v19 Chapter 30: Perfect man

For Yang Yi's challenge, Wu Yang "showed" a wicked smile, which was simply creating a good opportunity for him.

Zhou Xiaoyi's face was "white" a little bit white, which was annoyed by Lin Yi. What was Zhou Xiaoyi when she was? Is it a good? What qualifications does Lin Yi have to determine her communication?

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "Lin Yi, don't you think it's childish for you to say such things? Have you respected the opinions of classmate Zhou Xiaozheng? I refuse to do such a boring test.

Wu Yang's words warmed Zhou Xiaozhen's heart and felt a sense of respect.

Lin Yi said with disdain: "Don't tell me these are useless, don't you dare?"

"Enough." Zhou Xiaozhang yelled, "Lin Yi, what do you really think of me? Do you respect me?"

"No, I ..." Lin Yi wanted to explain.

"No need to explain, you let me down with you, can you mature?"

The situation here has attracted the attention of many people. After all, where there is Wu Yang, there are concerns. Many people crowded around and looked at the excitement.

Being watched by so many people, what Zhou Xiaoyi said made Lin Yi feel very indifferent, and said loudly: "I'm just immature, what's the matter? Are you looking at this little white face?"


"You say, do you fancy him?" Lin Yi shouted, "Isn't he just a little white face? What's so great?"

There was grievance and sadness in Zhou Xiaozhen's heart. What did she do wrong? Lin Yi wants to say so.

Wu Yang said: "My classmate and Zhou Xiaoying are just classmates. The reputation of the girl is very important. Do n’t" talk "and say I can, can you stop those words to Zhou Xiaoyi?"

Zhou Xiaoyi looked at Wu Yang. If Lin Yi could be like Wu Yang, how good would it be ... What am I thinking?

Lin Yi was even more angry. "Wu Yang, if you are a man, try with me. It has nothing to do with anyone. It has nothing to do with Zhou Xiaoyi. I just want to defeat you. Do you dare?"

The girls all around said disdainfully:

"Who is this? It looks just like the bun."

"That is, you want to challenge Wu Yang, are you eligible?"

"My boyfriend is so perfect, there is no need to ignore such a person."

"Hello shame, obviously my boyfriend."

The boys are shaking their heads:

"Boy, don't you know his name is Wu Yang? Dare to challenge him."

"If you are killed, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"My brother Yang has someone to challenge. It really eats bear heart leopard."

"It's fun to listen to, because I want to see how Yang Brother abuses this stupid man."

Lin yelled, "You all shut up for me. I'm not afraid for a day, what about a little white face?"

"Lin Yi, you can't do that."

Lin Yi's dormitories ran over and pulled Lin Yi one by one to calm him down.

Wu Yang looked at Lin Yi's dead party. All of them had some impressions. The fat man was called Gong Bing, the thin man with glasses was called Wilde, and the one who seemed silent was called Li Xiao.

auzw.com "What are you doing?" Lin Yi cried.

Wilde said, "Stop you from dying."

"Do you really not know Wu Yang?" Gong Bing said.

"Why do I know him?" Lin Yi dismissed.

"He is the one who hit the instructor. Several instructors are not his opponents. Even the principal has to give him face. Why do you think we can be so refreshed every day now? It ’s because of him that he eats watermelon and drinks "Wilde said quickly.

Lin Yi proudly said: "I care who he is, what about the principal giving him face? I don't care."

Zhou Xiaozheng shook his head and said, "Lin Yi, stop and stop."

It ’s okay not to say Zhou Xiaoyi ’s words. Lin Yi ’s man came up with dignity: “Zhou Xiaoyi, what do you mean? Noisy? Why do you think I ’m this? For whom?”

Zhou Xiaoyu: "..."

"Do you think I will lose right? Do you think I will lose to this little white face?" Lin shouted, "I want to prove it to you, I will not lose, I will defeat him."

Lin paired Wu Yang with his middle finger: "If you have a seed, would you dare to come?"

Wu Yang said lightly: "My patience is limited."

"Then you don't want to bear it, come on, fight with me." Lin Yi ripped off his clothes and threw it on the ground, "Come."

Men and women around are fooling around:

"My boyfriend, don't bear it. Let the soiled bun know you are great."

"Wu Yang, you are the strongest and most handsome. You are always so gentlemanly, but you only need to use your fist to deal with sb."

"Yang brother, flatten him."

"Brother Yang, this can't be tolerated at all, let this dumbfounder know you are great."

Wu Yang shook his head slightly. "Violence cannot solve the problem. I hate violence."

"It deserves to be my boyfriend, who is so powerful but hates violence."

"No, it's so handsome."

"Why, why is this graceful?"

Zhou Xiaoxuan's eyes had a touch of admiration, Wu Yang was really a perfect person.

Wu Yang continued: "Lin Yi, I can understand your mood, but you are really wrong, we are classmates, and I don't want to hurt you."

Wu Yang's performance is perfect. He is just a perfect man. He is handsome and graceful. He is not angry in the face of a crazy dog ​​like Lin Yi.

However, we don't know. Wu Yang is very tired.

"Hahaha, hurt me? Do you have that ability? Don't pretend to be a gentleman. If you don't come, then I will go."

Lin yelled and punched Wu Yang's face.

"Don't ..." Zhou Xiaoying screamed.

Wu Yang clenched Lin Yi's fist easily. "Lin Yi, since you have to be like this, then I will accompany you to the end, I hope you can hold on for a while.

A violent upload from Wu Yang's hand, Lin Yi screamed in pain and flew out. ..