v19 Chapter 43: I love you forever

Wu Yang came out of the bath / chamber holding Zhou Xiaozhang, Zhou Xiaozhang buried his head in Wu Yang's arms. It seems that only in this way can he escape the shyness.

Wu Yang slowly put Zhou Xiaoyi on chuang, Zhou Xiaoyi closed her eyes tightly and didn't dare to see Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's hands supported, looking at Zhou Xiaozhang, saying: "Xiaozhang, open your eyes."

"I, I do n’t want to open, do n’t open it, brother, you go back to another chuang, it ’s too late, go to bed, go to bed." Zhou Xiaozhang said indifferently.

Wu Yang laughed secretly, no matter what the joke, this is already the case, let him go back to sleep, slipping the world's best judge.

"Sister, brother, I don't really want to go to bed right now, it's better that we do something interesting."

"Xiao Xun doesn't want to do interesting things, Xia Xun wants to sleep. Brother, five minutes have already come. We are now and now just friends. You can't" chaos "."

"Five minutes has already arrived. It doesn't matter. I'll borrow five minutes tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow."

Zhou Xiaoyi couldn't help but opened his eyes and said, "No, you can't borrow, brother, you can't be such a rogue. You can only borrow five minutes a day, you can't borrow tomorrow."

"But I just want to borrow it, let me borrow it for 21 minutes, and it was such a pleasant decision."

"It's not pleasant, I haven't agreed yet."

Wu Yang looked at Zhou Xiaochen's eyes. "Xiaoyu, you are so beautiful."

Zhou Xiaoyi's heart was happy, but he said, "My brother knows that he can deceive Xiaoya by speaking rhetorically, and Xiaoya is not fooled."

"What a cliché, this is what my brother said. Do you know where you are most attracted to me?"

Zhou Xiaozhang looked up: "Where?"

"It's your innocence from the inside out, Xiaoyu, can I kiss you?"


"May I?"

"But it's been five minutes."

"I've borrowed it for 21 minutes, so it's okay, right?"

Without giving Zhou Xiaoxun the opportunity to refuse, Wu Yang bowed his head and kissed Zhou Xiaoxuan's mouth.

"Hmm ..." Zhou Xiaozhen's eyes widened, "Brother ..."

Wu Yang started an unscrupulous invasion, and did not give Zhou Xiaozhang the slightest chance to react. In a short time, he was dizzy.

Zhou Xiaozhen's eyes closed, and his hands slowly wrapped around Wu Yang's neck.

About five minutes have passed.

Wu Yang let go of Zhou Xiaoyu's mouth. "Xiaoyu, how do you feel?"

Zhou Xiaoyi exhaled, with a variety of expressions such as shyness, expectation, joy in his eyes, "I, I don't feel, brother, you are too rude."

"is it?"

"Yes, I snatched Xiaojun's early Wen casually."

Wu Yang shook his head: "This is not casual. I just want Xiaoyu to give me everything, I give everything to Xiaoyu and give myself to each other."

"Xiao, can you?" Wu Yang's voice was a little hoarse.


He didn't want to wait any longer. During this time, the fire picked up by Minty had to be vented. Of course, even without the fire picked up by Minty, Wu Yang would now have everything in Zhou Xiaozhang.

Men, it ’s all like this. It ’s okay to just open a room to sleep, and it ’ll become me. I ’ll hug you and do nothing else. Take it off and take it comfortably. Do n’t worry. I wo n’t go in; I ’ll go in for a while without “chaos”; I ’ll move twice without “shooting”; I ’m sorry I ’m so impulsive, we should n’t wash and sleep like this.

Zhou Xiaozhang's **** "color" was struggling. Wu Yang's words gave her a urge to give everything to Wu Yang. But the woman's reason told her that it shouldn't be like this, it was too fast.

"Xiao Xun, give me everything, we will always be together." Wu Yang's words with a hesitation "confuse".

"But, it's almost time, and you've borrowed 21 minutes ..." This is the only reason Zhou can think of.

"Time, then I'll borrow another 13 minutes, so there will be no problem."

"Brother, you are a rogue."

"I just want to get everything from Xiaoyu, let Xiaoyi get everything from his brother, can't you? Xiaoyu, okay?"

Zhou Xiaoyi felt that he could not think anymore. "Brother, don't, don't confuse Xiaoya, Xiaoya can't resist it."

"There is no way to resist, then don't resist, just obey your own will. Xiaoyu, come on."

"Brother, don't bully Xiaoyi in the future, don't disappoint Xiaoyi, otherwise Xiaoyi will be hurt and die, brother, come on. I love you!"

"Brother loves you too, and definitely won't let you be a little hurt."



A loud cry sounded in the hotel.


"It's time, let's borrow another 14 minutes."

"Brother, you rogue ..."


This is a very harmonious scene.

The tears in Zhou Xiaoyu's eyes have not dried up, and his head rested on Wu Yang's shoulder. "Brother, I'll give you everything. Will my brother treat Xiaoyu forever?"

After giving everything to Wu Yang, Zhou Xiaozheng's heart was still a little uneasy. This has nothing to do with believing or not trusting Wu Yang, but a kind of anxiety about the future.

Therefore, what men need to do at this time is to comfort women.

"Little sister, my brother will always be nice to you, because my brother loves my sister. My sister gave everything to my brother. If my brother can't make you happy, then my brother will be bad ..."

The word "dead" at the back didn't say it, Zhou Xiaoyin covered his mouth with his hand. "Brother don't" talk ", Xiaoyin believes in brother."

"I will not let you down."

After getting Wu Yang's promise, Zhou Xiaoyi's heart gradually calmed down and thought: "Brother, why do you borrow 21 minutes, 13 minutes, 14 minutes? It always doesn't feel so simple."

"Xiao, you give me 5 minutes a day, you connect it with 21 minutes, 13 minutes, 14 minutes."

"5211314 ????"

"Do you know what this number means?"

"I love you forever!!!"..