v20 Chapter 22: Successfully destroyed a period of time

Xiaoqian's demon's "color" with doubt and confusion: "How does my son know that my name is Xiaoqian?"

Wu Yanggan smiled and explained: "I just saw a few people talking outside the house, including you."

Xiao Qian crooked her head and said, "But they just called me Xiao Qian, and didn't say Nie!"

Wu Yang secretly said: What makes a woman clever.

But I had to talk nonsense: "I had a divination before going out, saying that I would meet a woman named Nie, and I guessed it at the first sight of you. The fortune teller is really amazing!"

In this case, even he himself feels unconvincing, and it seems that his level of nonsense has fallen. How can this be done and practice.

Lies are a must for a successful man.

But Nie Xiaoqian exclaimed, "Ah, really?"

Her cultivation can also be used for divination. The other day, she clearly calculated that there would be a marriage recently, but today again, Guaxiang suddenly "chaotically" made a mess, I don't know what the reason is.

Is this the person in front of me? Xiao Qian thought silently.

"Yes, your sister-in-law is too inferior. You are so blind that you have made so many women." Bai Hou's voice sounded in Wu Yang's mind.

Wu Yang was upset for a while, but this was directly hitting his face, and even mocked his sister-in-law level, could not bear it.

Wu Yang said in his heart: If Lao Tzu can't do it, how can there be so many women.

"Cut, that's all you got with your shame. As long as you have a thick skin, no woman can get it. But that's not a shame, shame is different from a shame, don't confuse it." Bai Hou's voice was full of disdain .

There seems to be a little bit of truth, isn't it? How did Bai Hou talk?

"Aren't you asleep? What's the matter? Aren't you awake so soon?"

"Of course I'm still asleep, but I also know the outside things. I really can't stand your poor sister-in-law level."


Looking at Wu Yang with a bun, Xiao Qian frowned slightly, just go like this? But what if you do n’t leave? Killing a person who did not make mistakes, she couldn't do it, and it would bring her karma that she didn't want to come.

"Wu Yang, I will tell you what to do next, and you will do it. Let me teach you how to seduce your sister."

"Day, I'd like to see what kind of fame you can make."

"Look, do what I say."

"no problem."

Wu Yang said to Xiao Qian, who was about to leave, "Don't leave first."

Xiao Qian was suspicious of "confusing" him, and moved her "color" heart, but hesitated to let him "life".

But saw Wu Yang come up with a piece of rice paper. Then I studied ink and pen, and lay down on the desk, struggling to write a book, but I didn't know what to write. I curiously looked at it and wrote a few sentences, but she already knew what Wu Yang wrote, but it was Cao Zijian's "Luo Shen Fu".


"Luo Shen Fu" is an eternal famous piece, which coincides with Xiao Qian's dancing posture.

Xiao Qian didn't know when to stand beside him to study ink for him, looking at Wu Yang with a serious expression, with a strange expression.

Wu Yang put aside his pen, twisted the paper, took a breath, gave it to Xiaoqian, and said, "Xiaoqian, say goodbye today, I'm afraid we will never see each other again. This will be given to you. It's my apology. .You do n’t like to throw it away, but you are not allowed to throw it away in person! Although you are sad, you are beautiful, but I really hope that you can be happier, hey, say boring things again, well, goodbye, Nie Xiaoqian. "

Xiao Qian took the "Luo Shen Fu" with a complex expression. Wu Yang's blessings and expectations made her feel ashamed.

I don't deserve such praise! Is he really the one in my hexagram? Xiao Qiansi weighed herself and exited Wu Yang's room.

There are countless poems and songs in the world, but the one she knows best is this "Luo Shen Fu". At that time, her mother always hangs on her mouth, and when she is free, she chants, which is also the first time her father gave it to her. gift. The smile of the mother when she chanted, still faintly.

But I do n’t know the beautiful dance posture, most people will think of this “Luo Shenfu” when they see it.

"How is it? It feels good." Bai Hou sounded with a hint of pride.

Wu Yang "touched" his chin. "It really feels like a little bit of a puppet."

What "Luo Shen Fu" just now, and those words that wish you happiness, are naturally the ideas of the queen. Don't say, there really are some meanings of sister-in-law.

"Learn more, don't use any mean and shameless tricks to pick up girls, it's too low, how many people still play like that? It's outdated, picking up girls will depend on you. So tired, don't say anything, continue Fell asleep ... "

Bai Hou's voice gradually faded.

Yang Ye, who was watching outside, was relieved somehow, and it seemed that she had misunderstood it just now, which was not as bad as she thought.

Yang Lu "shadows" a smile. Just now she wanted to rush in and destroy the pair of dogs ~ men and women. Fortunately, she resisted the urge.

But she still had some dissatisfaction. The **** scholar was talking to a female ghost for so long, huh!

No, why did she think so? Too strange.

After leaving Wu Yang's room, Nie Xiaoqian continued her mission without thinking, but she lost her previous mood.

Pushing the door of Ning Caichen's room, Xiao Qian didn't even bother to smile on her face, only to see Ning Caichen squeeze out a formula smile: "The moonlit night is not awake, I wish Xiuyan good."

Ning Caichen has long been awakened, and the person who sees it has no “sex” in his mind, but is rightly saying: "I am a scholar who reads the Holy Book, how can I ignore the ethics and shame ..."

He wanted to continue, but saw Xiao Qian's cold "Oh", and turned and left.

Just a few steps back, what did I think of, Xiao Qian turned around and took out a piece of gold and put it on the bed.

If you love money, you will die under this gold.

But Ning Caichen was an honest and unselfish husband. He immediately threw the gold out and said, "The gentleman loves money, and he takes it, this kind of ill-gotten wealth ..."

He couldn't say it again, because his only listener had come to the door. So Lang relentlessly and unintentionally, Xiao Qian walked out of Ning Caichen's room without any use for a minute.

She gave a general glance just now, and this Ning Caichen's integrity and generosity were extremely vigorous, but now she was full of the "Luo Shen Fu" in her mind. She had no time to think about it. She just wanted to find a place to calm down and think about the future. Way out.

In this way, under the agitation of Wu Yang, Xiao Qian and Ning Caichen's original fate was gone, game-over. ..