v20 Chapter 3: System integration

"After the white, what you said makes sense."

"Sure enough, that's a good idea."

The girls all agreed with Hou's speech.

Only Gabriel was embarrassed. Indeed, if she is not a woman, has she become a dog like other external appearances of the system?

No, she's not Wu Yang's system. In theory, she's Athena's system. Even if she is not a woman, Wu Yang cannot do anything to her.

All-in-one furnace, devouring black holes, they are all lost in thought, "A woman?"

But how could they become women? This is what they look like.

"So your fate is sad, it's the same system, but it's not the same." Baihou laughed.

Wu Yang shook his head: "After white, have you followed me for so long, haven't you matured a bit? Don't tell them these" messy "messy things, what about their psychological imbalance? "

The melting pot, the crown of conquest, the sword of the demon god, the armor of the demon god, the devouring of black holes, the villain of the villain, and the cat of life and death are all speechless. They are already imbalanced in their hearts, but what else is special?

Can they still resist? Can't resist at all, maybe this is fate, cry!

Bai Hou said angrily: "Cut, this kind of words come out of your mouth, so I can't vomit."

"Is that so?" Wu Yang smiled dangerously.

Bai Hou trembled a bit: "When I said nothing, oh, yes, don't you have a special role in the melting pot?"

"I almost forgot if you didn't say it. Burning the stove, you came to talk to everyone, your role."

"Yes. My role is to integrate all systems into one."

As the words came out, the scene was a little quiet.

"Integrate all systems into the refining and chemical system?"

"All systems are one, something like this."

"If you are one, what will you become?" Athena asked.

The Unity Furnace replied: "I don't know. I only know that my role is to integrate all systems, and all systems must be nine levels, including me."

Zi Xuan put one hand on her chin: "Nine nine-level systems are united, will nine or nine return to one?"

Everyone is thinking, nine nine-level systems are integrated, something like this ...

"If united, what will we outward appearances do?" Asked the devouring black hole.

"Yeah, what are we going to do?" The Conquering Crown followed.

"What will we do?"

Gabriel frowned slightly. Would she disappear if united? Losing autonomy? ?

Not only are external manifestations considered, but Bai Hou and others are also thinking about it. The system is integrated. What should external manifestations do? disappear?

"I can't answer this question," said the unity furnace. "I don't know if I will disappear myself."

Alice frowned. "This is indeed a big problem."


"I guess someone won't do this, before they can't really be sure." Baihou glanced at Wu Yang.

Gabriel and Athena also glanced at Wu Yang. After all, it was Wu Yang who decided to be one.

"Wu Yang, what do you think?" Athena asked.

Gabriel ’s "color" became a little nervous. What would Wu Yang do? Will it be for her ...

Wu Yang's figure flashed next to Gabriel and smiled. "Reassure, if the system unification will make you disappear, I will never let the system unify."

Gabriel's eyes were touched, but he said, "I, I don't care."

"Gabriel, are you right? Don't be proud." Athena smiled.

"Who, who is proud? Athena, really, why are you the same as Wu Yang." Gabriel screamed blushing.

Originally Gabriel was called Athena 'My Lord', but then after Athena's strong request, she called her name directly.

"I'm Dad's daughter, and naturally I'm the same as Dad." Athena didn't care.

Bai Hou smiled and said, "Wu Yang, you are really touching. In order to Gabriel can give up system integration, good man."

"Ahem, I have always been a good man."

"You're still breathing when you say you're fat." The girls scorned for a while.

Wu Yang patted Hunkou: "What do you mean? Am I not a good man? If I were not a good man, would you follow me? You follow me, not because of me."

For the extremely shameless words, the girls did not seem to be able to refute, but looking at Wu Yang's proud look, it was really unhappy.

"No, they are not because of your goodness, but because of your cheapness! People who are cheap are invincible." Bai later had a crit.

"Hahaha ..."

The ladies laughed and said so well.

Wu Yang's expression turned into an uppercase ‘囧’, gritted her teeth and said, “After white, it seems you need a good education.”

"Don't care about these details, what a stingy man to do is just a joke." Baihou waved his hand.

Wu Yang shook his head: "Forget it, you don't understand the worry of a good man."

"Know your girl, don't pretend."

"When have you been worried?"

"Say this from your mouth, I just want to laugh, hahaha, sorry I didn't hold back."

The ladies vomited.

Wu Yang's face was dull, and she immediately shifted the subject. With a big wave of her hand, she said, "Don't make a fuss about these superficial things, say something serious."

"There is no need to consider the problem of system integration. The first point is that the system is incomplete, and the nine major systems are still one system behind. The second point is that only the furnace system is level nine, and the others have not reached level nine."

"Only when these two points are reached, I will consider the issue of system integration. Now let you know this, just let you know that this is the case."

"Also, if the unification of the system will make the external manifestation disappear, I will definitely not do it, after all, I am an emotional person."

After listening to Wu Yang's last sentence, there was a moving feeling in the external manifestations such as the one melting pot, the devil and the god, Wu Yang was a good host! ..