v20 Chapter 27: Tree demon

Yan Chixia looked at Xiao Qian. He was sure that this was also a ghost. He looked at Wu Yang with some ignorance: "Brother Wu, why is this?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Although Xiao Qian is a ghost, she is a good ghost, and she hasn't done anything harmful."

Xiao Qian looked at Wu Yang gratefully. For better or worse, she could n’t use it at all. She also killed many people through various fishing methods. Although she was "forced", killing killed someone. .

"Xiao Qian died at the age of eighteen and was buried outside the Lan Ruo Temple. She was forced by monsters and slaves, and was a last resort. When she saw her son's sincerity yesterday, she wanted her to save me from suffering. , Wang Jun pity. "Xiao Qian said kneeling on the ground, looking at Wu Yang with anticipation.

Yan Chixia looked at Xiao Qian and said, "It's light-spirited and not cultivated by sucking blood. Brother Wu, can you help her? You decide."

Wu Yang nodded to Nie Xiaoqian and said, "Get up."

"Thank Wu Gongzi." Xiao Qian stood up.

"Brother Yan, here you are." Wu Yang returned the small sword in his hand to Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia said with some emotion: "My little sword cuts monsters and removes countless monsters, but in the hands of Brother Wu, they are just like toys played by children. Brother Wu, you admire me for your cultivation."

This is the true truth of Yan Chixia, who has beheaded and killed countless demons and monsters, and has seen many powerful practitioners, but he is as powerful as Wu Yang and has not been seen so far.

"Average." Wu Yang spread his hands.

Yan Chixia secretly said in her heart, if you are all ordinary, then what am I.

Two people and one ghost rushed out of the temple and listened to Xiao Qian's talk about the old demon all the way, there is always a reference.

The more she heard Yan Chixia's brows frown, the tighter she became. If the ghosts are wolves that eat sheep, then the old demon is a tiger that eats wolves. They often pluck the essence and blood directly from the haunted house, and the ghosts cannot resist.

Xiao Qian didn't say anything, that is, the old demon has never snatched anything from herself, which is one of the reasons why she was jealous and hated by all the ghosts.

Some people say that she is loved by the uncle, but Xiao Qian has not seen the meaning of love from that numb face. Instead, she has been bound here by the old demon by the bones for decades.

So now it ’s not disturbing to take Wu Yang to Lao Yao ’s nest “Acupoint”, but she is hesitant. Are these two really Lao Yao ’s opponents?

Yan Chixia is also thinking about this problem, but no matter what, when the eldest husband acts, as long as he makes up his mind, he can only do it resolutely. Although it is a sea of ​​hell, there is no regret.

Only Wu Yang is always indifferent.

I saw a huge aspen tree standing quietly at the highest point of a "chaotic" grave post.

There is a black nest on the tree, which is exactly what Xiao Qian calls the buried place.

In the darkness, the tombs were filled with ghost fire. In the darkness, a sea of ​​green "color" is reflected, and the blue flames gather and disengage, and there are countless sorrowful cries, sharp laughs, yelling and shouting, and the sound of shouting and killing fills my ears.

auzw.com It's scary to hear. If mortals are afraid of being killed on the spot, even ordinary practitioners will be thrilled.

Yan Chixia was unafraid and moved forward resolutely.

Xiao Qian followed them sadly and earnestly. I don't know how many scoldings rushed to her. The betrayer's feeling was never too good.

Even she couldn't help trembling, Wu Yang stopped suddenly, Xiao Qian Shensi almost hit him on the back, grabbed her slender wrist with one hand, and came a warmth.

"Now that it is decided, even if Qian Fu is pointing, what fear and regrets?" Wu Yang smiled. "Trust yourself, you are not wrong."

Xiao Qian's heart suddenly returned to peace. Is this the person she decided to promise?

"Cough cough." The dry coughing sound spread throughout the hills.

Under the poplar tree, an old woman sat lazily on her back with a cough coming from her mouth, and the hill immediately calmed down.

"Oh!" Xiao Qian exclaimed with complex emotions.

He just glanced at her with muddy eyes and said, "Here it is."

The voice was faint as usual, but Xiao Qian was almost in tears, because for decades, this voice has been too familiar.

Yan Chixia is close to the enemy. He feels that the old woman in front of her is an extremely difficult enemy to deal with. This is her place again. This time, I am afraid it is a life-and-death struggle.

Just a hint of doubt slipped into my mind. Since it is a monster and a wooden monster known for its longevity, why is it so old and coughing endlessly.

But think about the monsters who are pretending to be pretentious, maybe this old monster's strategy of belittle the enemy.

Wu Yang walked forward, "Brother Yan, go."


Yan Chixia's white "color" sword shone with dazzling white light.

The war was about to start.

"The two are willing to listen to the old man tell a story. After the story is finished, they must kill and slap, and listen to respect." The old woman looked at Wu Yang.

No war, no peace, no surrender, but what story to tell.

The two kept walking until they were within ten steps of the poplar tree. Wu Yang nodded and said, "You speak! Let's listen."

The ghosts around were quiet, but the hostility was undiminished.

He coughed a few times, and seemed to want to cough all at once, and the cough stopped slowly, and the old voice of hesitated in this silent barren field. ..