"Ah, ah ..."

Wu Yang fell down and stepped on the three.

The three instructors only felt like they were crushed, their legs were soft, and they lay down together, pressing Zhao Kuo's body again.

"Ah ..." Zhao Ku screamed again.

Wu Yang stepped on the four and said, "You dregs, I really don't understand. Didn't you see Zhao Kuo's end? Dare to charge."

"Whether you persuade or not, no one cares. Do you know why the people here rushed you? Because I want to see you be dumb and forced by me, and you really ca n’t help but be excited.

An instructor stepped on by Wu Yang shouted with all his strength: "Han Lei, hurry up, call quickly."

The instructor who was scalded by Wu Yang's cigarette finally got the cigarette out. He was at a loss now.

"Call, who?"

"You're so stupid," call it to Principal Huang. "

"Okay, okay, I'll call, I'll call." Han Lei took out his cell phone and trembled to get through.

"Huang, President Huang, hurry up, come to the" **** "field, there are students making trouble, and more people come."

The students who are watching the excitement are even more excited:

"Are the principal coming?"

"It's even more interesting now."

"Wu Yang must be fierce and fierce, you said, will he be fired."

"It's very likely, how to say, it's better than hitting the instructor."

"It's a pity that I haven't met such a hanged person. I want to recognize him as the boss."

There was a flash of worry in Zhou Xiaoyi's eyes, would Wu Yang be expelled from school?

"Huh ..." Zhou Xiaozhen took a deep breath, and the ghost moved towards Wu Yang.

Everyone's eyes are on Zhou Xiaozheng, what is this beautiful girl to do?

"So pretty, I like this girl."

"It's true, it has a pure temperament."

In the eyes of everyone, Zhou Xiaozhang walked to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang looked at Zhou Xiaozhen with amusement and said, "Zhou Xiaozhen, right?"

Zhou Xiao stunned, Wu Yang remembered her.

"Wu, Wu Yang, you have already taught them. Come down from them, or it will be bad when the principal comes."