v20 Chapter 19: Today with scholar

Wu Yang walked slowly. As for Yang Yan, I didn't know what to think, followed Wu Yang quietly, she thought Wu Yang didn't know.

If you want to follow, it ’s better to have someone follow you. Besides, being followed by such a goddess seems to be pretty good.

Wu Yang naturally would not be narcissistic enough to think that Yang Ye likes him. To be right, this is just a lonely goddess who has been lonely for thousands of years and has some curiosity about a man. He wants to see what this man is like.

Who is not curious yet?

Wu Yang came to a river and saw a scholar waiting for a boat.

What is going on today? Is it destined for scholars.

However, this scholar seems to be courteous, giving a kind of righteous gentleman feeling, and Liu Yanchang's feeling is completely different.

The scholar also saw Wu Yang and walked towards Wu Yang. "Is this brother Taiwan going to Beijing to take the test?"

"Yes, in Wuyang, I don't know what Xiongtai is called?" Wu Yang smiled.

"Like Wu Xiong, I went to Beijing to rush to take the exam, and I went to Xia Ning to pick a minister."

"What? Are you Ning Caichen?" Wu Yangxuan "forced".

Ning Caichen looked at Wu Yang with a doubt, "confused", "Did Brother Wu know me?"

Wu Yang said in his heart: If you are the Ning Caichen who has been a ghost, then you can't be wrong. You are a talent.

Before crossing, Wu Yang admired three people.

Admire Xu Xian, because he dares to snake. Later admired Dong Yong, he dared to immortal. Then he admired Ning Caichen, who dare to live with ghosts.

Of course, Wu Yang doesn't admire it now, because he still hangs himself.

However, Wu Yang was glad to see someone who had admired standing in front of himself. "That's natural. Brother Ning's name is very famous with us."

Ning Caichen was sleepy and confused, he was just a poor scholar, so famous that he didn't know it himself.

"Brother Wu is going to make fun of me, I'm just a poor scholar, where is there any fame?" Ning Caichen shook his head.

"Brother Ning, don't belittle yourself and be confident, you are a personal talent."

Ning Caichen laughed and didn't know how to answer. Seeing Wu Yang's **** "color" didn't seem to be a joke, he was so praised by others, it was really embarrassing.

Ning Caichen said, "Brother Wu, since you are also in Beijing to take the exam, how about the two of us as partners?"

"That's good, good, look, the boat is here, let's get on board."


I saw an old man rowing slowly in a boat.

Wu Yang and Ning Caichen got on the boat, and the boat sailed to the opposite bank. The two got off the boat, paid the boat money, and continued to move forward.

At this time, it was late autumn, and the autumn scenery was endless and colorful, passing by a maple forest, and I saw the redness of the mountains as wild as fire.

Along the way, Wu Yang talked about strange things, and hurled Ning Caichen, he never heard those funny things.

"Brother Wu is so knowledgeable and really admires." Ning Caichen said sincerely.

"Don't do this, it's just a trivial matter, nothing to be informed about." Wu Yang was rare and modest.

It took me two hours to go from noon to dusk. Although it was not tiring to capture the scenery, it was late, and it was time to rest.

auzw.com Ning Caichen said to Wu Yang: "There is a broken temple in front of us. Where can we rest for one night, we will start tomorrow!"

Temple again? Today is also very close to the temple.

"Okay, just take a rest."

Gossiping, the two walked again, and sure enough, there was an old temple.

The road leading to the temple is deserted, and it has probably been deserted for a long time.

The nave of the temple is magnificent, and it is faintly seen in the old days, but it is full of basil, which has long lost the weather of that year.

A statue of a tall sitting Buddha in the main hall has become mottled, and the golden paint has faded away.

The door plaque has long been chopped for firewood by nearby villagers, but if there is still a plaque, Wu Yang must know the name of this temple ... Lan Ruo Temple.

Wu Yang went around the hall and went to the monk's house. But I saw a small house on the south, the portal was new. They suspected that there were monks here.

At sunset, a middle-aged man came here, carrying a sword on his body, much like the sort of ranger Sanxian.

"Two are?" The man looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "The two of us went to Beijing to rush to take the exam. We passed by and prepared to spend the night."

"So, I live here too, but there is no difference between the subject and the guest. It is a pleasure to meet two people. Wait to pack up and have a drink in my room, I wonder?" This man was extravagant and unusual.

Wu Yang nodded and said, "It's so good, thank you, I don't know your name."

"My surname is Yan and my first name is Cabernet."

Wu Yang's "dew" gave a hint of evil smile. Is it really Yan Chixia?

No one knows "Ghost Girl Ghost", but the charming and charming Xiao Qian is the goddess in many people's hearts.

Wu Yang glanced at Ning Caichen and said in his heart: You were the protagonist tonight! Unfortunately, I'm here, you can only be a supporting role.

Yang Yan stood not far from the ruined temple, and frowned slightly, looking at the ruined temple in front.

"The stupid scholar came here, I'm afraid there are no bones left."

"Hum, what do you do?"

Yang Yan said this in her mouth, but she had already planned to help Wu Yang. When Wu Yang was in danger, she suddenly appeared, that guy would be scared, haha ​​...

Thinking of this, Yang Yi "showed" a smile, and some looked forward to the late night.

Wu Yang, Ning Caichen, and Yan Chixia looked for a table. Yan Chixia did not know where to get a jar of wine.

Wu Yang grilled a few hares, and the three ate and drank.

"This rabbit meat is so fragrant. I have eaten so delicious for the first time in so many years." Yan Chixia ate and drank while drinking.

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect Brother Wu's craftsmanship to be so good, this roast rabbit meat is really excellent." Ning Caichen also praised.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Don't you eat more, come and drink."


The three bumped into the wine bowl and drank it.

The sky is even darker, the moon rises in the sky, and the bright moonlight drops down.

In this beautiful scenery, there is a hint of murder. ..