v19 Chapter 77: Willing to be cheated

Hearing that Wu Yang wanted to tell a secret, Minty's spirit came up, and even the weak Zhou Xiaozheng and Claire were struggling and looking at Wu Yang.

"Finally tell your secret."

"We all listen."

"Hurry up."

Wu Yang coughed, "Maybe you already guessed, I'm not a person in this world."

"Not a person in this world ????!"

Minty, Zhou Xiaozhang, and Claire all faced "force."

Indeed, in terms of Wu Yang's various performances, he is indeed not a normal person. Even, sometimes, they would wonder if Wu Yang was an alien.

"You are indeed an alien." Claire looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled: "It's not an alien, is it someone in this world?"

"Is there any difference?"

"The difference is huge, there are many worlds, this world is just one of them. In addition, this is a derivative world, derived from the main world."

Zhou Xiaozhang couldn't understand: "Brother, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all what the world is, the world of the Lord."

"Not understanding is normal, just listen to me and you will understand."

"You have been crooked till now, and you don't say the point, the point, don't talk nonsense." Minty was dissatisfied.

"Okay, that's it ... do you understand me?"

Minty, Zhou Xiaozhang, and Claire were all stuck, struggling to digest the huge amount of information.

"It feels like listening to a magical story," Minty said.

"I feel the same way."

"Brother, so exaggerated."

Wu Yang took a sip of water and smiled and said, "I feel exaggerated, but I actually feel exaggerated. Why would I be so bullied? Bulls are forced into exaggeration."

The three daughters of Minty are speechless for a while, you are clearly bragging about yourself.

"These are all true, whether you think they are exaggerated or not, they are all true." Wu Yang converged with a smile and said "color".

Zhou Xiaozhang, Minty, and Claire were silent for a while.

Is what Wu Yang said true? Although it is incredible, if it is not true, there is no way to explain everything about Wu Yang.

Wu Yang didn't need to make such a joke.

Minty thought for a while and thought, "Wu Yang, now you say these things. Do you want to leave this world and go to that devouring space?"

Zhou Xiaozhang and Claire were trembling, yes, why did Wu Yang tell them at this time, did Wu Yang really plan to leave?

Wu Yang nodded: "Yes, I have been in this world long enough, and I should go back and see."

"Brother, what should I do?" Zhou Xiaoyi looked into Wu Yang's eyes. If Wu Yang could not give her a satisfactory answer, she would probably cry.

Claire said directly, "Are you leaving us? Are you just playing with us?"

Wu Yang said very silently: "How did you come to the conclusion that I just played with you?"

"Then what are you going to do?"


"It's very simple. You and I will devour space together."

"Will we go together?"

"Why not?"

"Can you come back?" Zhou Xiaozhang asked softly.

"Of course, you can come back at any time, if you want to."

Minty, Zhou Xiaozhang, and Claire all looked at each other. If so, what's wrong with Wu Yang eating the space?

And they are also yearning for the engulfing space described by Wu Yang. What will it look like?

Minty said with some suspicion: "Wu Yang, if you don't lie to us, we can't come back."

"Why do you think so? I swear, if I don't let you come back, I won't die." Wu Yangxin vowed.

"Brother, don't" talk ", I believe in you." Zhou Xiaoyu blamed Wu Yang's mouth with his hand with some blame.

"Little sister, haven't you been deceived enough by him?" Minty shook her head, and the woman in love had a negative IQ.

Zhou Xiaozheng thought for a while and thought, "I am willing to be fooled by my brother, because I know that my brother loves me, even if he lied to me, it is because of love."

Neither Claire nor Minty knew what to say, it was hopeless.

Wu Yang said with satisfaction: "Look, look at Xiaoyu, aren't you ashamed?"

"Ashamed of you." Claire gave Wu Yang a wink.

Minty asked, "So when are you going?"

"Let's take a rest for a long time, Xiaoyan and Claire are a little tired, let them take a good rest." Wu Yang said thoughtfully.

Zhou Xiaozheng and Claire are really tired. Can they not be tired after being tossed by Wu Yang?

"It's not because of you that you don't know that it hurts us a little bit, just like a bull." Claire glared at Wu Yang.

"You can't control it, you can't control it." Wu Yang smiled wryly.

Minty seemed to think of something, and asked, "Wu Yang, you said you've been to many derivative worlds. Do you have many women?"

Tired Claire and Zhou Xiaoyi both had their eyes brightened, yes, Wu Yang is so bad, wouldn't he engage other women?

Wu Yang solemnly said: "You may not believe it when you say it, I only have you. Only you make me feel emotional."

No wonder!

"Really? I doubt it." Minty didn't believe it at all, could Wu Yang say so? Really she is a child.

Claire and Zhou Xiaoyi are also very skeptical, "Brother, tell the truth, we won't blame you."

Confess to being lenient and sit through the bottom of the cell; resist strict and go home to celebrate the New Year.

This is the experience summarized by Wu Yang, although he believes that even if the truth is told, the women in front of him cannot treat him like that.

However, Wu Yang's rule is to deceive and deceive. It is not necessary to say, and it is not to be said.

Wu Yang said sincerely, "Trust me, I really only have you."

Zhou Xiaozhang, Minty, and Claire are all very skeptical, are there really no other women? impossible.

But since Wu Yang didn't say it, there was nothing they could do, as long as it wasn't too much, it was acceptable.

Even if there are other women in Wu Yang, can there still be 5 failures? As long as this number is not exceeded, it is acceptable. ..