v19 Chapter 32: Go to the beach together

Looking at Wu Yang's gentle smile, Zhou Xiaozhang stayed for a while, this smile was too healing, which made her depressed a lot better.

"You ..." Zhou Xiaozhang didn't know what to say.

"Let's go." Wu Yang took Zhou Xiaozhen's hand and walked forward.

"Wu Yang ..."

Everyone around was stunned. What the **** is this? Does Wu Yang like that woman?

"No, how can this be? Wu Yang, I want to relax with you, too." A woman called.

"My boyfriend, don't look at her. She looks more beautiful than me. Take me to relax and open a room to relax."

"Be sure to bring me, even a few p, I can accept it."


Listening to these exaggerated remarks, is Wu Yang's speechless one so hungry?

"Let's go." Wu Yang pulled Zhou Xiaozhen's hand and ran forward.

Behind a large group of female students, shouting:

"Wu Yang, wait for us."

"Boyfriend, don't leave me, I really don't mind the group p."

"Bring me."

A group of male students are envious, jealous and hateful, and then they worship Wu Yang. The gap between people is too big. They can never have such a woman crying and letting them go.

"No way, Zhou Xiaoyi, sorry." Wu Yang hugged Zhou Xiaoyi.

"Ah ..." Zhou Xiaoying called out, "you, you ..."

Wu Yang was hugged again.

Wu Yang hurriedly holding Zhou Xiaozhang, and soon fled those girls who were chased away.

Wu Yang hugged Zhou Xiaoyi and stopped outside the school gate, letting Zhou Xiaoyi who turned red.

"Wu Yang ..." Zhou Xiaoyi looked at Wu Yang, "You ..."

"Let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Look at the beach."

Somehow Zhou Xiaoyi agreed to go to the beach with Wu Yang. She didn't know what she thought.

At the beach, people say more and less, and less. Wind and sunshine, a beautiful scene.

Wu Yang was wearing only a pair of big pants at the moment, waiting in the locker room on the beach.

After a while, the door opened, Zhou Xiaoyi lowered his head, and walked out of it wearing a white "color" skirt.

"It looks good." Wu Yang admired.

"Thank you." Zhou Xiaozhen's face was "red" slightly red, and his "color" was a little happy.

Zhou Xiaozhang was afraid to see Wu Yang. When she saw Wu Yang's body without a trace of fat, she always felt that her heart beat faster. Can a man's body look so good?

The two walked to the sea, and Wu Yang laughed and said, "Student Zhou Xiaozhang, make a few calls towards the sea."

"How many times?"

"Ah ..." Wu Yang shouted towards the sea, his voice spread far and far.


"Come on, shout a few throats, don't be embarrassed, come on." Wu Yang smiled.

"Ah ..." Zhou Xiaozhen whispered.

"louder please."


"Just louder."

"Ah, ah, ah ..." Zhou Xiaoying's voice shouted more and more.

"Don't stop, keep this rhythm until you can't shout."

Zhou Xiaoying's cry stopped and he kept screaming at the atmosphere.

"Don't you still feel tired? Doesn't it feel that the depressing air on your heart has been vented?" Wu Yang asked.

"I, I feel much better, originally shouting at the sea, so, so useful." Zhou Xiaoxi said out of breath.

Wu Yang sat down and said, "Student Zhou Xiaoyu ..."

"You can call me Zhou Xiaozhang. Adding a classmate always feels bad." Zhou Xiaozhang whispered.

"Actually you like Lin Yi, right?"


Wu Yang tapped next to him and said, "Sit down, let's talk about it. Can you tell me about you and Lin Yi?"

Zhou Xiaozheng sat down beside Wu Yang. "I and Lin were at the same table in junior high school, and he liked me at that time. When he was in high school, he was a liberal arts student, but for me, he ignored The block from his class teacher came to our science class. "

Why did you tell Wu Yang this? Zhou Xiaozhang was a little "confused".

"Are you good with Lin?" Wu Yang asked.

"Yes, he helped me many times and he was very nice to me."

"I think you have a lot of fate, junior high school is the same table, high school is the same classmate, and the university is in another school. Maybe this is a sign that God wants you to be together."

Purely false, even if there is a famous flower owner, I will give you loose soil. Besides nothing happened between you.

Zhou Xiaoyi shook his head slightly: "Lin Yi was a little decadent before the college entrance examination. In order to arouse his fighting spirit, I told him that if we can be admitted to the same university, I will be his girlfriend."

"Then you did it, you're all in the same university now."

"I was able to go to Peking University, but I ..."

"You came to Xiamen University for Lin Yi, didn't you? Since you like each other, you should cherish it."

Zhou Xiaozhe didn't know how to say, "I'm on Lin Yi now ..."

"These are not important. There is still a lot of time. Wouldn't it be great if you let it go. What happens in the future is your own choice. No one can say anything. I will support you." He smiled.

Zhou Xiaoyi also "showed" a smile: "Well, Wu Yang, thank you, I feel much better now, and I have no problem at all."

"Thanks, aren't we friends?"

"Friend? Can you?"

"Of course you can, wouldn't you?"

Zhou Xiaoyi smiled with a happy face: "Of course I am willing to be a friend with someone like you, then I am very face-saving. You do n’t know a few of my roommates who say you every day. I have calluses in my ears. "

"Really? I have been so popular."

Zhou Xiaoyi, in a good mood, gave Wu Yang a wink.

"I don't really know this, after all, I'm so humble and low-key." ..